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Communism Was Insane

Posted by Bob on February 5th, 2005 under Bob, How Things Work, Musings about Life

I am sitting in an internet cafe directly in front of the Kremlin.

I am sitting across from a beautiful young girl. Everybody here is white, everybody here looks GOOD. I am the old man here. They are all young, and they know I must be foreign because I am here and on a computer and don’t have that constipated look on my face the Old Soviets have.

They have a motto here, “Don’t trust anybody over 40,” but not like the hippies of the American sixties. People over 40 here are simply worthless. They do no work. Their promises are useless.

The old folks here, including those decades younger than I am, understand nothing about how to DO things. They were raised in petty bribery, handling bureaucrats, in an insane system the average person cannot even grasp.

I am the only person here who is over 35, and I am surrounded by at least a hundred people.

Read again what I just wrote carefully because it tells you more about how silly Communism was than all the textbooks or theories you will see.

In Russia, it is not just a Generation Gap. There is a Dead Generation and a live one.

Communism was insane.

  1. #1 by Bedford on 02/05/2005 - 5:53 pm

    The reason that Bob does not see other races is because of money. The Russians have no welfare for them – no easy jobs for them – no beachead has been established – yet. If and when the Russians get their economic act together – they will come, unless the they are stopped.

  2. #2 by Don on 02/06/2005 - 3:00 pm

    Bedford has a point here. The insanity of communism and the whiteness of Russia are related.

    An old Russian might look at our racial and immigration status and declare us to be insane.

    The only thing necessary for insanity to triumph is for sane people to do nothing.

  3. #3 by Don on 02/06/2005 - 11:38 pm

    Which brings up an interesting phenomena – which, in fact, is at the heart of Why Johnny Can’t Think.

    Technology has advanced way faster than the social sciences.
    We can go to the moon but we can’t walk the streets in our nation’s capitol.

    Does anyone ever wonder about this?

  4. #4 by Bob Whitaker on 02/12/2005 - 4:20 am

    Come on now, Mark, Don’s a good guy. You shouldn’t accuse him of anything like that!

  5. #5 by Don on 02/13/2005 - 1:37 am

    RE: Are you sure you’re not related to Bob, Don?

    I dunno about that. But we both have a high opinion of Bob Twain and Heidi Duty. And we agree that it is high time for a religious reformation. Come to think of it, we agree on a lot of things.

    I’ve got it. What you have observed is that we’re both sane. And we admit it. There are other sane people around, but they are in the closet.

    Come out of the closet, sane people. The fresh air is so nice.

  6. #6 by Heidi Duty on 04/12/2007 - 7:00 pm

    Thank you for your kind words! Love you!

    Heidi Duty

  7. #7 by rick on 09/05/2007 - 12:45 pm

    Heidi are you the folks that helped me start the outreach in ferry county for med patients?
    when i stepped away there were over fifty folks working to heal eachother.
    that was about seven years ago.

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