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A Stealth Method For Seeding Our Memes?

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    Is this the way you talk to Tibetans, Blanche? Are they just gay cross dressers because they don’t want to become Chinese?


    You are dumb ass….I dont say a damn thing about deportation. This is ALL about making the discussion of White Genocide out in the public. What happens after that is anyones guess.


    Hex,I was explaining blanchs point of view.



    Hex,I was explaining blanchs point of view.


    Kewl. 🙂 Look at Blanche here trying to shame us into being silent about our genocide.

    PS- For the record, perhaps I did get a little out of line when I said mudshark earlier. I should’ve just used race-traitor instead. Either way, it’s a term that applies exclusively to Anti-Whites who adulterate their blood with non-Whites. People who engage in miscegenation don’t deserve respect.


    No they dont as they give us no reprive or privacy in their ever pervasive ways.


    1) If the “White” Genotype (Which doesn’t exist but that’s another explanation) could POSSIBLY be wiped out via mixing of races, what are we to do about the 1/3 of White Americans that posses admixture? 😀
    2) PRATT. Tibet is A N N E X E D. China is killing them. China is destroying their monasteries. China is phasing out their language. This is not happening in Europe or the Americas to “White people”
    “Anti-Whites who adulterate their blood with non-Whites. People who engage in miscegenation don’t deserve respect.”

    I find this highly ironic for TWO reasons
    1) You may be one of the 1/3
    2) You appeal to president Obama, a result of such relationships…but yet you condemn them….
    You are a race traitor ONLY if you betray Homo Sapiens Sapiens


    @ Thor

    I dont say a damn thing about deportation.

    You may not want deportation….but HOW are you going to rectify White Genocide :P?
    Since Blacks according to you are SUCH a threat to White Children…you surely can’t leave them there! 😀
    Chambers showed me this:””Barring someone out of a country solely because of race is discrimination.”

    GENOCIDE is a much more serious CRIME than “discrimination”.”

    None other than Patty 🙂

    Sorry to tell you this Thor….but “White” nor “Black” nor “Yellow” are anthropologically recognized races…

    Tell you what.
    Call Gregory Stanton like Sam did, and ask if White Genocide is real.
    Make sure you post his response.


    Oh and Thor:
    When you speak to the nearest White person next to you, out of “Similarity”
    That isn’t normal
    That’s fear, and Racism.



    In YOUR OPINION that’s “racist”.

    You’re just saying that because we are White.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.


    Ooops, fed the anti-white troll. L.O.L.


    Blanch you are three fries short of a happy meal goodnight anti white.


    @JPO You don’t learn, do you….
    So ONLY Whites can be racist?
    How Anti White of you (This must be the 3rd time I’ve said this) -_-

    And you’re a light bulb short of…….a light bulb….Anti-Life
    In all seriousness, look Thor, I don’t hate you.
    I hate how your underlying hatred has caused you to go towards White Nationalism, and the promoting of a mythical genocide.
    When you’re smart enough to realize White Supremacy/Nationalism won’t help you, come back to me.


    Thor, PLEASE tell me you didn’t get the copypasta from here:

    The misspelling of “Violent” should be a:


    “White Nationalism/White Supremacy wont HELP YOU”……help me from what?

    Again Blanche you will lose for the simple reason that what you are stating is not what everyday white ppl are seeing.

    Being pro white is anti life? Explain.


    ““White Nationalism/White Supremacy wont HELP YOU”……help me from what?”
    Help you compensate for your shortcomings, and provide you a sense of justification for being Anti-Non-White (Or in your case, Anti-Black)

    Once again THOR, it’s not “Ordinary White people”

    It’s closet racists.
    And Thor, you are Anti Life when you belong to a group with an Anti-Miscegenation, Race Realist, Scientific-Racist, Anarchist, Anti-Non-White agenda.
    I really hope you’re smart enough to realize the proof…


    No no no…you say we are anti life for not wanting white countries to be flooded with millions of non whites a year. I guess that makes africa,israel,mexico and asia anti life? No you only say that about white ppl who dont want their race to be genocided thats why you are anti white.

    You say im anti black when all I have done is point out facts, “anti racists” dont even want whites observing the obvious.

    Shortcomings….sorry sweetheart im the kind of white guy that “doesnt exsist according to the MSM” …..NEXT


    It crossed my mind early on that Blanche might be one of us performing an “exercise”? Either way doesn’t matter here.

    Blanche showed how you can manipulate stats, then you get into a silly argument about black IQ &/or crime stats as the subj of white genocide gets sidetracked. The simple reality is is that there’s a huge gap btwn the rate at which whites are the victims of inter-racial crime & the rate at which whites are charged w/ “hate crime”, we also know “hate crime” wasn’t invented b/c of the grossly disproportionate rate at which whites are the victims of inter-racial crime. Yet we supposedly live in a “white supremacist” society.

    Blanche, after I clarified that I had the right to defend myself from an anti-white attack. You said: “Calling someone a name is not grounds for assault, and that means you would be advocating the execution of millions of people around the world who consider themselves anti-racist. A genocide doesn’t justify a genocide.”

    Here you admitted the ongoing program of white genocide, but justified it with the excuse that anybody trying to stop it MIGHT commit genocide (i.e. anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews) – the mark of tyranny: “we can’t allow THAT free speech b/c they might cause trouble”. And I wholeheartedly agree that calling someone a name is not grounds for assault – as again I had clarified self defense from an anti-white assault, not just being called a “racist”.

    Blanche: “You may not want deportation….but HOW are you going to rectify White Genocide?”

    You said yourself: “If every single white person was intermarrying, then yes that’d be genocide, but right now only 9% of them are”.

    So then what’s your solution to preventing this genocide you say can happen? Give us suggestions? And since you yourself admitted miscegenation is genocide, and you said you’re against genocide, why aren’t you at the very least fighting to stop non-white immigration and FORCED integration?

    You have also acknowledged that genocide doesn’t have to be violent, can you explain to us how a non-violent genocide would take place?

    Blanche: “Chambers showed me this: “Barring someone out of a country soley b/c of race is discrimination.”

    LOL! barring someone out of country for ANY reason is discrimination. You’re for open borders? I thought you were against genocide? Is it not true that barring an individual, a family, a nation, a race, from discriminating is barring them ‘freedom of choice’?

    You ask the question: “So ONLY Whites can be racist?”

    Yes, those are the conditions you anti-whites set, exceptions prove the rule. As Genseric says: “White means racist”. That is why we say ‘anti-racist is a code word for anti-white’.

    What does it matter who hates who and for what reason? Are you the Thought Police? What does that have to do w/ White Genocide? It seems to me “love” btwn the races is a one way street, hence ‘White flight’.

    Last, you can’t pin anything on BUGS; this is an open site, we don’t know who’s pro or anti-white. This is not a membership org, all that matters is spreading the msg of White GENOCIDE.


    More anti-white double think: “What are we to do w/ the 1/3 of White Americans that posses admixture?”

    We are using your definition of who is White, we are the “non-minorities”, remember?

    Also, how can you claim there is “admixture” while claiming the “the White Genotype doesn’t exist”?



    Ohhh oh oh- This is the type of movie I would like to get made for the kids, except include and mantra and make it funnier. I am sure we have the BUGser who have the skills needed to make such a movie… I would help them by brainstorming.

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