Archive for January 29th, 2005
1/29/05 Insider Letter
Posted by Bob in Insider Letter Archive on 01/29/2005
(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 1/29/05)
*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***
In this week’s article referring to the attempts to abolish “racism” I wrote, “Since there is no solution to the ‘problems’ of human nature, any attempt to create one is, by definition, inhuman.”
“Racism” is certainly a part of human nature. When professors say, “Every white is unconsciously racist,” to a degree they are right. It is entirely natural, especially when it comes to finding a mate, for human beings to want to be with people who look like themselves.
This is a huge problem for the multiculturalist, a problem that can only be overcome by extreme thought indoctrination, the kind of extreme thought indoctrination that takes place every day on college campuses across the country.
Professors are the purveyors of the propaganda that penetrates impressionable people.
A leftist might respond to this by saying that Christians say sin is also a part of human nature, and since “racism” is a sin (a worse sin than most) should it not be controlled and eradicated by any means necessary?
Many of these same leftists have no problems with adultery, fornication, and many of the other sins that Jesus actually DID preach against. For them, “racism” is the ultimate sin, not because Jesus preached against it, but because it interferes with their multi-cult agenda.
Jesus said many things while He was on earth, but whether or not He preached against “racism” depends on how it is defined.
If “racism” is defined as hating other races and wishing them ill, Jesus preached against it.
If “racism” is defined as wanting your children to look like yourself and your ancestors, of being proud of your racial heritage, who you are and how God made you, then Jesus never preached against it.
Jesus summed up the entire Law in the Golden Rule, which says to do to others as you would want them to do to you. Building a society based on common characteristics and values does not run contrary to anything Jesus taught, so long as we allow others to have their own such society.
In fact, I would go so far as to say that, since God MADE the races as they are and created the “bounds of their habitation,” the Good Lord isn’t for the liberal brand of multiculturalism any more than ‘Ole Bob is.
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