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How to Reply to "Europe for the Europeans"

Home Forums BUGS SWARM How to Reply to "Europe for the Europeans"

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  • #106711

    Here is a response I’ve been getting lately to my mini-mantras:

    There’s no such continent as “White countries.” That’s a technique you Stormfronters [sic] have been using: You switch from continents to “White countries” because you believe that non-Whites should be restricted to their continents, while White people should be able to live anywhere they want.

    Africa for the Africans.
    Asia for the Asians.
    Europe for the Europeans.
    America for the Native Americans.

    Here are some responses that I’ve tried:

      1. White genocide is happening in Europe, too.
      2. Do you at least oppose White genocide in Europe?
      3. As if you care about American Indians.

    However, I’m not satisfied with any of them. The first two suggest that I’m conceding colonial nations to the non-Whites, and the third doesn’t really answer their objection.

    The anti-Whites response sounds like a concession on their part: They’ll concede Europe to us if we concede the rest of the world to them. But it’s not a true concession on their part, as White genocide in Europe and elsewhere continues apace regardless of what they say. Furthermore, I’m not willing to concede North America, Australia, and Argentina to the non-Whites, and none of us are authorized to make that concession, anyway.

    What would be a good way to respond to that Anti-Whites’ “Europe for the Europeans”?


    I usually go with … “How is turning ALL White countries non-White going to help the American Indians? Or is it you’re just trying to justify White genocide?”


    I’d go with something like: “What happened a long time ago does not give you the right to justify genocide today.”

    Also, when anti-Whites say America, Canada, Australia, etc aren’t White countries I say: “That is your opinion. But the fact is, they are full of Whites and trying to change that is genocide.”

    Benjamin Newells

    Carloman, that anti-white is trying to reframe the debate to his own advantage. Look at what the anti-white is doing: Instead of discussing White Genocide, he’s trying to come up with a “solution” and in doing so is trying to justify White Genocide in White countries outside of Europe and is admitting to the ongoing genocide in Europe. You need to mention this and force him into the corner.

    Cut through it with:

    So you admit there’s ongoing White Genocide in Europe, but you support White Genocide outside of Europe?

    So you support White Genocide in America?


    So you admit there’s ongoing White Genocide in Europe, but you support White Genocide outside of Europe?

    So you support White Genocide in America?

    That’s a good response. I’ll use that next time. Thanks, Benjamin.

    Benjamin Newells

    You’re welcome Carloman.

    And just in case, those are two different responses. One is shorter than the other.

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