Archive for January 3rd, 2005
HS Asked Me About the Word “Aryan”
History really began when the Indo-Europeans moved out of their original homeland. Before that all the so-called “civilizations” had been slave mounds, like anthills, with their priesthoods and their Wisdom and total stagnation. They did not have the wheel or bronze or even probably copper.
And they would never have gotten any of these things. They were happy little anthills, or at least the ruling one percent, all of whom had worms in their gut and malnutrition, whipped things to stay as they were.
I give it fifty-fifty that the Indo-European homeland was where the Black Sea now is. That was the original Flood, when the entire area behind Byzantium went from a land mass to a sea in a few years.
The strait that separates Asia from Europe today was a tiny bit of highland that protected the lowlands behind it from the sea. When it broke, it totally collapsed. The bottom of the Black Sea is still salt water.
These Indo-Europeans spread out in every direction. They became the Scythians of lower Russia, named for the scythe which no other people had before them. Then spread into India as the Aryans. “Aryan” is the Indian term for the white cunders of their class system, the name of which, in Sanskrit, is “naryu,” or “color.”
Buddha and the Indian who took what was later called “Kung Fu” to China, were probably both blond. It is certain that the latter gentleman had blue eyes.
“Iran” is the same word as “Aryan.” In fact, “Erin” for which Ireland is named is the same word.
The Persians who invaded Greece were Indo-European, just as the Greeks they faced were. The Ionian and Doric waves of Indo-European Greek conquerors held the old population that they let survive as slaves. So at Thermopylae, slaveholders fought slaveholders.
The Persians burned down Greek temples because they destroyed idols. Those Iranian Aryan Indo-Europeans — all the same thing — developed the religion the Jews adopted, then Cyrus “did the work of the Lord” and the Magi accepted Christ when the Jews rejected him.
The so-called “Arabic” numerals we use were also from India. Egyptians got iron and the wheel when, in successive waves, Indo-Europeans bashed their heads in with the iron and rolled over them in the chariots.
China got Kung Fu, Buddhism and a lot else from India when India was still white, so I assume they got the wheel from the Aryans, too.
Nobody else HAD the wheel.
If the Aryans disappear, we’ll all be ants again.
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