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  • #91813
    Benjamin Newells

    Jason, that’s a really good one.

    Maybe we can add “Anti-hate is a code for anti-white” at the end of it and it’ll be complete?


    Benjamin, good idea. On my part, I really should have posted this version:

    A bright future for our Black children; said the Black Hero
    A bright future for our Asian children; said the Asian Hero
    A bright future for our White children; said the man locked up for Hate Speech

    It might be a bit tighter. Anyway, feel free to experiment.

    Benjamin Newells

    Jason, this mini you made (I’ve changed it slightly):

    Look at all this anti-whitism. In the ’60s, anti-whites forced ALL and ONLY White countries to bring in millions of non-whites.

    Then anti-whites forced White people to “integrate” with those non-whites or face penalties for being “naziswhowanttokill6millionjews.”

    Now anti-whites are praising and counting down the days until White children are minorities and extinct EVERYWHERE. That makes it geNOcide.

    “Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide.

    … has been working wonders.


    BN, I’m not sure I can take credit for that one (honestly don’t remember) … but good to hear it’s working!

    Benjamin Newells

    Jason, your new one is more condensed and it might be better because of that.


    Another one said –

    Saying “White Genocide is a hate crime” is the equivalent of saying “Anti-White racism”. It defeats the purpose. We need to attack the word “hate” the same way we’ve attacked “anti-racist”.

    However that hurts my logic, hate is a word we could use rather than attack, anti-Whites are the haters, not us, I have tried out

    ‘Pushing White GeNOcide is hate crime, and you are pushing White GeNOcide’

    and so far so good, they are scared by the hate word because it applies to them not us, and it makes them look ridiculous when they use it against us

    I will keep trying it and report back

    Daniel Genseric

    Since when did opposing genocide become “HATE!”?

    Oh, that’s right. We’re WHITE.

    It’s only “HATE!” when you’re white.
    “Hate!” is the anti-white DEMAND for silence.

    Free Speech becomes Hate Speech when opposing white genocide.

    Free Speech becomes Hate Speech when opposing Diversity

    “Hate!” is a demand for silence.

    If truth is Hate, I HATE white genocide.

    Truth is “Hate!” White genocide is the truth.

    If truth is Hate, I HATE white genocide.

    “Hate!”? White genocide is the truth. Hate the truth all you like.


    I do not like anti-hate is code for anti-White at all

    I hate it

    ARIACWFAW was perfect, would we spoil that formula by using it with an inferior message?

    Too often hate is used in reference to gays or women or whatever
    Also Whites need to be protected from Hate Crime more than anyone, and in fact this may be starting to work in our favour.

    I like the double standard being pointed out tho, and the ridicule of the idea that we are the haters, that is good

    ‘Since when did opposing GeNOcide become a hate crime?
    Oh that’s right, I’m White’

    My idea is that not only are we not haters, but anti-Whites are the haters themselves

    I love all the other stuff you guys have here, sorry for being negative, I love you all very much

    Benjamin Newells

    Too often hate is used in reference to gays or women or whatever

    Don’t you remember when the anti-whites put up a sign saying “Hate” when some White people put up a sign saying “Diversity is a codeword for Anti-White?” What better way to counter that than by saying “Anti-hate is a codeword for Anti-White”?

    Daniel Genseric

    Got hate? HATE white genocide.


    This discussion on using “anti-Hate” made me think.

    When “anti-racist” was originally used in the phrase ‘Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White’, the term Anti-racist was widely used by the other side. This made it easy to use. They had already spread it to the public.

    But is the term “anti-Hate” actually used by the other side? I personally haven’t seen it that much. If others have, please speak up. I’ve seen “Stop the Hate” and the term “Hate Speech” constantly. SPLC has their Hate Map. But do we see them using the phrase “anti-Hate” that much?

    If not that could be a problem. We should bounce off whatever term they are actually using in order to point out what they really mean. If Hate Speech is the hot term, perhaps we should be using that?

    As in (this is just an example not a suggestion): “Hate Speech” is code for exposing White Genocide (okay, that’s clumsy). Or: “Hate Speech” is code for BANNED speech. Or: “Hate Speech” is code for Censorship.

    I’m a bit tired and may be off, but I wanted to throw this out. I do think it’s more effective to use their active terminology and undermine it. Have you all seen the phrase “anti-Hate” used much?

    Secret Squirrel

    This is one HD says the anti-Whites have been using to attack the mantra:

    “Is it free speech or is it hate?”

    I’ve been thinking about it and got the following:

    They say they’re against “hate”, but what they’re really against is Free Speech for Whites. They want White Genocide.

    Secret Squirrel

    One more attempt:

    Is it free speech or is it hate?

    Is it free speech, or is it Whites committing thought crime?

    They say they’re against “hate”, but what they’re really against, is White people speaking our minds. They want White Genocide.

    Secret Squirrel

    mandela says:
    “My idea is that not only are we not haters, but anti-Whites are the haters themselves”

    So you want to call the anti-Whites haters, while they call us haters?

    That’s like pointing your finger at anti-Whites calling them racist, while they point their fingers back at us, calling us racist. Didn’t work in the past, ain’t going to work in the future, because it reinforces the Fear of the word racist, in the minds of the general populace.

    Racist and hater are anti-White terminology, used to terrorize and silence Whites. BUGS does not use anti-White terminology, because we want free speech for Whites. Instead, we destroy their bully words, so they have nothing to terrorize Whites with.

    Free Speech for Whites!


    @ Benjamin Newells

    That mini looks suspiciously like one of my minis. 🙂
    But I guess it doesn’t really matter.
    Glad to hear it’s working.

    Benjamin Newells

    Haha 🙂 It probably is yours then.


    @ Jason

    The first time I saw “anti-hate” get used was by another Bugser. Not too long after that I had an Anti-White tell me, “I’m NOT anti-racist. I’M ANTI-HATE!” I then replied to them, “saying disagreement is ‘hate’ is childish. ‘Anti-hate’ is a codeword for Anti-White.” They quit saying “hate” after that.


    Sorry guys, maybe you have a point, but I am loving replying to anti-Whites and calling them Haters, it is a buzz, maybe I will grow out of it soon

    Calling anti-Whites haters, which they are, is a kick in the nuts to them

    I still hate ‘anti-Hate is a code word for anti-White’

    and love this sort of stuff

    ‘Free Speech becomes Hate Speech when opposing Diversity

    ‘anti-hate’ is not a slogan or term that is in the mind of the public, and hate is used a lot in relation to gays and religion, and even crimes against Whites


    Be sure and use capital H in Hate. They’ve created an official category that is called “Hate”, which we shouldn’t confuse with the regular emotion of hate.

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