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Teaching whites to say “anti-white”

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Teaching whites to say “anti-white”

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    Henry Davenport

    The several posts I’m going to copy here I made to this Stormfront thread:

    Victory for White Nationalists attacked in Chicago suburb: ARA is going down!

    I think we can have success with this SINGLE message at white sites…I’m not getting the flak I got when I was trying to get them to say both “anti-white” and “white genocide”!

    I’ll still work on both, but…if you read a couple of my posts below, you’ll see what I’m up to.

    Henry Davenport

    These are not “antis,” they are not “antifas,” they are “ANTI-WHITES!”

    Every time we use the shortened terms “antis” and “antifas,” we miss an opportunity to teach whites to think of these people as what they are, “anti-whites“!

    Right now, the word that springs into most white minds and onto most white tongues when race is mentioned is the R-word.

    We want the word “anti-white” to spring into white minds and onto white tongues whenever race is mentioned!

    We want to impose OUR terminology, not help the anti-whites keep in place THEIR terminology! Does anyone really think it’s a good idea to help anti-whites spread their appealing claim that they are “anti-fascists”? (Good grief!)

    Please, ALWAYS call these people what they are, “anti-whites”!

    Thanks, and please don’t take my post as indicating a lack of other concerns over this infuriating event!
    White GeNOcide Project

    Henry Davenport

    Quite correct. We are primarily in a war of words (not a war of logic), a war of words in which anti-whites have been very sophisticated and we have been exceedingly naive.

    Just look what anti-whites have done with the R-word. Was that done by logical argument? No! it was done by repeating the R-word over and over and over until now whites can NOT get the R-word out of their minds!

    We must be similarly consistent in ALWAYS saying and writing, “ANTI-WHITE,” until that word has displaced the R-word as being THE word that has to do with race!
    White GeNOcide Project

    Henry Davenport

    Congratulations to whoever hacked the anti-white site!

    You had your fun antis. Beating up defenseless people from behind, attacking them just for being white. Antis will be tracked down and brought to JUSTICE.

    You thought you were tough, you though attacking a few whites while 30 of you attacked them and other customers. No more. Enough is enough.

    But wouldn’t this message have accomplished more with white readers as,

    You had your fun, anti-whites. Beating up defenseless people from behind, attacking them just for being white. Anti-whites will be tracked down and brought to JUSTICE.

    You thought you were tough, you though attacking a few whites while 30 of you attacked them and other customers. No more. Enough is enough.
    White GeNOcide Project

    Henry Davenport

    [Originally Posted by Whitium] Those faggoty pansy-ass scrawny British Antifa morons are serious business, huh?

    Originally Posted by Haight
    While I 100% agree with you that ANTIFA are…

    Guys, in practically every sentence that these anti-whites utter, they call us the R-word, right?

    That’s because anti-whites have been taught the value of repetition. Every time an anti-white calls us the R-word, he delivers a hammer blow that drives deeper into white minds the fundamental lie that racial feeling is a learned pathology (rather than an innate biological trait that evolved to protect group survival), as well as the related fundamental lie that whites are fundamentally evil!

    Now, do we aid the anti-whites in hammering those two lies even deeper into white psyches by dutifully adopting for ourselves the R-word as our official name, and then referring to ourselves constantly as, “The Racists”?


    WELL WHY NOT???!!! Since we are unthinkingly making a similar mistake by adopting the anti-whites’ own lying official term for themselves, “anti-fascists,” and we help them hammer that appealing little piece of lying propaganda into white minds by repeating constantly that term or it’s shortened form ourselves whenever we refer to them!!

    Please! Do not accept the anti-whites’ terminology by which they rule us! We must shove aside their terminology by imposing our own terminology!

    They are NOT “anti-fascists,” THAT IS A LIE! They are ANTI-WHITES, and that’s the term that all whites reading these threads should be seeing and absorbing!

    They are not “antifas,” they are not “antis” (that word implants no useful message in a white reader!), they are ANTI-WHITES!

    So please allow me these small changes:

    [Originally Posted by Whitium] Those faggoty pansy-ass scrawny British anti-white morons are serious business, huh?

    Originally Posted by Haight
    While I 100% agree with you that these anti-whites are…

    Also, if you’re on some thread where the context doesn’t make clear which particular group you’re referring to, some phrase like, “these anti-whites (of organization such and such) who lyingly call themselves (whatever)…,” is worth the extra words.

    Instead of the R-word springing automatically into white minds and onto white tongues whenever race is mentioned, we want the term “anti-white” to spring automatically into white minds and onto white tongues whenever race is mentioned.

    We will accomplish that by EVERYone using the FULL term “anti-white” EVERYwhere!

    So please, ALWAYS call anti-whites exactly what they are, “ANTI-WHITES!

    White GeNOcide Project

    Henry Davenport

    Originally Posted by PhoenixHawk

    Who are these “antis” that you and others speak of? Are they the same as the “anti-whites” I see some other posters mentioning?

    I’ve seen the term “anti-white” so often now that I’m beginning to start using it myself and spreading it (a good idea, since it’s a word with a message!), but when I repeatedly see just the term “anti” it interferes badly with my conditioning (!), and I start just saying “anti” too, which any advertising man will tell me (and tell you!) is ceding victory to the anti-white competition before even beginning one’s commercial!!

    Calling anti-whites “antis,” “antifas,” “anti-fascists” (lies they have invented about themselves) is allowing anti-whites to keep forever the trophy they have decisively won in the propaganda war with their magnificently conceived and constantly repeated R-word!

    They are ANTI-WHITES!!

    Please, let’s never help anti-whites spread their lie that they are “anti-fascists” by using that term or any of its shortened forms!!

    They are ANTI-WHITES!!

    Always call them exactly what they are, ANTI-WHITES! You will soon have them protesting (just try it and see!), “I am not ANTI-WHITE!”, by which they help us spread OUR terminology about them!*

    Get the anti-whites to help us spread our truthful terminology about them, instead of our helping the anti-whites to spread their lying terminology about themselves and about us!

    Get it? 🙂

    *Anti-whites are accustomed to calling whites the R-word and having their white victims pitch right in to help spread that anti-white terminology by responding with some form of, “I am not an R-word.” It’s very pleasant to turn the tables!
    White GeNOcide Project

    Henry Davenport

    FELLOW BUGSERS: Be relentless but friendly! I think this is a change we can accomplish within my lifetime, if I eat healthily and exercise!

    Henry Davenport

    On this SF thread:

    C’mon folks, you who are still calling ANTI-WHITES “antis,” and “antifas”:

    Do you really want to allow the ANTI-WHITES to ENROLL YOU ON THEIR SIDE so easily???

    Do you want to help the ANTI-WHITES spread their ATTRACTIVE LIE to other whites that they are “anti-fascists”?

    Do you want to miss the opportunity to ALWAYS tell every white who may read your comment what the truth is: these people are ANTI-WHITES?

    This isn’t a football league where the different clubs have their chummy little nicknames. This is a war that at present is primarily being fought to win the hearts and minds of other whites with WORDS.

    Please be conscious and use the term “ANTI-WHITES” always!!

    I apologize for the brevity of this rant. I’ve collected my longer harangues on this issue here for your convenience:

    (link to this thread)

    And even I (shame on me!) have been forgetting that the group we are discussing is a PERFECT EXAMPLE OF:


    Let’s not help ANTI-WHITES spread their lying code words for themselves!!!!

    Henry Davenport

    (From here on, boldfacing, italics, and underlining, all of which I think are EXTREMELY important, will appear only in the original posts at the link given)
    But one thing I do understand is that beefcake is very correct that we should ALWAYS refer to this misnamed-as-“ARA” group as Anti-WHITE-Action.

    We must break the grip of the lying anti-white terminology that anti-whites have held us tight in!

    Instead, we must grip the anti-whites in our own truthful white terminology!

    And we must squeeze them hard with our truthful white terminology, as they’ve squeezed us with their bs anti-white pejoratives for a half century!!

    It does us harm and is a contradiction in logic to affirm that these creeps are “anti-racist” when we all know they’re anti-white! They cannot logically be both things at the same time!

    “Anti-White-Action” describes perfectly what they are and what they do! They engage in violent anti-white actions!

    Let’s call anti-whites “anti-whites,” and call this group by its proper name, “Anti-White-Action”

    Henry Davenport
    Originally Posted by Kirik
    I get threats from the anti-WHITE crowd all the time. For some strange reason, they never want to come and tangle with me after I accept. The Anti-WHITE-Action crowd are nothing but a bunch of ineffectual cowards.

    I edited your statement slightly, making it more accurate and white-effective in this war of words we’re in.

    (You’re welcome, don’t mention it, I was glad to do it!)

    Henry Davenport

    Beefcake had posted
    I want us to start refering to them here as ONLY Anti-White-Action, don’t even use the acronym AWA.

    I want the distinction to be clear for those who lurk here, who read and learn, that these guys are not Anti-Racist as they claim to be.

    They could easily target non-white radical groups that DO advocate violence.

    They are not out attacking Black Panthers

    They are not out attacking LaRaza

    They only attacked white people for peaceful and lawful assembly, because these particular white had an opinion they did not agree with.

    These guys think that they can resort to illegal means to attack political opponents, because these people are white, and wanted to talk about the things that are effecting them.

    We have to define our enemy. They call us supremist because we feel our Race has a right to exist. We need to call them Anti-White.

    We should stop refering to them at Anti-Racist-Action, they are ANTI-WHITE.

    Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White.

    Coniglio Bianco


    Henry Davenport
    Originally Posted by Haight
    …these ANTIFA/ARA/Anti-White thugs…

    Just “Anti-White thugs” would do the job.*

    Let’s not, even in shorthand, help anti-whites hammer in deeper their appealing and appalling propaganda lies that they are “anti-racists” (they are anti-white, and can’t logically be anti-racist at the same time) and “anti-fascists” (they are fascists, in today’s popular meaning of the word).

    The subject of this thread makes clear what particular group you’re referring to, and on a thread that doesn’t provide context, it’s worth the extra words to say something like, “the anti-whites who lyingly identify themselves as fighting things they aren’t in fact fighting…etc.”

    it may sound stilted to us to use some extra phrasing (it’s not even necessary usually, since usually the subject of a thread provides the clarifying context), but when necessary for specificity, we do it for visitors here and to train ourselves how to speak to whites who are not yet convinced.

    We want to hammer home WHITE terminology and memes, not help the anti-whites hammer home further their anti-white terminology and memes.

    I hesitated (a brief moment) to write this post, because you did after all say “anti-white” (!), but I knew what I had to do!

    Because it’s not a matter of adding on our white terminology to anti-white terminology(!); we want to replace anti-white terminology with WHITE terminology!

    *After I wrote this post, someone suggested to me the term, “anti-white terrorists”! That seems excellent to me! It’s certainly accurate, and if challenged would provide a great opportunity to drive home the reality of what it must have been like to be in that restaurant.

    Henry Davenport

    @ Coniglio: Lol! Thanks! 🙂


    @Harumphty Dumpty

    I have just finished reading and am now digesting your work (during lunch).
    Well written and well thought-out as usual

    Coniglio Bianco



    Coniglio, I agree that Duke should being using ‘anti-white’ and ‘anti-racist is a code word for anti-white’. However, wasn’t it you (after calling us a cult) who said we shouldn’t put down other pro-white leaders (AMPW) and that the Mantra was not the only effective approach? And why don’t you ever answer the simple question of ‘where did you post the Mantra today’? For example, Genseric asked Dave that question, and Dave answered the question, and Dave’s one of the very few here who didn’t have to answer that question.

    Coniglio Bianco


    Henry Davenport

    I posted this
    Don’t forget to call them “anti-whites” at every opportunity, including correspondence to them or to anyone else. Who knows where else that correspondence will eventually appear and who will read it.

    Other terms for them won’t move us forward in the war of words.

    But if the term “anti-white” appears as frequently in everything we say about them as the R-word appears in everything they say about us, we will be doing something to eventually replace the R-word by the term “anti-white” as the universal word about race in white minds.
    White GeNOcide Project

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