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New Mantra Video

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    Henry Davenport

    “Agent Smithstein from the ZOG Matrix isn’t going to show up at their house and send them to the Gulag if they sign the petition.
    I fail to see how any of them can’t see the value of that propaganda, especially when it is so EASY to do.”
    I’ll use that, and if anyone else has ideas of how I could lessen this fear for readers at SF and elsewhere, please let me know, or post it on the SF thread, and I’ll use it too.

    Daniel Genseric

    @Harumphty Dumpty

    I have an idea of how you can lessen the fear of SF readers. Try telling them they and their children are already being targeted for Eurocide. How much worse could it get? SIGN IT ALREADY!



    @ Peter:  My only reservation re: Creative Commons is that it would seem to allow for any and all editing.  I just did a cursory read through your link, so correct me if I am misunderstanding.  I wouldn’t want to leave open a legal door that would allow anti-Whites or non-Whites to make any videos that would be demeaning to these girls…  I’ve had to delete quite a few downright nasty comments that should never see the light of day.

    @ HD:  You can use whatever you want, no biggie.  I can’t think of anything pithy, but Cheshire has the right of it…  ultimately, will your life probably be easier if, as a general rule, you do absolutely nothing?  Yes.  But looking at the faces of white children when I am running errands or out and about….  that’s the single greatest motivation to DO SOMETHING.  Because if not, we might as well start buying up ground to build our own Plaasmoorde hills in every white country, not like we couldn’t be doing that already…

    Also, I would just speak to them in terms of common sense:  If the System is really that powerful, do you really think they HAVEN’T noticed  that 14TotenkopfRacialRealistNumenorean88Europa has been spending 29 hours a day on SF?

    LOL, if everything they fear is true, they are ALREADY known.

    I also think it is good to admit our own shortcomings at times, and not act like we are Aryan warriors and they are cockroaches.  I didn’t sign the first petition.  I have signed the 2nd and will sign all future ones.  And before I put that video out there, I got a case of the cold feet…  didn’t at all consider not doing it, but my mind was all black helicopters, getting fired, etc.  But once you do it, it just gets easier.  I’m already working on a video idea that involves me putting my face out there.  Just keep plugging away.  One day they’ll get p!ssed and sign it, and then they’ll realize there’s no going back, lol.  🙂


    BTW, I asked this in the Working Thread and nobody seemed to know for sure.  Peter, HD, Cheshire…  any of you know if it is a technical violation to comment on one of your own videos under a different account?  I know some of you are very YT-savvy.  I don’t want every comment of mine tacked to the top, and I’d like to participate more…  but I don’t want to take any risks when it comes to having it taken down.

    Peter Cottontail

    I am not certain about the commenting policy. It would make no sense for them to allow more than one account and then penalize you for commenting with it…..but I don’t know for sure.

    You have some excellent comments so it is nice to see them at the top of the comment section.


    Well thank you sir.  I won’t be as ignorant of YouTube down the road.  Seeing as this is my first upload, I’ve never dealt with most of this stuff, and I’ve been too busy moderating comments and responding to messages to research it that much.

    I don’t know if this would “work”, but if any pro-White got crap from YouTube about having the video on their channel, I would provide written permission, or whatever I needed to do, to “okay” that…  if things can work that way.


    @ASmilingWeirwood  – Loving your replies to the Anti-Whites over on your video man. Great stuff.


    Everyone should put this video into their favorites so it could show up onto the Youtube homepage to get even more people informed!

    Peter Cottontail

    SW, it is very easy to create multiple youtube accounts and “like” specific comments.


    Yeah, I’m working on it with 4 as of now.  Someday I’ll probably hit the big leagues and go up to 10.  😉

    Henry Davenport

    Thanks for the discussion about fear, I’m thinking about it.

    I just watched the video again, and this time I was impressed with what an excellent job the women themselves did. Being brilliantly coached (I’m sure), and brilliantly “choreographed” (obviously) by SW is one thing, but these ladies then had to actually DO it, speak the lines as they should be spoken, and they did it wonderfully IMO!

    I wish there were some way to tell them of our appreciation. Weirwood, perhaps you could set me up with a blind date with each one in succession.

    Henry Davenport

    Smiling Weirwood, our new petitions should be up Friday morning. I’ll have a thread here about them, but also will leave for you on this thread the link to the main one (pretty much a copy of the one you’re linking now) so you can change it on the video, assuming of course that you want to keep linking it.

    I think your link is helping it, because especially today the petition you’re linking is doing better than the other one by more than it usually has!

    Hey! I suddenly got an idea for a third petition! No, I think it works out well to have just a pair every month. But NEXT month I’m thinking a petition to the gov’t to show your video in all public schools! And that could be the petition that you link from then on!

    Hey, what do you think?

    Okay, I’m thinking aloud. I’m thinking we should now have 3 petitions each month, the main one that will pretty much stay the same as it’s been, a secondary one that will “vary” each month and will be fun to play with, and a third one that petitions the gov’t to support your video in various ways (a different way each month).

    Yes! I’d be boosting your video both in my postings and on the White House site itself (!)  And your video would give the other petitions a most attractive face, several of them in fact.

    I should probably try to get that third petition out Friday with the other two. I’ll use a short URL for your video in the petition…I just tested, and the White House site apparently accepts that. It’ll be a copy and paste of course, not a link.

    I want to think about this just a little, but I feel pretty sure it’s a good idea. But you or others let me know any thoughts you have.




    Here’s one I put together. It’s very basic but makes our point.


    Henry Davenport

    SW and others: This is the petition re the video, that I’m planning to submit with the other two new petitions this Friday (I hope we’ll find slightly better wording for the paragraph that has the URL in it):
    Show the video “STOP WHITE GENOCIDE” in all public schools!
    Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for EVERYBODY?
    White countries are being flooded with third world non-whites, and Whites are required by law to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.
    That’s genocide under the U. N. Convention on Genocide, Article II, part c:
    “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
    “STOP WHITE GENOCIDE,”, explains clearly that the persons carrying out this genocide against Whites say they’re anti-racist, but what they are is anti-white!
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white!
    Signers: Please look for our three petitions each month that oppose white genocide.
    Let’s grow!

    J Locke

    HD, brilliant. Good job with all you’re effort on petitions. Although, I don’t know why you bother trying to get more signatures after 150 is reached.

    SW, I know you want the anti-White arguments countered in your comments section, but I think Bugsters like Horus have said mantra videos don’t need to be posted on. Let the video work on its own.

    There are Swarmers savvy enough to write worthwhile movie scripts, if you decide to make a movie.


    It struck me, how funny would it be to have non-Whites doing the Mantra.  Not sure if that is a good idea or not, but might be something to think about.


    @ Jason:  I agree that some of those vicious comments help our cause.  Some of the ones that were deleted would probably help it, but I’m trying to keep it as clean and “rule abiding” as possible for YouTube.  I’ve already had a couple people, in comments and PM’s on YT, tell me that they have reported it for racism and hate speech.

    I’m not allowing any profanity (even “ass”), any urgings to go kill ourselves, barely any j00-talk (of the ZOG variety), no insults to the girls (out of respect for them), etc.  I’m curious to see how YT will deal with this, since they have to know that we have learned a lesson from the fate of How Whites Took Over America.

    I don’t ask for help here when there are just a couple of comments.  But it seems like every now and then I’ll get a flood of 25-30 anti-White comments, right before I know I’ll be away.  I don’t want the “White and Normal” audience to see a river of negative comments at the top, especially when half of them try to be “educated” and Mommy Professorish and hide their bile.

    Thanks for the help everyone!


    @ J Locke:  You are more experienced than I am, so you may very well be right.  That being said, from reading BUGS prior to me joining, I was under the impression that we weren’t to “cockblock” the Mantra when it was “doing its thing”, and people were debating what was or wasn’t anti-White, whether it was or wasn’t Genocide, etc.  That usually only happens when it is subtle, like HWTOA was.

    This seems to be more of an Iron Question response, because it seems like everyone responding is either clearly anti-White or clearly pro-White.

    I also know they said not to swarm stuff on major media outlets (Miami Dade Herald), but obviously that wouldn’t apply to YT.


    @ HD:  That’s entirely up to you and the team, man (with the petition stuff).  Whatever you decide to run with, I’ll link to (probably the “main” Stop White Genocide petition you’ve been putting up, unless you think I should link one of the others).

    I’ll keep you updated on the blind dates, LOL.



    BTW, just to clarify, since I have seen comments from at least three Bugsters about “future videos being in the pipeline”.  Right now, unfortunately, nothing like this video is planned.  I’m debating on doing a few “Ramzpaulish” videos (with my own face), but clearly those won’t be as effective or far reaching.

    I would be willing to do one again, obviously, but it would take a long period of recruitment, as I don’t have anyone “in the dock” waiting to do another one.  I thought about posting a message on SF under a “JohnnyMantraseed” account I created, but I don’t know if it would be “bad” for the Mantra, should anything ever go viral, for anti-Whites to be able to point to the SF “casting” thread (for a hypothetical new video).

    I have already ran that by one person.  Basically, I don’t want to seem like a creep or a troll, and I imagine that I wouldn’t get hardly any responses anyway.  The only way I could “verify” who I am would be to have any SF member message me on YT and ask if I created the SF thread.

    I would be willing to make up to an 8 hour drive or so on weekends over the next year to get that done, and go to where the girls are…  and obviously invite them to bring as many White Werewolf Bodyguards as they want.  But I know it could be risky, and I’m not really sure if it’s prudent.  I wouldn’t want the “girl” to be a dreadlocked wanker with an ARA t-shirt and a club in their hand, LOL.  But we could obviously meet in a public place and film in a public park or something.

    So…  not sure how practical that is.  Mulling on it.  Just an idea.  I could always recruit pretty White girls that I run across, I’m not averse to starting up a conversation about it if I get a certain vibe from them, but that’s a crapshoot.

    And BTW, as I said, I am not “in the industry” or anything.  When I said this in the first page of this thread:

    “I look forward to more and more videos blowing it out of the water.  One day the tides will change, and people will being paid to make bigger and better videos highlighting the fight against White GeNOcide.”

    I just meant that I look forward to other people making bigger and better videos.  I understand how that was taken to imply that “I” had bigger and better ones planned.

    I just don’t understand why some of these groups don’t “try” a Mantra video.  I understand that everyone doesn’t see the Mantra as “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” of the pro-White movement, but clearly it has enough cred to GIVE IT A TRY.  Throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks.

    The people who made the Generation Identitaire movie…  clearly they don’t mind showing their faces.  Why not make a Mantra video?  I have seen plenty of pictures of Golden Dawn girls SHOWING THEIR FACES in rallies and what not, and the pro-White movement  seems to have more overt public support over there…  I realize the Golden Dawn is debatably even in a “post-Mantra” phase, in the sense that, they are a political movement with some degree of power and a large base of overtly pro-Greek support…  but since they clearly do propaganda and videos, why not slap a Mantra vid together?  It’s not like it would take long…

    And there’s a market, since Greece is the country with the fourth highest number of views (see below).  Just “what if’s” that I think about.

    Countries                                         Views 

    United States


    United Kingdom






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