Archive for November 11th, 2004
A Poll No One Will Ever Take
A baseball pro named Whitaker (with one “t” just like mine) is almost certainly a good liberal Democrat. Why? Because he’s black.
Not everybody named Whitaker is white. Everybody knows that. Any pollster who did a poll to find out how Whitakers voted without breaking them down by race would be considered an idiot.
Any pollster who bunched all the Anglo-Saxon names together in a poll without making any racial distinction would be considered an idiot.
Now let’s look at the vote everybody calls Hispanic. People keep saying there are “cultural differences” between Hispanics. A Garcia from Honduras has a different “culture” than a Hispanic from Mexico.
Actually, that makes little political difference. A colored man from Mexico votes liberal Democratic, just as a colored man from Guatamala does.
What is needed is a poll of “Hispanics” based on the color of the skin.
“Culture” makes little difference in politics. Race makes ALL the difference in politics. The earlier, whiter Cubans who came to America are solid Republican. The darker ones (the ones who came later) have, to use the standard euphemism, “returned to more traditional Hispanic voting patterns.”
Translation: They’re colored, so they’re anti-white.
Simplisitic? This simple statement is a lot less “simplistic” than assuming that everybody named Garcia falls into the same group.

Has Anybody Ever Heard of Refugees Running AWAY From Americans?
Somebody is going to accuse me of being FOR the Vietnam War for this, but here goes.
The media always shows hordes of refugees in Vietnam and blames them on Americans. But I have never heard of any refugees who moved AWAY from United States troops since the Civil War.
I have never heard of refugees going AWAY from Americans. In Vietnam those hordes of refugees were always moving BEHIND American lines. In Korea the same was true.
The biggest picture of this media blindness was when the Iraq War began. A huge number of reporters sat on the northern border of Iraq while Americans troops moved into the south.
The media had always heard there were huge numbers of refugees when a war started, and that Americans were devils. It had never occurred to them that refugees don’t move away from Americans.
It’s never occurred to anybody but me.
So all those reporters sat there on the northern border of Iraq, waiting for the refugees, for critical days at the beginning of the war. No refugees came.
The media has forgotten this little incident. I talked about it at the time on WOL, but nobody noticed. It cost the media one hell of a lot of money.
And they didn’t learn a damn thing from it.

Please READ Before You Comment!
It was inevitable. One person read that because I wanted to save American soldiers’ lives by cutting off the water at Fallujah it meant I was for the Iraq War.
Just how many times have I said this was Israel’s War? It doesn’t matter.
At least ninety percent of the comments here are anti-war. It doesn’t matter.
If you don’t READ what I say, you are going to make a fool of yourself.

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