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Operation Northern Ireland

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Operation Northern Ireland

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  • #94118
    Patrick WhiteRabbit

    For a while now I have been thinking we should focus on specific country: concentrate our efforts on that country for a while (although not exclusively), tailor our memes and media to it and agitate until we get a response. My rational is that getting one country to fight back will cause the anti-White house of cards to start falling down even sooner.

    Ideally the country should be quite small (the message will spread quicker?), homogenous and somewhere that has a population with a historical background of fighting back: Northern Ireland seems to fit the bill. I have friends living over there and they have told me that the anti-Whites are now targeting that place hard. Apparently for the past two years the anti-White campaigning has been ramping up exponentially—it’s almost as if someone realized Northern Ireland had been left out of the “diversification” program. From what I’ve have been told it went from hardly any “diversity” to full on White genocide programming literally overnight.

    Now to the plus side, there is some resistance but unfortunately it’s not focused on White genocide—that is where BUGS comes in!

    Recent Anti-White activity and anti-White propaganda pieces:

    A new genocidal policiy is being devised as we speak, it’s in the process of being pushed through by the political parties and it’s called “Racial Equality Strategy.” Again the anti-Whites are using nice words to dress up genocide!

    As I said Northern Ireland’s small size and it’s limited number of cities and towns make it perfect for quickly disseminating our message. However, It’s small size and population also makes the situation even more precarious; transporting just 20% of ONE African CITY over there would be enough to genocide the indigenous Whites via assimilation

    Some figures:

    Total population is 1.8 million
    Belfast is the capital city with a population of 288k
    Derry is the second city with a population of just 85k
    Lisburn is another larger city with a population of 120k

    A larger town in NI has something like 24-38k people at the maximum end of the scale.
    There’s basically a handful of towns and cities to “diversify” and with population sizes that small it could be game over for a White NI within a short space of time.

    Thoughts on this idea are welcome!



    We need to get someone to go and hang up banners. We need someone to speak up publically against this issue in that country FAST!. If the anti-Whites succeed with genocide in Ireland that easily, they will be very quick to target other countries such as Russia and other eastern European countries. Time is our enemy at this point. Thanks for pointing it out Patrick.

    I’m going to go on Irish national anthem videos and start swarming, anything else I think an “Irishman” would search up on Youtube. Any Ideas?


    Unfortunately there is only so much we can do with swarming because we are English speaking BUGS. Im going to try see if I can a mini written in Gaeilge.


    HD- Could you please make a petition on stopping White genocide in Ireland and spread it to the Irish folks? Hopefully it would land up on their media. Lol sorry for the spam… Im panicking.

    Patrick WhiteRabbit

    Thanks for the reply EWR.

    Just to be clear, very few people over there speak Gaeilge so we don’t need to worry about that.

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