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Debate advice and style first 909 posts

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  • #12480

    @timeforfreedom,that reply is still allowing the anti-whites to hide behind their argument.They have to be told that a democratic vote does not make of acts of genocide legal under international law,and that they are lying to claim otherwise.

    You may also want to add that mass immigration,”assimilation”,anti-white discrimination,censorship and thought-crime laws are not popular policies amongst our fellow white citizens.


    My response to the “two people falling in love is not genocide” argument.

    No of course not. That would be blaming the victim. It would be like blaming the man with terminal lung cancer for buying cigarettes and subsidizing big tobacco’s advertising campaigns.

    Henry Davenport

    @Gator61: NIce!

    and dungeoneer:

    I often post that Whites were not allowed to vote on either integration or third world immigration. Is that not the case? I don’t understand.

    And if in fact, “White countries have recourse to the democratic process to vote for parties that promise an anti-immigration program,” I’m not aware of either of the two parties who control our national politics ever making such promises. Has one of the parties told such a lie? Either way is just more evidence of the two anti-White parties’ support for White Genocide. I don’t understand.



    Yes it is true whites were never asked by politicians if they wanted mass immigration and forced integration,the same way the citizens of the USSR(who also voted in “elections”) were never asked if they wanted communism.

    No one claims the existence of “elections” in the USSR made the communist system legitimate.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    A Bugster wrote the following to a small time youtube: “you don’t talk because you are clearly anti White and unable to combat the arguments put before you. You support White GENOCIDE, complicity in such a crime is punishable under International Law.”

    I am interested in other Bugster’s opinions on this line of attack. To me, it borders on the “day of the rope” fantasy. I think telling them they support genocide is enough. Threatening small time anti-whites with an international crime is a bit silly. I understand Horus talks about international law on his podcast but that is reserved for “movers and shakers”. I am interested in hearing others’ thoughts.


    @ Peter Whiterabbit

    Bob wrote an blog entry about exactly that. He said talking about the tribunals makes us look dangerous and gives the anti-Whites ammo.



    I agree with not talking about tribunals,but I don`t see how pointing out that the anti-whites are wilfully disobeying the international genocide law by pushing white genocide is a bad thing.

    Maybe it`s just a case of wording?

    On a related note,I like calling anti-whites criminals for pushing white genocide,would you say that`s a bad idea as well?

    Peter Whiterabbit

    @Gar5, you are right. I searched “tribunal’ and came up with this from ole Bob:

    – the only thing that matters is Does it work? Explaining how it is genocide and telling them how they are guilty of supporting genocide is one thing…accusing them of violating a law of which the penalty is death is another.

    Daniel Genseric

    On “Don’t Crunch The Anti-Whites Toes.”

    Eff that. I don’t care if it makes me look Dangerous. What’s dangerous is NOT calling it what it is. If an anti-White wants to push the issue I throw it in his face,

    “OH yeah?! Maybe you should read up on what EXACTLY genocide is. The UN and International Criminal Courts don’t necessarily agree with you or your Mommy Professor-backed rhetoric. The anti-White establishment’s days are numbered Pal.

    They say they are anti-racist Guardians of The Human Race. However it is difficult to ignore the fact that ONLY White children feel the effects of their Morality. What they really are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.”



    I don`t agree with this:

    “I understand Horus talks about international law on his podcast>> >but that is reserved for “movers and shakers”<.<<<< "


    Sorry Pete,I see what you meant,the tribunals talk is for the movers and shakers.

    Henry Davenport

    “You support White GENOCIDE, complicity in such a crime is punishable under International Law.”

    I don’t think that reads as a threat. I think it just emphasizes the serious nature of our charge by making it clear that we are talking about the same kind of genocide that international law addresses..

    Peter Whiterabbit

    The implication is they are complicit and they will hang. I dont care about stepping on the anti-whites wittle footsies, I am only concerned about using what works. The day of the rope fantasy is silly and doesn’t work. I think this is similar to the day of the rope.

    Daniel Genseric

    Here is my take on tribunals and The Day of The Rope.

    While I don’t bring up or actually use the word “tribunals” in debate, I NEVER shy away from pointing to Article II sections A through E. It lets them know there is a basis for our argument and that they ought to think twice about how LOUDLY they deny our existence and champion the very crimes perpetrated against our children. The crimes designed to genocide White children.

    I don’t consider myself a mover and shaker, but I am not afraid to point to the very definition that backs it up. And you shouldn’t be either.

    As far as implications go, Bob touched on that the other day. Simple truth always has implications. Any looney leftard or Conservative Respectable with half a brain will be able to see what the implications are when we point to Article 2.

    I think it causes the anti-Whites even more heartache and headaches when we let them figure it out on their own. Mentioning tribunals sort of takes away from the shock value. If you let them arrive at that conclusion on their own, they shit their pants. I.E. Coughlan nuclear reactor-like meltdown.

    Do you guys think we should stop citing article II as well?

    C Bear

    I occasionally use tribunal line, usually at the end of a post. I am however careful about it’s placement. The last thing we would want is a potential audience thing that we are “lunatics.”lol

    I throw it in for the sole benefit of the silent audience, not the anti-white. I am convinced most of the anti-whites we engage will never be pro-white. I say this because I believe only a handful would be nuts enough to argue for our genocide, and being ‘nuts’ they will probably never be anything but. The silent audience, on the other hand need to see exactly who we are dealing with: genocidal maniacs who as criminals think they are above the law.

    I wouldn’t compare tribunals to the day of the rope fantasy though. To a potential audience, the day of the rope fantasy could be stigmatized as something illegal,such as a lynch mob, while a tribunal implies something legal, with a panel of justices.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Genseric – I see nothing wrong with citing Article 2. It is highly effective because I can see it stop antiwhites in their tracks when they think they “gotcha”. It is the additional step of implying or threatening tribunals that is silly. In the thread I used as an example, it was used as a threat against a young kid who may have been 14 years old, if that.


    Your car is Japanese. Your vodka is Russian. Your pizza is Italian. Your kebab is Turkish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your movies are American. Your tea is Tamil. Your shirt is Indian. Your oil is Saudi Arabian. Your electronics are Chinese. Your number’s Arabic, your letters Latin. And you complain that your neighbour is an immigrant? Pull yourself together!’ Copy and paste if you’re against racism.

    my reply:
    I went to university with a Tamil who always resented the ‘northern light-skinned’ Indians because of their contemptuous condescending nature toward the southern people of India. I think she would agree with me that you can’t justify the destruction of a people or culture because you buy your shirts or coffee from another country. ‘Occupy Wall Street’ is protesting people like you– who think money is more important than people, countries and families.

    my follow up replay:
    posted abbreviated Mantra

    you know what your talking about?..don’t fucking generalize people…your gonna suffer because of that i tell you!

    C Bear

    @feu-denfer, Try using Tor. Here’s the link: I use it when I am concerned with my comments being spam-flagged. It lets you visit sites anonymously. It does have it’s drawbacks, such as being a little slow, but it is still a great tool. I use it often.
    You can also try using Word (or something similar) to prepare a dozen or so responses/ posts. Then just alternate them, even switching the words or sentences around.



    This is my experience with the youtube spam filter:

    It gets increasingly draconian the more posts I make with a particular account.

    First it auto-spammed the full mantra or mini mantra,then sometime later it will start auto-spamming key phrases within the mantra such as “mass immigration and “assimilation” “or “all white countries and ONLY white countries” or “Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white”.

    So now I have to play around with syntax and “camouflage” to get my posts through with mixed success.

    Strangely I can post “anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white” still,as long as it`s after some preceding text and without a capital A,but “mass immigration and “assimilation” or “white countries and only white countries” in the same sentence is virtually guaranteed now to be auto-spammed.

    Also,Youtube uses my IP details to log any other accounts I create so that a new account gets an accelerated spam treatment program.

    My plan is to get TOR working properly so that I can create accounts with youtube while still hiding my IP or a paid proxy account,then create a massive number of accounts and then only use one original mantric comment per session per account for non-debate action.

    Daniel Genseric


    Is there an optimized profile or list of TOR settings which can be uploaded/shared with other BUGSters?

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