Archive for November 20th, 2004
Quiet Desperation
Posted by Bob in Musings about Life on 11/20/2004
I think it was Emerson or Thoreau who said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.”
And women are always wondering, “Why can’t he be satisfied with…?”
The answer to this question is everywhere.
Everywhere except among the women’s libbers and the so-called “intellectuals” who teach women to be men.
It is the male peacock who shows his feathers. It is the male of every species who struts his stuff. It is the male lion who wants more mates.
No male of any species is ever satisfied. No male of any species is ever fulfilled. No male of any species is “happy.”
The female of every species checks to be sure the kids are doing well. If the ones she loves are all right she is satisfied. The only reason she is not fully satisfied is because the male she cares about is not all right.
Be she human or lion or peacock, she cannot understand why he is not satisfied.

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