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11/27/04 Insider Letter

Posted by Bob on November 28th, 2004 under Insider Letter Archive

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

(reprinted from 11/27/04)

In last week’s message I wrote about the heroic professor in Arizona who is under attack for standing up for white Americans. Mexicans are demanding that he be fired or disciplined for exercising his rights as an American. Whose country is this, anyway?

The college is being sued, and I’ve been asked to contact the Chancellor and others on the board regarding this. Here is what I will send them.

Dear Sir,

I was heartened to read in the November 13th Arizona Republic that you and the others in charge of the Maricopa Community College System are taking your jobs seriously, and resisting the bullying tactics of MALDEF and other special interest groups who come here to take advantage of the many great things our country has to offer while spitting in our faces. How dare these guests “demand” an end to our first amendment rights of freedom of speech because they don’t like what some people say.

Would these people consider my saying that they “demand an end to our first amendment rights” to be “discriminatory,” “racist,” or otherwise “hateful” or “hostile”? Or would they ask, as any student interested in real learning, “Are these statements factual?” Why do they come to America – to find a better way of life here (meaning a better place than they left) or to bring us light in some missionary effort? Has Mexico ever made a serious claim to being self-governing? Don’t all the multi-culturalists tell us that America is ONLY valuable because it is self-governing, and owes nothing at all to the unique characteristics of its founding people? Don’t these same multi-culturalists tell us that our self-government is limited to one choice when it comes to immigration – “Celebrate it, roll over for it, never criticize or try to limit it”? If not, then how do they expect Americans exercising their constitutional rights to disagree? “Oh, we are just not worthy of such wonderful folks.”

As a former student, professor, and author of a book on universities and the state religion of Political Correctness, I understand the difficult position you have been put in by this monstrous situation. You may well consider yourself a “liberal.” But you are making the only stand you can make. You must stand for academic freedom in a real sense, in the same way a man stands for his honor and a woman her virtue. To do otherwise is to become a hypocrite, a coward, a whore.

Those who despise our Western civilization will not understand your decision. They cannot fathom what moral courage is, much less the teaching of our Lord that having done our duty, we are still the “unprofitable servant.” They can say this outlook is not “superior” to the dog-eat-dog world they came from. Maybe they just don’t know any better. But you do. Let us not cast our pearls before swine.

You can count on my standing with you. I and thousands of others who are coming to the place of no longer tolerating this assault on our heritage and our future. We are not requesting, but DEMANDING an end to the religion of Political Correctness on our campuses. We pay the taxes that pay your salary and fund these schools. We will not have them be used as weapons against us.

May God be with you.

Robert W. Whitaker

This best way I know of to give thanks for the blessings we’ve been given is to fight to keep them for our posterity. Thanks to all of my loyal readers for your support of WOL and Why Johnny Can’t Think. May God bless you and your families.


  1. #1 by Don on 12/14/2004 - 10:14 am

    Would it be useful to set up a target school – I’m not saying this one – and focus on making “Why Johnny Can’t Think” very well known on that campus? Then we could learn from that what works, what doesn’t work, etc.

  2. #2 by Don on 12/14/2004 - 11:44 am

    Excellent letter!

  3. #3 by Don on 12/14/2004 - 11:50 am

    It has been over a week (12/6) since I e-mailed my public library, requesting Mr. Whitaker’s book “Why Johnny can’t think”. There has been no reply. Tomorrow I will go to confront the head librarian face to face. If anybody has any suggestions they would be appreciated. PM me with any comments or suggestions.

    I would like to see Mr. Whitaker’s book in our libraries. I think that a victory like that would be great for moral and I urge others to do the same at their libraries. If we could come together to acomplish this one small thing I think that it would give the fence sitters and the internet warriors the courage to become more active.

    From Roger Brown on Stormfront.

  4. #4 by Peter on 12/14/2004 - 9:18 pm

    May God be with you, brother Bob.

  5. #5 by Bob Whitaker on 12/15/2004 - 2:19 pm

    Roger Brown is actually DOING something. I find that hard to believe!

  6. #6 by Richard L. Hardison on 12/15/2004 - 9:36 pm

    Buy the book and donate it if they won’t buy it.

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