Whitaker's Current Articles May 29, 2004



May 29, 2004 -- Why I am Going to New Orleans

May 29, 2004 -- David Duke got Railroaded to Prison

May 29, 2004 -- From my New Orleans Speech:  Tomorrow's Leaders Will Have to be Spokesmen for White People


Fun Quote:

When Davy Crockett lost his congressional seat, he told his constituents:

"You can go to hell and I will go to Texas."


                                               Why I am Going to New Orleans                                            

When David Duke was railroaded off to prison by the Feds, I was infuriated, and you had better be, too.  If they can do it to him, they can do it to you.
I met David Duke in Moscow a couple of years back.   The "expat community" – those Americans living in Russia is very small.  So even if we had nothing in common politically, Dave and I were Southerners and political professionals, so we would have gotten together on that basis.
But David Duke wants to save my race.  Anyone who wants to do that has a lot in common with me.  I am so pro-white that I am too bigoted even to be anti-Semitic.
Then Dave went to prison.   I helped him out while he was there and he read some of my stuff and asked me to speak at a huge gathering in New Orleans this weekend to celebrate his release.
Dave is not the only person I have ever helped in prison. 
While professional black spokesmen sat in fine offices and drew a good salary to attack the Confederate flag, I have conducted many recovery sessions in prison, often when there were only black people at them.
I have taken my life in my hands and gone into the ghettoes to help out addicts while professional black spokesmen were worrying about the use of the N word.
Old stone-hearted racist Bob never got a dime for any of this.
 I went to Africa and helped create jobs while professional black spokesmen here were ignoring African starvation and attacking South Africa.
Black people would be a hell of a lot better heart if there were more Evil Racists like Bob Whitaker and less paid black spokesmen.
I was proud that David Duke asked me to be one of his speakers and I am happy to do it.


                                   David Duke got Railroaded to Prison                                                

Everybody knows that David Duke got sent to a prison where he stood an excellent chance of being murdered because he earned it.   The Federal Government wanted him dead.

The Federal Government wanted David Duke dead because he scared the hell out of them.    Everybody thought they had beaten the South into total submission to race mixing, and then Dave came with a fraction of a percent of becoming of Louisiana. 

I have been in hardball politics for half a century.  Anybody who doesn't know that Dave actually won that election is not just naive, he is a damned fool.  

I was a poll-watcher during the 1968 election in Chicago.  I saw the Dailey Machine up front and personal.   Absolutely everybody who was in real Chicago politics when the Daily Machine was at its height has any doubt at all that Mayor Dailey personally made sure that John Kennedy won the 1960 election for John Kennedy over Richard Nixon.  Kennedy needed a few votes in Chicago to in with the state of Illinois, and that was what gave him his tiny majority over Nixon in the Electoral College.

It took all night, but Kennedy needed those Chicago votes and sure enough he got them.

Let me tell you something.  When it comes to enforcing its racial policies, the Feds and the Louisiana political establishment make the Daily Machine look a bunch of pansies.  They needed a few votes to beat David Duke and they sure as hell got them.

If you think that those votes were real, you are a damned fool.

Let us look at what Dave's experience teaches us about the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

Over seventy years, the Federal Government did one thing right.  They got Al Capone on income tax charges.  It was the last creative idea the United States Government ever came up with, and that was seventy years ago.  It is pathetic that when the Feds are out to get somebody, the only arrow they have in their quiver is still the same on they came up with a human lifetime ago.

That is really pathetic.

   From My New Orleans Speech: Future Leaders Will Have to be Spokesmen for White People 

Liberals have no place in the future. They have produced one policy after another, and every one of  them has not just been a failure, it has been a disastrous.
By now liberalism has become known as a failure.  But what is worse for liberals is that liberalism has  become known as a laughable failure. They are terrified of being laughed at precisely because they  know that in the modern world they are laughable.

The only people who are not laughable today are the people who can talk about race.

California already has a white minority.  By the middle of this century America will have a white  minority.  The future of America will be Hispanic leaders demanding things for Hispanics and black  leaders demanding things for their minority group.

The white race has a much better chance to survive as a threatened minority than it does as a  majority that thinks it rules the world.    In a society of minorities, whites will be biggest minority.  In a nation of minorities, whites will have  to have spokesmen who speak for white people as white people.   That is why both liberals and conservatives are both panicking about the multi-racial future they themselves created.

Tomorrow's white leaders will have to say, up front and personal, "We are white and we are ready to  make deals for the good of our own race."  

Any liberal who says that is committing political heresy.  Any conservative who says that is committing political heresy.   But anybody who thinks you can be part of the future political  leadership without dealing in race is a fool, and more and more people are beginning to see that fact.
 I was watching a main line television discussion a few days ago in which they were discussing the fact  that Europe will have a Moslem majority by the middle of this century. I was astonished to hear them  agree that it is a major problem white people simply do not have children.
If they had said that ten years ago, every one of them would have been ruined. This racial talk is now becoming mainstream. But while they are despairing of the future, I look forward to it. To repeat, I think a white  race that sees itself as a threatened minority stands a far better chance of survival than a white race that thinks it rules the world.

I remember when Patrick J. Buchanan announced on national television twenty-five years ago that the  reason Americans died at Normandy was to make Europe into a multiracial society.

Recently Buchanan produced the best-selling book he ever wrote.  That book is about how the white race is committing suicide.   He says this multi-racial society he fought for is destroying the white race and Western Culture.

Buchanan's best-selling book is called "Suicide of the West."

The title of that book ought to be "Well, DUHH!"
It is time for us to stop taking liberals and conservatives seriously. No one who does not think racially has any place in the politics of the future. We are all used to thinking of ourselves as a small group sounding the alarm to a deaf white race. That age is coming to an end. The danger warned about is here, and everybody is beginning to realize it.

Anyone who does not think racially has to be laughed at, not debated with.
We must go from racial theory to practical politics. And we must do it immediately.
There is no place in America's future for any white person who does not think of himself as a spokesman for the powerful white minority. You simply cannot waste your time debating with those who are still trying to live in a non-racial world, whether they call themselves liberals or socialists or libertarians or Buckley conservatives or religious conservatives.

When we are called haters and enemies of other races because we want to represent white people, we need to laugh at the people who say that.

We need to say we are too bigoted to be anti-Semitic.  We am too bigoted to be anti-black.  We are too bigoted to be anti-Hispanic.  The only group we are interested in white people, and as white leaders, we  want to make some deals.

This sounds like a joke. But behind it is a deadly serious and realistic set of ideas that will make us white leaders when the liberals and conservatives are ancient history.

As Joe Sobran said in his Foreword to "Why Johnny Can't Think," all we can do for those out-of-date liberals and conservatives is to quote, "Give them the horselaugh they deserve" unquote.

The future of politics is entirely racial. In the meantime, you can help me laugh the old fogies out of the way.



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