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Professorial Tenure

Posted by Bob on March 12th, 2005 under General

Now that a professor is calling the critics of those who attacked the Twin Towers as Nazis, some of them are upset that that professor can’t be fired.

It’s called tenure, stupid.

One professor pointed out that tenure exists to keep politics out of the universities. Actually tenure is there to keep politics IN the universities. Tenure is given to leftist professors by a vote of other leftist professors.

Tenure requires that colleges all be liberal seminaries. Professors decide who gets published. Professors decide who gets tenure. Professors decide who gets promoted. All at public expense.

Professors make sure that no breath of fresh air reaches the campus. Any leftist cause, no matter how extreme, is protected on campus by tenure. All political diversity is kept off of campus by tenure.

They use your money. They have your children.

Tenure protects that.

No conservative ever noticed that before. As soon as this news event fades out of the short public memory, no respectable conservative will ever mention it again.

Leftism would not exist if the universities did not train generation after generation to be faithful to the established religion of Political Correctness. If you ask, “How could anyone believe THAT?” you are being a damned fool.

They believe that because they were trained for four years in the pure insanity professors drill into them. Before that, they were taught by teachers who were trained in this same insanity by those same professors.

What the hell would you EXPECT to happen?

But no conservative will attack the source of the disease.

Maybe you could take five minutes off of talking about Iraq and at least MENTION the source of our problems.

  1. #1 by willing on 03/13/2005 - 4:56 pm

    Tenure has protected the careers,but not the reputations,of those professors who have gone against p.c. dictates in regards to what subjects and trends can be researched.Famous examples include prof’s. Arthur Jensen,Arthur Butz,Philippe Rushton,Kevin MacDonald,et al.
    The leftist prof. that used the term,”Nazi”,is only in trouble for a trademark violation.He used it without the permission of its trademark holder.

  2. #2 by Bob Whitaker on 03/13/2005 - 5:13 pm

    Reply to willing:

    If it were not for the abuse of tenure to make campuses solidly leftist, the few academic heroes you mention would not need it.

    This is exactly the line that lawyers get rich on:

    “If you don’t give a repeat child molester the same rights as everybody else, we are all lost.”

    I’ve watched these rules in action for fifty years.

    The whole system needs to be ripped up by the roots and a new system substituted. Until we are ready to do that, we should not complain about our children being indoctrinated and molested.

  3. #3 by Bedford on 03/13/2005 - 7:55 pm

    He can be fired if the correct people want to fire him. He has been accused of plagiarism by a female professor who also said that he threatened her. There has been talk of buying him out – nothing to sue for that way. On another topic, I am one those moronic conservatives and I want energy independence. It could be done over the next 10 to 15 years by passing a law that year by year restricts the importation of oil and gas – as the amount of imports decline, the pressure to find more oil gas within our borders increases – the demand for nuclear, coal, shale oil, etc. increases as well as pressure for efficincy. These foreign military adventures into the mideast and elsewhere will bankrupt the country – it is not worth the cost.

  4. #4 by Mark on 03/14/2005 - 9:39 am

    Bob, you say: “Leftism would not exist if the universities did not train generation after generation to be faithful to the established religion of Political Correctness. If you ask, “How could anyone believe THAT?” you are being a damned fool.”

    I’m curious as to your take on what genetics dictates in this case? For instance, I went to college, was indoctrinated by those left-wing, bizarre looking, pill popping professors and still, at the end of the day, I came out a conservative (not respectably conservative). Does genetics have any bearing on how a person will fare as a result of a college indoctrination?

  5. #5 by Bob Whitaker on 03/21/2005 - 2:14 am

    Mark, we are preached at and taught by psychopaths, as the comments before yours make even more clear than I have.

    There is a genetic propensity to accept psychopathic thinking, just as there is a genetic propensity to accept homosexuality. A few are born homosexuals, others canbe made homos by being spending their lives from childhood in a monastery or being sent to an all-boys English school.

    It seems logically inevitable that some are born psychopaths while others can be persuaded to it.

    That leaves people like you and me, straights with a conscience, in a hell of a fix.

  6. #6 by H.S. on 03/21/2005 - 3:15 am


    About your wild theory that “There is a genetic propensity to accept psychopathic thinking, just as there is a genetic propensity to accept homosexuality.”

    Rolling On Floor GUT Laughing

    Bob Twain had it right. But it is true that with every generation more and more and more every race’s genetic code is broken and is farther and farther away from its original perfect design.

    It’s the unstoppable Second Law of Thermodynamics.
    The race against time.

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