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  • #46036
    Peter Cottontail

    Seen on another forum…seems an appropriate topic here:

    I recently made my first Twitter account after reading a discussion about its uses and merits on BUGS.

    I imagine I approach Twitter like my grandparents approached Super Mario Bros. when it came out: Utter befuddlement.

    What are the best ways to use it for spreading the awareness of White Genocide, etc.?

    I know people use #WhiteGenocide, and other #’s, to possibly (one day) make them trend, connect with others, etc.

    Do you ever post Mantra-esque comments to totally unrelated hashtags (kind of like we do to YouTube videos)? For example, #tosh, #LOTR, etc.?

    I don’t quite know how to utilize it. Any tips or tactics?

    Peter Cottontail

    Also saw this response:

    I just send out our basic one-liners to all that I can – celebs, producers, writers, etc. If you send more than 15 or so in a short time it can suspend you for an hour.

    I think the main value is just to get our terminology in the mind of certain people. I love sending something to “B” or “C” list celebs or writers or journalists who actually read their tweets. Someone who is a producer for a TV show or an editor for a political magazine can at least be made aware of us.

    I often just hop from person to person – start with someone and then hop to another person listed on their twitter feed, if they at least have a few hundred or few thousand followers.

    And yeah, I use #whitegenocide a lot. I am sure there is more than can be done, we need to experiment. Glad you are trying it out!

    Daniel Genseric

    Thanks for bringing up this topic again, Peter.

    I have seen some BUGSters try to get the message out to the Names. Sometimes they even succeed. You can use the @ function on Twitter to achieve this end. An example might be:

    “@AnnCoulter The U.S. is only “Finished When #Amnesty Passes” if we keep holding onto “respectability” for dear life. #STOPwhiteGENOCIDE”

    So, make a list, check it twice, and send the Mantra to both naughty and nice.

    European Americans’ twitter account uses some of these tactics and to say they are “Mantra Friendly” would be an understatement. Check it out if you have time at:


    Remember Ann has done everything but commit job suicide, I think shes trying lets talk to her.


    Be extremely CAREFUL as how you word things on twitter and what type of LANGUAGE is used. Not to long ago in france twitter was and I believe is still considering releasing the names of people that posted truths in regards to races aka they were “racist tweets” in their opinion.

    Peter Cottontail

    I am not in France so I will mantra away at will.


    @peter, I understand that lol. But I figured it wouldnt hurt to throw some caution to the wind of my fellow bugsers. I dont know any of you but I care about every single one of you. Just trying to look out for you guys.

    Peter Cottontail

    Out of curiosity, is the discussion of genocide illegal in France?


    @peter….point taken 🙂 .


    I’m going to repost some of our memes in diff. languages, for use on Twitter (you can Twitter-search a country and find government officials, U.S. embassies, their embassies, etc.). I won’t type the translation every time, lest it start catching the spam filter, but I’ll go in the same order.

    “Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White Countries for Everyone?!”

    “They say they are “anti-racist”. What they are is anti-White. Anti-racist is a codeword for Anti-White.”

    and, if I have it, STOP White Genocide

    I only have “Stop White Genocide” in a few languages. If you know it, and my post lacks it, by all means, add it!



    Afrika voor de Afrikanen. Azië voor Aziaten. Blanke landen voor IEDEREEN

    Ze zeggen dat ze “anti-racistisch” zijn, maar wat ze zijn is anti-blank. “Anti-racistisch” is een codewoord voor anti-blank.



    Aafrika on aafriklastele. Aasia on asiaatidele. Valged riigid on KÕIKIDELE.

    Nad väidavad et nad on “anti-rassistid”, Aga tegelikult on nad anti-valged.
    “Anti-rassist” on teise sõnaga anti-valge.

    Lõpetage valgete genotsiid!



    Afrikka afrikkalaisille. Aasia aasialaisille. Länsimaat KAIKILLE.

    Sitten he ilmoittavat olevansa “antirasisteja”, mutta ovat antivalkoisia. “Antirasisti” on peitenimi antivalkoiselle.


    I don’t know how different these are, or whether the distinction is accurate, but I had two French translations for my video… one from Canada, and one from France… so, assuming that distinction was correct, I’ll list both:

    French (Canada):

    L’Afrique pour les africains. L’Asie pour les asiatiques. Les pays blancs pour tout le monde.

    Ils se disent “Anti-raciste”. mais ce qu’ils sont, c’est anti-blanc. “Anti-raciste” est un nom de code pour ANTI-BLANC.

    French (France):

    L’Afrique aux Africains. L’Asie aux Asiatiques. Les pays blancs pour TOUT LE MONDE.

    Ils disent qu’ils sont “anti-raciste”, mais ce qu’ils sont c’est anti-blanc. “Anti-raciste” est un mot-clé pour anti-blanc.



    Η Αφρική για τους Αφρικανούς. Η Ασία για τους Ασιάτες. Οι Λευκές χώρες για ΟΛΟΥΣ.

    Λένε ότι είναι “αντι-ρατσιστές”, αλλά αυτό που πραγματικά είναι,
    είναι αντι-Λευκοί. Το “αντι-ρατσιστής” είναι μια κωδική ονομασία για το αντί-Λευκός.



    Afríka fyrir Svertingja. Asía fyrir Asíubúa. Hvít lönd fyrir ALLA.

    Þau segja að þau séu “and-rasistar”, en þau eru í raun and-Hvít. “And-rasisti” er dulorð um and-Hvíta.

    Stöðvum útrýmingu hvíta fólksins



    Āfrika priekš āfrikāņiem. Āzija priekš aziātiem. Baltās valstis priekš VISIEM.

    Viņi saka, ka ir “pret rasismu”, bet viņi patiesībā ir pret baltajiem. Būt “pret rasismu” ir apzīmējums būšanai pret baltajiem.



    Afrika for Afrikanere. Asia for Asiatere. Hvite land for ALLE.

    De sier de er “anti-rasister”, Det de er, er anti-hvite. Anti-rasist er ett kodeord for anti-hvit.



    Afryka dla Afrykanów. Azja dla Azjatów. Białe kraje dla KAŻDEGO.

    Mówią o sobie “antyrasiści”, ale tak naprawdę są anty-biali.
    “Antyrasista” to szyfrogram dla anty-biały.



    África para os Negros. Ásia para os Asiáticos. Países Brancos para TODOS.

    Dizem eles que são “anti-racistas”, mas na verdade são anti-Brancos. “Anti-racista” é um eufemismo para anti-Branco.

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