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FTWR Transcriptions

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    I’m still working on FTWR 2. Been distracted by my prior project of extracting Horus’ “Gems” about “White Rabbit Psychology & Ecology”. There is another well known personality in the “WN Cult” who is preparing to write a book on this topic, and I wanted to get a lot of FTWR “Ideas” about that topic in front of him before it’s too late.

    I just cannot see any book or article about “White Rabbit Psychology & Ecology” being useful to us unless these quasi-‘mysterious’ aspects of what we are are taken into account. I don’t mean the “Nazi Int’l” stuff, I mean the stuff about White Rabbits being the CRAZY rabbits that behave like no other rabbit on earth. I’ll probably get this off my desk in a week. FYI


    Great idea. I had the same thoughts, even to the degree of different levels, one being more of a manual (what I’m personally most interested in), and another for “fantasy rabbits.”

    I downloaded the first three files available on your website, blackbyte.

    I will be able to help with this project after this semester ends (~3 weeks). I do a lot of writing in school so I’m not bad at editing. I work slowly though, and first runs would almost certainly take me much longer than others.

    I’m interested in the speech recognition software but I don’t think NaturallySpeaking works for Mac, which is what I use. I’ll look into that more.


    Here’s a question I’m sure has been asked but let me go for it anyway:
    Has anyone tried breaking down FTWR into SHORT little pieces by (important) topic? That’s one thing I was planing on doing. Then more experienced rabbits could use them to to hone their skills where and as needed. For example: I believe 17 contains demoralizing tactics for A) WWII generation B) SHW(a) babies, and C) “Chads in Iowa” (i.e. baby-boomer’s kids). Each of those could be its own mp3.

    If someone hasn’t already done that, I would be more than willing to do so. My only issue would be how to get them to people. I could upload them to youtube, make them semi-private (where you’d need a link), and post it on here. …but it would be nice if someone else could put them up on a site as mp3s. If so, I could send people the mp3s via skype or something else. A lot of times audio files are too big to send over email.

    I won’t be able to do any work on this until after the semester is over though. It’s cram time and I’ve got ungodly amounts of work to do. In roughly 3 weeks I should just be working and will have time to work on this.

    (I’m going to post this as another thread too, hope no one minds).


    In regards to FTWR topic lists: Can’t we just ask people who are planning on listening to one they haven’t heard before or re-listening to one to just write down any topics they noticed he covered?

    Someone could start a thread and after 2-3 people have listened to each and given their lists, they could be consolidated into a single list. I know this would be very helpful to listeners (I remember wondering why there weren’t a more in-depth descriptions myself).

    I’ll start doing that from now on (I’ve listened to 1-20 so far) unless someone tells me otherwise. I’ll tell all of the people I’m suggesting listen to it to do the same.

    Also, just wanted to put it out there that I am using something mentioned in FTWR #3 (specifically concerning Aryan girl Rabbits 😉 to interpret a piece of literature. So I would be VERY grateful for anyone working on the text of #3 (esp. that area). Also, I would be extremely grateful if anyone had any sources/resources for the stuff Horus was talking about there. I asked him but he’s busy writing the script for video #2.

    Black Byte


    I just posted the first pass for FTWR-3. It does contain info about the girl rabbits – it’s quite readable but still has some spelling errors, requires formatting, punctuation and graphics etc.

    No one has volunteered to do the second pass on #3 yet. When you finish up your finals feel free. I kind of feel we’re at a minor plateau right now. We have the first 3 podcasts in different stages of completion. I’d like to finish them up and see what we have and decide which way we want to go.

    Many different uses for these transcriptions and you’ve come up with a new one! Also, I think a list of topics covered would be very beneficial – either made up from the transcriptions or while listening and taking notes. I agree, we do need that done.

    Black Byte

    After converting the first 3 podcasts and doing the first pass on them I’m have to admit that the technology isn’t there yet. Take a look at one of the raw files (4-5-6). It’s taking about 8 hrs to go through one and correct all the missed words, wrong words, punctuation etc. It’s tedious, awfully tedious.

    It seems the professional transcription services use a typist who manipulates foot pedals to control the audio (back up, stop, start). They’re not using software – NaturallySpeaking or anything else I can see. I see these foot pedals for sale on e-bay for about $50. I’m thinking this may be the way to go. With each podcast about 70 min long maybe the pedals would allow a good typist to produce a transcription in….4 hrs? If so, that would be twice as fast.


    Note to all interested in the Transcription Project — I’m tending to think that editing/repairing the machine-based audio-text transcriptions might be more work than just straight transcriptions. The latter would have spacing/spelling/etc. errors processed by our BRAINS rather than a machine, and if you’re reading this, you probably have a brain capable of doing this!

    OK, I did some searches yesterday for transcription software which would mimic the old mechanical tape kind, with foot-pedals, etc. I used to have one of those, by Olympus. I was shocked to see prices of $200 to $300, and most had features not needed for our project, and were designed for PCs, and not Macs.

    I use Macs, so I did another search and found FREE software!!! It’s here:

    There may also be PC versions of this, but since I don’t use PC, I didn’t even look. I’ve now got the software installed and am fiddling with it, in particular with “hotkeys” and “backstop” setting. Hotkeys can be configured to take the place of the foot pedal, and backstops are a setting which make the recording go back up to 6 seconds BEFORE where you paused, while typing.

    Again, going through a machine transcribed file and FIXING it is looking like more work than straight listen-type transcriptions … at least for me. Since using the machine-translated texts blackbyte has provided STILL requires close listening, while at the same time reading the rtf texts, I think that’s MORE work than just listen-type. Of course, I can type fairly well, and have done transcription work before for a book project. This is my opinion, results may vary.

    The main point here is that there is free software available that will expedite this job, and now Mac users have a link to it. If someone finds a PC version of this, I’m sure PC folk will be glad to know about it.


    Addendum: At the Express Scribe site linked above, there IS a Windows/PC version of the software. Since I only use Mac, I didn’t bother checking it out, but assume it has the same functionality. Maybe a PC user here could download and check it out, then report back.

    As for using it on the Mac, so far so good. And I’m covering more ground, faster, than trying to edit computer-transcribed files.

    I use the internal “notepad” of the Express Scribe software, and then cut/paste sections to a textedit rtf document. I don’t trust leaving my work all in one place, in case something goes wrong. Another advantage to doing it this way is you don’t need to switch between Express Scribe and a Word processing software. Using the sound controls while typing into the notepad is all native, and keeps the work flowing smoothly. Every paragraph or two, I just cut/paste into another WP doc, and then go back to Express Scribe to continue, and then repeat that process as I transcribe more paragraphs.


    Thanks, Frank! I use Mac too and will download and test that software after finals. I imagine that program makes even editing the computer generated text easier to fix.

    I will try to do a second pass on #3 after finals are done, blackbyte. I will need to make sure not to reuse the same graphics too often by checking the first two.

    Is there a webpage with all of the images associated with FTWR/BUGS? I know we will be using a lot of outside images but knowing where those are could be helpful too.


    More on Express Scribe – I finished up #2 (a first pass AFTER blackbyte had done initial cleanup of the raw file) using ExpressScribe, but without a foot pedal. I just worked inside the “notes” area of Scribe, and then cut/paste to a WP. I used the on-screen start/pause/stop buttons to move the sound.

    Now I got myself a foot pedal, and it’s WAY MO’ BETTA. Working on #4, and got through 2/3 of it in aroun 4 hours, with smoke breaks (sigh …)

    According to the foot pedal maker, you need to get the paid version of Scribe, at $US 30, and the foot pedal was $US 70. So it’s a C-note to play that way, but for me it’s worth it, since I intend doing a lot more transcriptions.

    Don’t want to obsess over the equipment too much, but thought some here might like to know.


    Regarding insertion of “images”: imho, maybe we should focus on how to break the text out and arrange that before worrying about pretty pictures.

    I don’t think any pics of Bob or Horus would add any effectiveness to these texts.

    I DO think applying techniques like BOLDFACE and italics, as well as Type Size will add depth, and remove any “blocky-ness”. I think Pull-Quotes would also help.

    But none of the above formatting, including pictures, should be worried about until there is mutual clarity regarding HOW MUCH TO CUT out of the direct transcriptions. As it is, it doesn’t read well. Transcriptions of casual verbal speech, especially the way Horus does it (you know, ummmm, well …) don’t ever work as text without massive editing-out.


    Regarding that last comment, I will send in TWO VERSIONS of #4 when finished.

    Version 1 will be the basic transcription, with punctuation, and “translation” of Horus-Lingo like “Ideals” and “Epitaphs” (into Ideas and Epithets), and a few deletions of Wells, U-Knows, etc.

    Version 2 will be in the same order as the audio file, but will chop it up into smaller bits, like a Hemingway dialog where possible, and will add some other formatting features. It will be posted as either WORD, or pdf format. I will be looking for constructive criticism, heh, heh.


    I actually started reading FTWR 1 today because I am considering sending it to someone who doesn’t have access to the podcasts but is very interested in learning more from what I’ve told him.

    I really shouldn’t even be touching this because I have work and studying to do for finals coming up this week, but I have a tendency to get distracted with this kind of thing. Anyway, after actually reading a portion of it for content (seeing what, if at all, I would leave out in what I will send my friend), I caught quite a few errors. I also noticed for myself just how repetitive Horus can be and how certain things he says just don’t sound good or make sense in text.

    If I’ve learned anything from all the writing I’ve done in school, it’s that editing, editing, editing, and more editing is what makes any piece of text good. It’s just like the mantra or using talking points: you can have the greatest idea or most profound/obvious truth in the world, but if you don’t articulate it the right way, people won’t listen to you.

    Now, I’m a pretty conservative guy when it comes to translating or transcribing what someone else says. I don’t want to put words in people’s mouths. That being said, my suggestion would be to not worry about what Horus says word for word and really just focus on the message he’s trying to get across. Otherwise people are going to be A) bored, and B) frustrated reading it because it sounds so awkward in text. We want people to be drawn in–to not be able to stop reading–not to be thinking how strange something sounds, how hard it is to follow, or how he just repeated the same sentence about five times.

    I started editing FTWR 1. You all don’t have to use it, but if you want, I will send it to someone when I am done with it (hopefully sometime soon after finals). If not, that’s fine, I will do it anyways for myself. I am actually planning on making versions that take out anything that could be perceived as anti-Christian as well. I’d rather have someone who’s a Christian first and a White person second repeating the Mantra than the same individual not repeating it. First, though, I am just going to edit what Horus actually says.

    A few changes I’ve made so far are:
    -italicizing foreign words and terms
    -italicizing and/or making bold words/phrases that are emphasized
    -correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation
    -using more effective verbs
    -breaking paragraphs up even more

    I also think I will delete certain sentences that don’t add anything of substance. I realize repetition is important, and I will maintain a good amount in the version I edit but some things are too repetitive and only distract from the message.

    One example of a change I’ve made is that I’ve given the appropriate accent mark and italicized vis-à-vis (viz-sa-vee).

    Another thing I did was give a better English transcription of how the Russian phrase for “Active Measures” is pronounced (Amara Kanacha changed to Amara Prenacha). If someone has a better transcription, let me know. I was unable to find anything in our alphabet (I included the Russian word using the cryllic alphabet once). I also think that saying “Activity Amara Prenacha” is basically saying “Activity Active Measures,” but am not sure. If I am right, “Activity” should be deleted.

    Mostly, though, I just edited sentences for better grammar, fixing plural/singular issues, etc. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found grammatical errors in text I’ve edited 5+ times already. It’s just so easy to miss, especially when you know the content well.

    I also noticed from listening to the podcast and looking at the text just how much editing work has already been done. You guys took it a long way and made some great decisions on what to cut and how to reword sentences. Again, I tend to be conservative and analyze things too much. I don’t know how long I would spend on each little detail, but I know it would have been too much, so I can really appreciate the editing work that’s been done. It sure saved me quite a bit of headaches and indecision!

    I make a lot of the same mistakes I assume Horus would make if he wrote. I tend to write like I speak. It’s taken me a long time to start fixing that and I STILL do it by default and am still learning how to correct it. So I am very familiar with a lot of the issues we come into contact with in the FTWR transcriptions.

    I look forward to working with you all more this summer. I welcome any corrections, criticisms or disagreements (this is how we learn). This isn’t about ego, it’s about the message. But you all probably know that better than I do.

    J Locke

    GregP, you sound like like an excellent writer. We could use some press releases about the mantra or White genocide that will get the media’s attention. Perhaps you could write one when you get the chance.



    Thanks for the compliment. I think I am a decent writer. I’ve had a bit of training writing but I’m no expert. I’m still an undergrad. Still learning A LOT.

    I’m not sure what you mean exactly by press releases about the mantra or white genocide. I’ve seen mention of it and I saw something that was sent to RT but I would need more information on what exactly we’re trying to do with it and how it should be done. I have no experience with press releases. I would be open to trying my hand at it though. That’s the only way you learn anything after all.

    Finals are over for me now, so I will hopefully have more time when I’m not at work. I will get to editing FTWR 1 more soon.


    Okay. I put a lot of work in to FTWR #1. I spent the majority of my weekend working on it. I think I’ve polished it up quite a bit.

    I worked a lot on making the text as clear and correct as possible. I did a lot of formatting. I broke up a lot of paragraphs. I added a lot of images, many of which I “created” (using meme generators and demotivational creators). I tried have at least one picture on every page, so all but a handful have at least one now.

    I also added a list of the four talking points covered in FTWR #1 so they’re all in one easily accessible place. More importantly, I added list of FTWR terminology with definitions at the end of the document. I think this is vital to understanding the material. Someone who doesn’t have that as a reference will probably be lost in a lot of areas.

    Now, I tried to use as many explicit definitions or defining sentences from Horus as possible in the definitions I gave, but sometimes I either didn’t have much to work with, and other times his statements weren’t clear. I’ve listened to 1-32 so far, so I think I have a pretty good idea of the definitions are.

    I utilized both definitions/descriptive sentences he used in FTWR #1 as well as the short “White Rabbit Terminology” mp3. I decided to make it a more inclusive index, including terms not used in FTWR #1 so it can be included at the end of all transcriptions (potentially).

    One example of something I HAD to elaborate on was Horus’s definition of “Weaving Velvet.” In his White Rabbit Terminology mp3, he defined it as simply “telling the truth.” I added that, but I also gave a more descriptive definition because he uses it in a very different way most of the time, even in FTWR #1.

    Anyway, I’m interested in hearing feedback from anyone that takes a look at it. I know there are still stupid errors left. There always are.

    Anyone looking for a literal and exact transcription will not be pleased with my version. What Horus says works really well in podcast form but not in text. I tried to make it the text equivalent, which required adding and deleting significant amounts. I think it reads much easier now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some people don’t like some of the changes I’ve made. The beauty of it is, if you don’t like it, you can change it to however you like!

    The rtf file is 42MB but I have a compressed version in .zip that’s 10.6, so I should be able to email it. I can send it to anyone over skype or via email. However you prefer. Just let me know.

    Black Byte

    I spoke with a native Russian speakers about Amara Prenacha. He rewrote the Russian phrase directly from the Cyrillic spelling as “activnie Meropriytiy” in English. He explained this would commonly be used in everyday speech along the lines of: “These are the active plans for expanding the road system next year” or “These are the active plans to prepare for tomorrow’s inspections.” We discussed how this phrase was being used by Horus as “active measures” and he agreed that translation was OK within that context.

    Phonetically, the closest sounds in English would be something like this:
    act-tive-nee Mera-pree-ya-ti-yia

    So, from the Cyrillic I would try to spell it like this -> Amera became Activnie and Prenacha became Merapriyatiyia

    I think anything close will be good – most readers will just skip over the phrase and look up “Active Measures” instead of the English phonetic spelling of the Cyrillic alphabet.


    Okay, I updated it with that and corrected a few minor things. Do you want me to send it to you or anyone else?

    Black Byte

    Pls send me a copy at



    Done (yesterday).

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