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If you don't know- HORUS is on David Duke's show over at Rense tomorrow!!

Home Forums BUGS SWARM If you don't know- HORUS is on David Duke's show over at Rense tomorrow!!

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    I was about to write a letter to Dr Duke, that with some things he may find useful or appealing. However when you say it’s “pointless” because of the time on the calendar would appreciate you expanding on that. In your opinion what should our tactics be, if not guiding pro-Whites to our thinking? I don’t have too much of a macro view yet so I am very interested in this.


    I never said any such thing. Dr Duke is Dr Duke….there is only one of him. And what he does can not be duplicated. I have whole podcast speculating about “the time on the calendar”. You can actually listen to it for free.
    Keep doing what you are doing. The only way to guide dissidents to our style is to always go to their aid when needed and fight the BUGS fight on their behalf. Like the Swarm did for April Gaede. Once they see it work……the pro white dissidents are never the same. But don’t expect some revival. Keep pushing ahead. I don’t concentrate on old blood. I concentrate on new blood. Those that want to fight the system. My target audience has an open mind in general. Many Pro White Dissidents do NOT have open minds. They are dissidents with a capital D. But some do ….you win hearts and minds by fighting BUGS style.

    Dick Whitman

    I think terminology can be recaptured, redefined, and/or subverted. For example, Bob once wrote about how he wanted a right-wing women’s group to call themselves “The real woman’s movement.”

    I think pro-Whites could make the argument that we are “for real diversity of nations and peoples and against forced blending of humans into a one size fits all, homogeneous cog within the corporate-globalist machine.”

    I’m not telling anyone here to stop mantra operations in order to go on a diversity discourse crusade. I’m just saying that it can be done. Especially by Duke, who has the role of pro-White international statesman. I believe Duke is critical in this role of building friendships internationally.

    Realize that I am saying we should claim diversity over all. But we should make it clear that the world will be truly more diverse under our vision of the world compared to the Pink Rabbit vision of the world. We will support indigenous groups and they will support us. If Tibetans proclaim themselves to be against White genocide we will be sure to support their existence.

    And I know of no time where Duke “sold us out?” He could have made millions selling out by turning anti-White. He went to prison for trumped up charges and was probably offered various deals to sell out at that point?

    I don’t trust anyone 100% but I trust Bob more than any other pro-White. So if Bob says Duke is a good man then I’ll go with that.

    Dick Whitman

    “Realize that I am saying we should claim diversity over all”

    should say

    “Realize that I am NOT saying we should claim diversity over all”

    Daniel Genseric

    I fancy myself an excellent judge of character. The Duke is NOT a sell-out. Period.


    Henry Davenport

    Duke says he got over 60% of the white vote in Louisiana both when he ran for governor and for senator, despite the heavy campaign against him.

    And he did win his seat as a state legislator in Louisiana.

    So his political judgment seems to be pretty good.

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