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FTWR mini-topics on mp3?

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  • #21483

    Here’s a question I’m sure has been asked but let me go for it anyway:

    Has anyone tried breaking down FTWR into SHORT little pieces by (important) topic? That’s one thing I was planing on doing. Then more experienced rabbits could use them to to hone their skills where and as needed.

    For example: I believe #17 contains demoralizing tactics for A) WWII generation B) SHW(a) babies, and C) “Chad in Iowa” (i.e. baby-boomer’s kids). Each of those could be its own mp3.

    If someone hasn’t already done that, I would be more than willing to do so. My only issue would be how to get them to other people. I could upload them to youtube, make them semi-private (where you’d need a link), and post links on here. …but it would be nice if someone else could put them up on a site as mp3s. If so, I could send people the mp3s via skype or something else. A lot of times audio files are too big to send over email.

    I won’t be able to do any work on this until after the semester is over though. It’s cram time and I’ve got ungodly amounts of work to do. In roughly 3 weeks I should just be working and will have time to work on this.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Search on youtube…some of this has been done, it is just a matter of finding them.

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