Archive for November 12th, 2004

Historian Wanted. Idiocy Required

If you want to be a professional historian, there are two rigid requirements. You must be UNABLE to:

1) Think; and

2) Count.

To give one of many examples of Requirement 1, you must accept the idea that the people in Northern Europe did not know how to read and write before the Romans taught them to write.

There are, of course, many runic inscriptions on stone in Northern Europe, but historians agree that that is the only writing that was done in Northern Europe.

If you THOUGHT about it, it would seem a little strange that people could write highly complex statements on rock but nowhere else. Where did they LEARN to write? There are no Primers etched in Northern European stones.

Obviously only a true retard would accept that idea.

So much for Requirement 1.

As for Requirement 2, the entire theory on which Israel is based (on which the official Christian doctrine of the Diaspora is based) collapses instantly if you face the fact that there were six million Jews in the Roman Empire.

Nobody who can count can make a living as a historian or as a theologian.

Here is another reason why a person who can count cannot be a professional historian: anybody who has the slightest acquaintance with the American Revolution has heard every discussion of it breathlessly repeat Sam Adams’s numbers:

One in three Americans was for the Revolution, one in three was neutral, and one in three was a Tory.

There were thirteen colonies. If the average was that one in three was a Tory, then some states would have a solid majoirity of Tories and some would have more Revolutionaries.

But by 1776, every single one of the thirteen colonies had tossed out their Royal Governors. If Adams’s numbers had been correct, at least six of the thirteen would have kept their Royal Governors.

Then there is the simple fact that that split is far too convenient. Exactly a third for one side, exactly a third for the other side, and exactly a third neutral?

Don’t be ridiculous!

Unless you want to be a historian and get paid for it.



We Don’t Stand for That

Now there is a phrase I haven’t heard in years:

“We don’t stand for that!”

AOL has a feature about a girl who was grabbed on the street, screaming, and not one of the many, many passers-by even called 911, much less interfered.

They didn’t want to get involved. And for good reason. If you are street-wise and don’t interfere, you can’t get sued. You can’t get in trouble for using excessive violence.

I’ve used excessive violence.

But if you know how to exploit that, you don’t end up with a record. I tell the cops: “OK, this is one hell of a chance for me to write a press release. Let’s GO for it!”

First of all, your average cop is a decent human being. He thinks that the fact that you beat the hell out of somebody chasing some helpless person is great.

He just can’t do it.

Trial Lawyers, you know.

So the girl, prostitute, drug addict, whatever, runs and the average Street-Wise Citizen ignores her.

I will beat the hell out of her attacker. I’ve done it.

Maybe I am the last person on earth to say, “I won’t stand for it.”

What an honor!



How Catholics and Calvinists Learn to Hate the White Race

I am NOT picking on Catholics and Calvinists. The reason I discuss these two faiths is because they represent the two poles of the Christian faith. If you know your theology you will realize that almost every Christian denomination is some sort of combination of Catholicism and Calvinism.

Calvinism is almost entirely white. Calvinism is based on self-hatred. This hatred soon goes from self-torture to a conviction that RACIAL self-destruction is good.

Catholicism learns to demand the end of the white race by the Wordist route. Let me give you an example.

Brazil brags about the fact that it is a race-mixer society. Brazil is also a political and economic catastrophe, but all brown countries are political and economic catastrophes. The thing that is unique about Brazil is that it BRAGS about making itself brown.

Brazilians are convinced that their mania for race-mixing is based on tolerance. Actually it is based on bigotry.

In the early days of Brazil, the Inquisition was in absolute control. When a ship landed in Rio de Janiero Jesuit or Dominican priests got on board and examined every person on the ship about his Catholic doctrine before that person was allowed to set foot on shore.

It didn’t matter if you were white, black, brown or purple. The only thing that mattered was that you knew how to repeat the WORDS of the Catholic catechism. Brazil didn’t care about race or any other loyalty. Words were everything.

Brazil was based on the Catholic version of Wordism.

A true, dedicated, catechismed Wordist genuinely does not care about race.

Or about mercy or reality or common decency.

A true Wordist has no prejudices. A true Wordist has no loyalties.

A true Wordist is what our media call an Idealist. Wordists are supposed to make you feel good.

Wordists scare the hell out of me.
