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  • #22847
    J Locke

    Post your press releases for the media and your opinion on other press releases on this thread.

    Read about press releases here

    Here is one with fake statistics. Good or bad?

    Press Release – Massive Ethnic Cleansing of White People Underway Worldwide, Civil Rights Groups Demand Action
    May 3, 2012

    95% of the worldwide population of White people is expected be genetically assimilated out of existence to solve a “race problem” by the year 2200, according to many prominent Human Rights Officials. Genocide by assimilation is a plan known all too well to Australia’s native Aboriginees, who called the forced blending of their people a Genocide. The Convention on Genocide was created to put an end genetic assimilation as a result.

    Anti-White extremists have demanded forced integration, tolerance, and diversity in every nation where White people have been in the majority. The result is a world without White people. Additionally, this same blending is not being tolerated for African or Asian countries. By the year 2050 more than three-quarters of the world’s current White population will be genetically assimilated, in effect becoming extinct, by some estimates.

    Ethnic discrimination of White people has increased by a whopping 1500% since 1920, cites researchers. Many Anti-White Hate Groups have used a tactic known to demoralize a people into subversively ending their race. The Anti-Defamation League, a radical leftist extremist group, has received government funding to engage in such warfare against White people. White people are publicly humiliated and threatened by many Anti-White Hate Groups for assembling to stop this genocide.

    Former Louisiana Representative, author, and public speaker David Duke has been victimized by the media in his campaign to stop the genocide. Rep. Duke was arrested and detained recently for voicing his concerns about White genocide. Public speech about White genocide is punished with harsh prison sentences in most countries Where Whites are the majority.

    Former presidential aide Bob Whitaker and Rep. Duke have joined public radio airwaves in a campaign to spread their message called the mantra to a mainstream audience. Mr. Whitaker and Rep. Duke will join the hosts of Florida’s highest-rated morning radio program, the Don and Derek Black Show, at a prestigious event in Eastern Tennessee this September to help end this genocide. They can be reached for public comments at:


    It’s an excellent idea, although I would leave the word White out of the title as Lewis mentioned. I would also be careful about using fake statistics, although if they are exaggerated slightly it would be more likely they investigate it themselves which is ultimately a good thing.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Genocide, not ethnic cleansing.

    Coniglio Bianco


    J Locke

    A publicist would cost a lot for Horus, Bob, or Beefcake to hire. Since our goal is to discuss White Genocide in the media, we need to learn how to get the media to discuss White Genocide with our speakers. Someone should teach us to be publicists.

    I see the many errors in the above press release.

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