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Crazy Ideas For Spreading The Mantra

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Crazy Ideas For Spreading The Mantra

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    Who hasn’t woke up from a deep sleep with a brilliant idea (or not so brilliant) only to forget it the nxt morning. Will if that happens to you make your way over to the computer and post your idea here. No one will make fun of it or put it down as pie in the sky.

    You never know, someone may read it and say, “Yes! I know how to make that happen.” or “I don’t know if that will work, but what about this?”.

    Daydreams will work too.


    I start with one I’ve been thinking about for a while and if I win the lottery I’m going to do it.

    If you’ve ever driven to Florida down I75, you’ve seen the hundreds of billboards in southern Georgia. Due to the rotten economy many of them are vacant. I’d love to get several of them in a row and put the Mantra on them one or two lines at a time so people would read them like Berma Shave signs.


    What if we issued a press release about BUGS and the Mantra?

    The headline could be:


    Each of us mails a copy to all the news papers in our area. In my area the Orlando Sentinel probably wouldn’t bite, but the Sumter Shopper might.

    C Bear

    Swarm targets. Focusing specific swarm attacks. For example,: I get home after a day at work, grab a snack and settle in for a good evening Swarm. I log in, and to my pleasant surprise, I find everyone in a focused Swarm on one anti-white target.. This could be once a week, and not on any particular day. In the following days we could reflect on our performance, work out any kinks, and prepare for the next attack. We would still do our solo swarming ( I don’t want to quit doing what’s working for us). There would of course be some logistics to work out, such as who coordinates, and how we decide which anti-white thread is blessed by our presence, ect… This is refined from meawhiterabbit’s thread. I wish to encourage even further evolution of this idea.


    C-Bear, that isn’t crazy at all. What if we all exchanged skype addresses so we could talk in real time as we swarmed? You get home your snack and see who is on the swarm group and who they are attacking. If you are alone, start out on your own and let people know where you are as they come in. You could also discuss and refine you answers right then and there.

    Daniel Genseric

    I can’t post my “Crazy Ideas For Spreading The Mantra” on the internet.

    If I did, they would surely lock me up.

    Daniel Genseric

    Rent a blimp campaign with Bob’s blog address.

    Something like, “Enough is Enough! Join the Swarm at”

    A la Ron Paul circa 2008. Some of the ‘send money’ crowd over at SF could even help back it with some Kruggerands.


    Don’t feel that way Genseric. I
    Even if your ideas are so outlandish that they would be impossible, they may spark another more doable idea in someone else. At the very least they may be entertaining and keep people reading this thread.

    Daniel Genseric

    Fly a C-130 loaded with pallets full of paper over every major city. The Mantra would be printed on each piece of paper. Open the cargo door and let her rip.

    Of course, only if it were legal. Which it is most certainly not.



    I love it. The blimp could follow the riots that are sure to start soon as the result of the bad economy.

    Daniel Genseric

    Attend the next White Privilege Conference. Have a stack of the very same Mantra papers ready. Walk up to each White emerging from the conference and – with a hand stapler – staple it to their backs. Each of them. Maybe then they would GET IT. hahaha

    I am absolutely joking about this. It is meant as dark humor only. Perhaps the makeshift script for a youtube propaganda video.

    Daniel Genseric

    I call this one the “Hooray White Genocide” ad campaign. Think Red Stripe beer. “Hooray Beer” anyone? Anyway, working script goes something like this…

    “Hooray Beer” campaign by Red Stripe

    Gives spark to new idea for anti-White Genocide campaign. We might call it the “Hooray White Genocide” campaign.

    Consider the following link for script ideas/editing.

    [camera begins with well-dressed black man in a tuxedo with a Red Stripe sash]
    Black Mon: “Red Stripe. The beer in the short, stubby ugly bottle. If ugly people stand next to a red stripe, they look BEAUTIFUL.”

    [camera pans over to include frumpy-looking White man sitting at the bar.]

    Black Mon: “You, sir.” (Rastafarian accent)

    White Man: “Yeah?”

    Black Mon: “Would you say that you’re ugly?”

    White Man: “Well…I wouldn’t say….”

    Black Mon: [interrupts] “You are VERY ugly! Here……..Hold this Red Stripe.” [Hands White man a Red Stripe]

    White Man: [calmly grabs Red Stripe and looks confused] “Okaaay….?”

    Black Mon: “Look! You are BEAUTIFUL!”

    Black Mon: [to camera] “Red Stripe! It’s Beer! Hooray Beer!”

    White Man: [quickly follows with…] “Hooray Beer!….”

    Black Mon: [quickly finishes with…] “Says the …..BEAUTIFUL man.”

    [Ends with a shot of the Red Strip Bottle all by itself on a bamboo table against a wood slat background.]

    “Hooray White Genocide” campaign script (Red Stripe revisited/edited).

    [camera begins with well-dressed black man in a Tuxedo with a ‘White Genocide’ sash]
    Black WoMon: “Interracial Dating. White Genocide in a sexy-looking, socially-encouraged, anti-White package. If ugly White women stand next to a Black man, they look BEAUTIFUL!”

    [camera pans over to include frumpy-looking White woman sitting at the bar drinking out of what looks like a chloroform bottle (Red Stripe without the label).]

    Black Mon: “You, miss.” (Rastafarian accent)

    White Woman: “Yes?”

    Black Mon: “Would you say that you’re ugly?”

    White Woman: “Well…I wouldn’t say….”

    Black Mon: [interrupts] “You are VERY ugly! Here……..Stand next to this Black man.” [Shoves Black man wearing a ‘White Genocide’ sash in her direction.]

    White woman: [calmly grabs hold of Black man by putting her arm around his waist and looks confused] “Okaaay….?”

    Black Mon: “Look! You are BEAUTIFUL!”

    Black Mon: [to camera] “Interracial Dating! It’s White Genocide! Hooray non-White children!”

    White Woman: [quickly follows with…] “Hooray White Genocide!….”

    Black Mon: <quickly finishes with…] “Says the ….[calmly]BEAUTIFUL woman.”

    [Ends with a shot of the Black Man all by himself on a bamboo table against a wood slat background.]


    Fox and Friends will be in the Villages Florida this month. Anyone in Centrial Florida want to try to show up with a sign that just says.



    C-bear and Gator 61 i have been trying to arrange mass swarms for the past two months. No one ever wants to get involved. See recent thread where i tried to arrange a mass swarm for today Friday 26th. I gave everyone about 1 week to show interest and had about 4 positives.



    See if you can get a skype group together. I would but my present economic situation does not allow me to have internet at home at the moment.

    Skype is free for Skype to and very easy to set up a conference. You just need to get trusted Bugsters skype IDs. You can see when they are on line and invite them to swarm. While you are swarming you can talk or text in real time.

    Soon as my job situation improves I’ll get you my Skype ID.


    Anyone remember the Dana Carvy ‘Church Lady’ skit on SNL whereby for the tiniest possible thing that might not be puritan, Church Lady would sternly ask who could be responsible for such evil: “who could it be?……SAAAAATAN?!”

    When I was in grammer school my friend and I would repeat that over and over and laugh our asses off.

    How about doing a YouTube skit (get Carvy to do it, haha) or a cartoon or whatever the case may be of a Church Lady sternly asking for the tiniest thing that might not conform to our established religion: who could it be?………RAAAACIST!?

    Daniel Genseric


    I like the idea. Huge fan of that particular SNL era. Whatever we can do to reach different segments of the target market we hope to get at the better

    C Bear

    @Gator61, meawhiterabbit, I’ve heard the term,Skype. To be honest I don’t always keep up with the latest technology. I was reprograming computers in highschool, but they have changed quite a bit in the last few decades. lol… Count me in. I catch on pretty quick. just don’t ask me to retire the spiral memo pad.



    Don’t be intimidated. Skype is free and easy to use. It is really kind of like a cell phone on your computer. You can call or text free to other skype users. For a very low rate like $8 for 3 months you can call out to regular phones.

    Anyway what I think will work for the Swarm is you can set up conferences very easily. You can see when your friends are on line and invite them to the conference. So you can have multiple texing and talking.

    You say this. “Xxx. Xx xxxx xxxx”
    Any you say “yyy yy yyyy yyy”
    Oh how about I say “yyyy xdgg yyx”

    That’s a great idea.

    Then you copy paste.


    Personally I get pretty radical when spreading the mantra IRL,

    Right now I’m thinking of using graffiti to spread the Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White on the neighborhood library,. on little signs and on all sorts of traffics signs like the anti-war protesters did in 2003.

    Yes It might be illegal but its a gorilla campaign.

    The next method is to probably get a radio station time and advertise for “STOP WHITE GENOCIDE”commercial on a prime time area reaching millions stuck in traffic.

    The next is a bit more costly, go to a bookstore and have a open signing of Bob’s books including handouts of little white bunny ears and fliers with the Mantra on it.

    Another tactic is simply to try and use our enemy’s tactics against them, make sure their white genocide is LOUD AND CLEAR, then using a miniature section having small adds outside of theirs asking if you want to stop white genocide.

    Another method is simple, using a megaphone and fliers stage a protest at Anti-Fa conferences (although I know they’d try to use violence at the earliest possible moment) and hand out fliers against Anti-Racists which is a code word for Anti-White.

    Simple humiliation tactics are like pasting over cultural marxist posters in libraries and putting over them with Manta posters still showing the white genocide but calling it to people’s attention.

    Or just putting a good poster campaign in cities, highways, and small towns.

    More gorilla tactics are setting up a donation fund to end White Genocide (probably this will be after we establish a campaign next year sometime) and using the money to fund more advertising and helping out our bothers and sisters suffering in SA. but that might take off some of the energy from global White Genocide.

    Have a protest regularly and organize outside of integration and MultiCULTuralism conferences.

    Another way is setting up books from bob, and letting them be sold on prime store shelves at Barnes and Noble. Simply buying books and then setting them down on the shelf.

    Donating to libraries to put out books on white genocide.

    Setting up an iTunes podcast (My favorite) on white genocide, and targeting youth, hippies, and all the liberal left.

    Translating Horus The Avenger’s Follow the White Rabbit into other languages. (Russian is my recommendation first.) and distribute it along the usual Nationalist Channels.

    Translating “Why Johnny cant Think” by Bob Whitaker into other languages and distributing into usual mainstream channels.

    Another good way is standing outside little supermarkets and handing out flyers of stopping White Genocide, with the mantra printed on the back.

    That’s all for now but ill add more tonight. Maybe some more gorilla tactics.

    (but then again I’m pretty aggressive)

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