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Is Politics Getting Nastier?

Posted by Bob on November 5th, 2004 under Politics

Politics is getting nastier because whites are getting the dim realization that what is now at stake is more than their looking sweet.

Lefist politics were always nasty. But politics only “got nasty” when people started getting nasty back.

Leftists were allowed to pull every dirty trick in the book and to say anything they wanted to about anybody. On the other side, moderates kept the conservatives in line.

Leftists could declare that every child in America was starving, and moderates would tell them what idealists they were and suggest softly that maybe only half the country’s children were starving.

But those sugar-sweet moderates were vicious when they fought conservatives. At every Republican convention conservatives were savaged and excluded.

In 1988, when Bush Senior took over, he had Reagan and one or two others speaking to the convention one night, and then his chief of staff said, “Thank God we got the conservatives out of the way!”

In 1989, one Bush operative bragged, “I was the first to clean all the Reaganites out of my department!”

As always, the conservatives mostly just grovelled at Bush’s feet.

It was even worse before Reagan. Conservatives at conventions were treated like dogs. A friend of mine put it perfectly:

“Every four years conservative Republicans get kicked in the teeth and come up smiling.”

Respectable conservatives now grovel at the fet of neoconservatives. But you have to give the neos this, they are not like moderates. When they fight on an issue they care about, like the fate of Israel, they go for the throat.

The media loved the moderates. The media hates the neos.

The media thought politics was very gentlemanly when only the Abbie Hoffmans and Ted Kennedys got to do the shouting and insulting and pull the dirty tricks.

The reason we hear that politics is getting nasty is because today the liberals are getting kicked, too.

  1. #1 by JC on 11/05/2004 - 11:40 pm

    I was watching TV the day after the elections, after Kerry had conceded. It was on Fox (hey, you gotta watch somebody), I don’t remember if it was O’Reilly or not. But there was an e-mail by some Demopublican from one of the Kerry states that was wonderful! I think it was a woman and I think she was from New York. Anyway, she wrote, and I’m piecing this together by memory, essentially that it was absolutely horrible that Bush had won and that they (the noble souls that supported douche bag, er, I mean Kerry) shouldn’t have to live in a nation or with others that would vote for molecule brain, er, I mean Bush. Now, the reason I think this is wonderful is that maybe the North will secede! Look at the map. The states that Kerry carried were the Northern Aggressors in the War Between the States. I know it will never happen. In fact, a few Northern states threatened to secede prior to the War of Northern Aggression. Basically, the South said, “Go for it!” so it lost its appeal. But, wouldn’t it be great if we could make common cause with the Democrats, the Nation of Islam and Atzlan Hispanics and create our own section of the country where Whites can live in peace, with Whites, under White laws, and not have to deal with the dregs of humanity. And they wouldn’t have to live with small minded, bigoted Nazis that can’t see what a wonderful world this would be if everyone was brown and could dance. If we played our cards right they might think it was their idea.

  2. #2 by Don on 11/06/2004 - 12:37 pm

    RE: “the liberals are getting kicked, too.”

    I read this somewhere, but I can’t recall where. If anyone recognizes it, please let me know.

    We catch those bastards and do something to them that is very, very unfunny indeed

  3. #3 by Richard L. Hardison on 11/07/2004 - 1:01 pm

    New England seceed? Would Bush issue a call for troops? It might be fun invading Taxachussetts, tearing down their war memorials and taking “Old Ironsides” as reparations, make them pay 80% tarriffs on everything and build great highways while they get little for it.

    Actually, that would be getting down in the gutter with those morons. Let ’em go so long as they take a portion of the federal debt in proportion to what was spent in those states. Wayward sisters – go in peace and leave us in peace.

  4. #4 by Bob Whitaker on 11/08/2004 - 12:02 am

    Richard, why would Bush have to call up troops?

    There are no guns up there.

  5. #5 by Richard L. Hardison on 11/10/2004 - 6:38 pm

    I’m sure those upstate New Yorkers would challenge that. Those Taxachussetts types probably don’t have much.

    All kidding aside, I don’t think there is enough strength left in the country to put down any secesh movement these days. Personally, I would say “good riddance.” Let them have their multi-cult nonsense. We can reconquer the place in the guise of peacekeeping later and make them pay for it and deport the trouble makers back to Africa and Mexico.

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