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An Old Stalinist

Posted by Bob on January 28th, 2005 under Bob

I was talking to an old Stalinist tonight. He is a former Eastern European college professor and the person who introduced us didn’t know that, all BS aside, he was just a plain old Stalinist.

I recognized him quickly. I spent decades facing off these people.

He was talking about American imperialism and I cut him short. I said, “You know and I know that if the United States wanted to conquer the whole world right now nobody would be in our way.”

He mentioned terrorists, but I said, “if we got ruthless, we’d kill them and you know it.”

He’s a Stalinist, he knows what ruthlessness IS.

Americans don’t want the world or we would have it. The only reason anybody says “imperialist” is because they know we’re not.

Americans are silly assses. Americans are slaves to Israel.

But no one seems to get to the bottom line: everybody else on earth is weak beyond belief. If fifty million Arabs wanted to settle in Russia, what would Russia do about it?


If a black African wanted to rape a Finn’s daughter, what would the Finn do about it?


What the world is about today is WEAKNESS, COWARDICE, HELPLESSNESS.

  1. #1 by H.S. on 01/28/2005 - 1:40 pm

    The world is run by feminists, women, and children.

    Most feminists are men.

    The few real men will have to wait until it collapses under its own weak, self-serving, drugged-out, sexed-out, lazed-out, ignorant, impotent weight. So what else is new.

    The cycle is inevitable without adhering to the one absolute design model.

  2. #2 by Elizabeth on 01/28/2005 - 4:24 pm

    I’m an economic feminist because I’ve been looking for a real man for more years than I want to think about — and haven’t been able to find one that I could marry.

    I really don’t like having to fight my own battles, but I can. And I do.

    I had to learn two very important lessons the HARD way: trying to be liked by everybody is a sure and certain way of getting a reputation as a pushover and as a liar, and cowering at menaces is a sure and certain way of getting beaten to a bloody pulp, figuratively or otherwise.

    I’ve been a hawk most of my life for the above two reasons, and largely because I’ve seen Those Who Tell Me They Know Best making these same mistakes Again and Again and Again and Again.

    One of these mistakes took place in what used to be called French Indo-China. We became involved about the time I was born, and were driven out shortly after my seventeenth birthday.

    One of my childhood memories is of watching the weekly, three-digit casualty figures on the envening news.

  3. #3 by Bedford on 01/28/2005 - 7:22 pm

    The US was not really driven out of Viet Nam. Eisenhower sent advisors there in the 50’s and incrmentalism led to 500,000 troops. There never was a decision to win the war – it was always help South Viet Nam win the war. The purpose of war is the unconditional surrender of the enemy and it was never sought in Viet Nam. Nixon obtained a peace treaty which required US military power to enforce it. Watergate led to the Congress cutting off any funds for Viet Nam – that was a green light for the commies to break the treaty and invade South Viet Nam because no US military could be used to stop it. N. Viet Nam signed the peace treaty because they were defeated by air power – the country even with restricted targets was being blown to pieces. 20/20 hindsight says that the S. Vietnamese should have been told from the begining that the US would not go beyond advisors and military supplies and winning the war would be up to them. Viet Nam was probably the worst place on earth to fight communism – especially the nationalist variety. The supply and communication lines were the longest possible for the US – the jungle terrain was ideal for the enemy. In short, it was never worth it – Cuba is 90 miles away and it did more damage to the US than Viet Nam would have done.

  4. #4 by Bedford on 01/29/2005 - 1:14 pm

    Bob’s articles today reminded me of the supporters of communism back in the 1910-1950 period. They were the people who would be the advocates of PC and multiculturalism today. Communism was also against human nature and its supporters wanted power and a new world. The commies in America believed the end justified the means just as the PC crowd does today – these people are radical. Communism was finally defeated and even its supporters recognize it – now it is time to defeat the current Lefties.

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