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The Paltalk Thread

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  • #101938
    TheSeeker OfTruth

    Is there no Paltalk discussion tonight?

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    Fuck it.


    Paltalk is Saturday night! 🙂

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    Ha! I knew something was up.

    Daniel Genseric

    To see more than a dozen BUGSers sitting in the paltalk room on 3/21 is shocking and inexcusable. I am absolutely appalled and saddened that BUGSers would spend ANY time preaching to the choir on this day of action.

    There was plenty of opportunity for DISCUSSION on TWITTER. No wonder the impression figures weren’t more impressive. Half of the damn swarm was sitting around with their thumbs jambed up their asses. I am more than disappointed.


    Yeah, don’t anyone pay too much attention to the comment above mine. Whichever way an individual sees fit to fight against White Genocide is going to be the right one. Remember to “fry the caterpillar” and expose The Big Lie.

    Best regards,



    Daniel sent out a demoralizing tweet:

    A few people showed up on paltalk AFTER doing activism. The voiceless, faceless Daniel just sh*t on people who actually did take personal risks.


    Sorry to the group, I know I’m not helping.


    “Jason”, it was perhaps a bit graceless to introduce new material while there is already a big stink in this very thread. But, I can sympathise. Nevertheless, all of of this scatalogical discussion is getting a little nauseating and I believe I’ll excuse myself for the time being…


    Benjamin Newells

    Paltalk is nothing but a waste of time. Half the Bugsers talking on there don’t even know how to use the mantra and need to get PRACTICING on twitter.

    Mike M

    Then hop in and show us the way Benjamin.

    Benjamin Newells

    Paltalk is an echo chamber. Twitter isn’t.


    Paltalk was set up, first and foremost, to invite ANY anti-White to come debate Bob Whitaker. Especially a well known anti-White. That is why Tim Wise wrote his long letter saying why he wouldn’t show up.

    No Anti-White of any stature ever did show up.

    Paltalk has since morphed in its purpose, playing a somewhat social role for pro-Whites and BUGSERS to simply talk to each other. The value of this is pretty obvious to anyone.

    Someone said half the people on Paltalk don’t know what they are doing. That is not true, but even if true, that means half do. In the real world of politics that is a huge advance.

    I get that many are grumpy bears because Mommy won’t make White Genocide go away immediately. Throw a tantrum, get drunk, work out. But why should the rest of us have to endure tantrums?


    PalTalk is for P.-M.P.-W.s to repeat and repeat the exposure of the Big Lie. It’s that simple.

    time for freedom

    Benjamin, I haven’t seen or heard you on paltalk standing up and debating all of the anti-whites who come to out-debate us white dissidents.Some of these anti-whites are extremely articulate and present detailed arguments in favor of their anti-white position. Those of us that have shown the courage to openly take the challenge and actually debate and, week after week, destroy their arguments endure a great deal of abuse AND feelings of accomplishment while doing so. We have learned together what works and what doesn’t work. HOW? But actually putting ourselves on the line and verbally arguing with our enemies. Have you done this? Have you had your favorite pet debate tactics put to this kind of real-world test Benjamin?? Have you ever been involved in a 7 hour intense debate concerning the genocide of your people with people who at times articulately challenge every aspect of your assertions..FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO WITNESS? Last Saturday I was so goddamned tired from working 20 hours at my two jobs the night before that I could barely keep my eyes open and my head up but I still spent several hours intensely debating–and winning over–a very articulate anti-white that has become a regular fixture on our Paltalk debates. You haven’t shown me anything whatsoever. All I’ve ever heard from you is angry posts that offer absolutely nothing of functional value. So……

    Here is my challenge to you.

    On Saturday at 2pm PST I want to see you on our Paltalk discussion with the anti-whites–Some of whom are extremely well versed in debate tactics and intelligent–and showcase your debate methods so that we can all learn from you and become more effective white dissidents and activists.

    Second, I want to see your tactics in practice. I have a twitter channel. I would like to see your twitter channel so that I can assess your propaganda.

    Thirdly, you claim that our Paltalk discussions are nothing more than an ‘echo chamber.’ I want you to come out to Paltalk and ask Bob Whitaker if he feels the same way as you do; I want you to ask him what he truly thinks of our Paltalk efforts that we undertake each and every single week. Ask him if he thinks that our Paltalk debates are relevant and useful. Who knows maybe I’m totally wrong in my assessments about our Paltalk efforts; After all, he is the expert on spreading propaganda

    There, I think those are fair and justifiable challenges. God knows, those of us on Paltalk have bravely taken on every one of these challenges; You can do the same once or twice. And then we can end this silly discussion once and for all.

    You do these things Banjamin, and I will offer you an open gracious apology for my harsh words here today.

    Thank you


    time for freedom

    Benjamin Newells has an interesting Twitter channel

    Benjamin Newells

    Have fun echoing for seven hours in the echochamber.


    Benjamin, you can still show up and take the mic. Comments from the peanut gallery get treated accordingly.

    Be careful, calling it an ‘echo chamber’ is exactly what the Anti-Whites say.

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