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Could WRR invite Muhammed Ali?

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Could WRR invite Muhammed Ali?

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  • #60279

    I wonder if WRR could invite Muhammad Ali and ask him what he thinks about White genocide. I saw his speech videos and I was surprised to see his take on interracial marriage. If we are able to do that, I think it be a BIG slap in the anti-Whites faces since they’re constantly shoving non-White sports stars down our throat as being the “best”.

    Muhammad Ali is actually pro-White yet no one knows because it’s never discussed publicly, I think we should reveal that. It would be embarrassing to the anti-Whites.
    Plus we get a lot of young Whites that look up to him. What do you guys think?

    Ice Knight

    I like your enthusiasm EWR, but I think it might be a bit late for Muhammad Ali to have his say on the matter. Last I saw of him a few years ago on TV he was in a bad way with Parkinson’s disease and barely able to speak, so I should imagine his medical condition is far worse these days.

    Shame though, as even though he was held up as one of the great champions of diversity, his views were indeed much more aligned with those of us here at BUGS.

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