Archive for November 13th, 2004
TV Obscenity is BORING
Posted by Bob in Musings about Life on 11/13/2004
I was watching the Showtime series, “Dead Like Me.”
The language is nasty. I spent a lot of time in drug recovery, so that doesn’t bother me.
In fact, the only thing that bothers me about it is that their dirty language is so BORING. The s word and the f word, over and over and over and over and over ad infinitum.
If you’ve got to be obscene, at least do a good job of it.
My father was the son of a Methodist circuit rider. When he started cursing, my mother used to laugh at him. He didn’t know any cuss words.
My mother would tell him that her older brother Bill knew how to cuss.
If my mother had been like a respectable conservative and shown the proper horror at my father’s evil words he would not have been upset. But she laughed at him. That got to him.
So while everybody else is upset at the toilet language on cable, I consider it pitiful. I laugh at it.
Now which do you think would really get to those who use pointless obscenity, the average respectable conservative’s horror and shock or my laughing in their faces?

Jews and Anti-Semites Have a Common Interest
One thing I have noticed about Stormfront’s special guests is that, outside of me, they have all discussed the following subjects:
1) Jews;
2) Jews;
3) Jews;
4) Jews and;
5) Jews;
in that order.
There are three synagogues within two miles of where I am sitting. By a stupendous coincidence, every one of those synagogues has exactly the same five priorities in exactly the same order.
If you are obsessed with Jews, you must be obsessed with the idea that Jews EXIST.
They don’t.
All the evidence I see indicates that Jews are a group of people who, down through the centuries, changed steadily. In every generation a lot of people people joined the Jews and a lot of people people left the Jews. We know about the Khazars and the Bohemians who converted to Judaism, but we have not heard of the others.
I have read about “Jewish converts” who fought the Apostles in the Bible all my life, though I am informed that in other translations that term has been changed.
It is critical to Jews, Christian myths, and anti-Semites that those converts never existed.
During Europe’s religious wars, the only way to travel from a Protestant to a Catholic country without molestation was to be a Jew. Only a Jew could charge interest. No historian is ever allowed to mention these ADVANTAGES of being a Jew. It was all Suffering, you see.
In Rome, too, only “Jews” were allowed to do something anyone else was prosecuted for. Jews, and Jews only, were exempted from the requirement to worship the Roman Emperor as a god.
First of all, a tiny group in Judea could probably never have gotten an exemption like that. Secondly, if a particular group is given a specific exemption from the law, the Roman authorities knew who those people were.
And counted them.
The Romans kept careful count. If you doubt it, please note where Mary and Joseph were headed when Jesus was born, and WHY. The Romans knew that an obscure carpenter in Nazareth owed them money, and they knew where he lived.
I think they knew how many people were exempted from the law that required that the Emperor be worshipped, and who they were.
The Encyclopedia Judaica says there were seven, I remembered six, million Jews in the Roman Empire.
A lot of sources don’t like that. I’m not surprised.
Who cares exactly how many millions of Jews there were? The point is that this whole story about the Jews being in Israel until some mythical Diaspora is nonsense.
Since the whole culture of millions of Hellenized Jews simply disappeared from history, it is likely that they became the Christian Church.
History goes blank about the real history of Christianity before Rome outlawed all other faiths, and I believe that anything that Christians did not want to be true was treated the way they always treated any literature they didn’t like: It was burned and anyone caught with a copy was executed.
Someone wrote me that there couldn’t have been all those Jews in Rome because there is no record of their slaughter.
I sure hope he was joking.
Jews exist as a people in exactly the same way that the Freemasons exist as a people.
To me, the term “Jews” refers 1) to those who were so hostile to the Christian or Moslem society in which they lived that they chose to become Jews; and 2) in each generation, Jews were encouraged to join in the faith of the majority, and most eventually did. So what is left is the hard core.
I keep referring to Kissinger’s comment:
“Any peole that has been persecuted for two thousands years is doing something wrong.”
Actually, they probably weren’t all that persecuted. My Odinist ancestors were burned alive by the Christians on a regular basis. Now THAT is persecution.
This is all just logic and arithmetic. I can’t prove it, and the professional Christians can’t prove their story. They used suppression instead of truth, and now that they don’t have the power to suppress, they really get nasty about any disagreement.
Anti-Semites can get nasty on the same subject.
The real world is a place of probabilities. I consider the accepted theory about Jews as highly improbable. But a lot of people have built their whole worldview around the old picture of single group of pure Jews stretching right back to the Diaspora, and they will fight for that nonsense to the very end.
Christians base their worldview on the idea that a few Apostles converted a world of pagans to their faith. Meanwhile, the whole Hellenic Jewish culture just vanished. It seems more probable that those millions of Jews accepted Christianity than that they just vanished or were all executed.
I think that’s true, but unlike all the others, I have no vested interest in this truth.

Just How Right Was Fritz?
Hollings is leaving office because he betrayed his electorate to get national status as a liberal candidate for president. Now he bitterly regrets it.
So his anger showed when he made a statement that was perfectly true. He said that, compared to Israel, nothing else in American foreign politics makes any difference, least of all American interests.
Everybody in professional politics knows that. That is precisely why no one is allowed to say it.
Liberals have been trying desperately to say that the War in Iraq is just a a War for Oil. But every now and then liberals slip up and tell the truth. It gets them into DEEP trouble, and every conservative who wants to be respectable screams bloody murder when he does.
No, the Iraq War is not for oil. That would be in America’s interest. The last group of Americans who fought a war in America’s interst wore gray uniforms, and that war wasn’t necessary.
We can get all the oil we need from outside the Middle East. Britain, the only European country that joined in this War for Oil, is also the only European country that has its own independent oil supply.
But there is no other excuse for America’s presence in the Middle East except oil. So we must say “oil, oil, oil” because otherwise we will be saying what every Arab leader tells us: the Middle East hates us because we are there for Israel.

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