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The genesis and evolution of propaganda

Home Forums BUGS SWARM The genesis and evolution of propaganda

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  • #91826
    Daniel Genseric

    The REAL knockout game: The genesis of anti-white propaganda and and how pro-whites counter-punched

    “Asia for Asians. Africa for Africans. DIVERSITY for white countries.”

    Anti-whites always say anyone who opposes white genocide is a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

    Racist. (white supremacist, bigot, separatist, etc…)
    IN YOUR OPINION. You’re just saying that because I’m white.
    anti-racist is a code word for anti-white #ARIACWFAW

    White Privilege.
    EVERYBODY says that there is a White Privilege.
    EVERYBODY says that this Privilege can be taken away.
    EVERYBODY says that there is ONLY one way to solve this problem.
    They say we were BORN with it. The solution is to do away with the problem of us BEING HERE; white genocide. They say things like “We all bleed red. We’re all one race,” what they really mean is “on Earth, whites have no place.”
    They say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

    If Diversity is so grand, then why is it ONLY for EVERY white country? Diversity is a code word for white genocide

    Got hate? STOP white genocide.
    Got hate? HATE white genocide.

    Next on deck….. Equality

    Keep sending them our way. We’ll keep tallying them in the win column.

    Diversity is a code word for white genocide.

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