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Why Not?

Posted by Bob on December 31st, 2004 under How Things Work

Thar’s GOLD in them thar hills!

Mensa has lots of people who are laborers. You could give them college degrees with no effort and set a precedent. They would pay you money for it.

They are smarter than other people. They would also fight for the legitimacy of that degree.

So there’s money. There is a potential for overthrowing the professor-priesthood and the political left.

People are setting up colleges all the time.

So why isn’t somebody getting a lifetime income out of this?

I have no idea. David Duke got a perfectly legitimate PhD out of Kiev University.

There are a lot of people who everybody admits are MUCH smarter and more intellectually productive than many PhDs. Karl Marx got his PhD in one week.

Would any leftist say that Karl Marx didn’t earn his PhD?

So many, many people, including me, would pay a university good money to recognize their accomplishments and give them a PhD, the way they did David Duke.

And those PhDs could have rigid requirements, requirements no standard PhD could meet, like books and ORIGINAL ideas.

An educated man can tell if another man is educated. So Karl Marx wrote a thesis, defended it, and got a PhD, all in one week.

I am too old to care about a PhD. The article I wrote about that is now missing from the archives.

We were chased out of the University of Virginia and that “we” includes two professors who later won the Nobel Prize.

At age 63, I have no NEED of a PhD. But I’d LOVE to get one. It’s called ego.

Lots and lots of other people would like to have a PhD they have long since earned.

No one could challenge those PhDs if they were awarded carefully.

Russia is poor. Ukraine is much poorer. So why doesn’t Ukraine offer a PhD to people who have earned them, with stringent requirements?

It is no accident that Ukraine is poor. If Ukraine did the things that were perfectly obvious, they would not be POOR.

If David Duke could see the potential in what happened, there would no place for people like me.

In other words, I have not the slightest idea why smart people never see the obvious.

I explain things that should be the beginning of great accomplishments. The comments come in that I am not being militant enough or that I need to spell out a program.

Meanwhile I am pointing at things where there is money, where there is power, where there is a beginning from which a reasonably intelligent person could go with it.

So what I get back is, “DUHH.”

But there are a few people out there who have minds.

I can ignore the rest.

  1. #1 by Don on 01/07/2005 - 12:08 pm

    Just keep on pointing out the obvious. Sometimes that big tree up close obscures the view.

  2. #2 by Scythian on 05/04/2013 - 11:18 pm

    Right here is the VALUE. Is there anything “esoteric” in this article?

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