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4/2/05 Insider Letter

Posted by Sys Op on April 2nd, 2005 under Insider Letter Archive

(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 4/2/05)

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

This week the Washington Post ran an article describing the findings of researchers Lichter and Rothman that colleges faculties are overwhelmingly liberal. Lichter and Rothman made similar studies of the media several years ago.

Of course, they found that the media was almost completely liberal as well.

I’ve made the point on several occasions that Why Johnny Can’t Think is NOT making the case that college professors are liberals. There are plenty of books around that do so. Now we have a sophisticated study that proves the point.

So what will people do next? Will they now be ready to buy the book and take the actions it recommends?

Of course not.

They will first need to debate whether this study is unbiased, whether it was sponsored by the Pioneer fund or Nazis living in Antarctica, or Sean Hannity listeners. They will need to determine if accurate measures were used, if those surveyed had eaten a good breakfast, and so on.

Meanwhile back on planet earth, in these colleges and universities, thousands upon thousands of our children are being turned into leftists or demoralized and robbed of their parent’s hard earned money. Kids who are staking their future on a college education are getting taken for a ride.

You see, the kind of people who want to debate whether colleges are filled with liberals are the same ones who want to debate whether immigration is really beneficial or not while whole areas of their cities and towns are becoming third world hellholes right under their noses. They are the same type of people who say “racism” is our biggest problem while their boys are walking around with their pants halfway down listening to “hip hop” and their daughters are turning into strung-out ho’s.

Once people have reached such a state, there isn’t much that can be done for them. We’ve got to reach the one’s that are still home, before someone turns off the lights inside them.

  1. #1 by Bedford on 04/03/2005 - 7:18 pm

    The “indoctrination” of the Left begins as early as possible, Bob. It is a vicious cycle. Lefties are only going to teach their kiddies to be Lefties. In S. C. right now, they are worried about losing some of their captive kiddies and money in public schools to the school choice proposal – their ox is about to be gored. Remember, they say, “we are all alike under our skins”. The Left has made a propaganda film about the “Shame in the Corridors” featuring no other than that Leftie, Pat Conroy. Why don’t these people move to San Francisco or pay their own money into these government bottomless pits of taxes?

  2. #2 by Bedford on 04/03/2005 - 7:29 pm

    Furthermore, Old Abe Lincoln, almost as connonized as marty luther by the Left, hardly attended school at all – once he learned to read, he taught himself. Government “skewls” like most government operations is a racket, a scam, operated to financially benefit those who run it and further their political agenda. Mommies, don’t let your kiddies attend government propaganda indoctrination academies and keep them away from tv and wrong places on the internet. The four pillars of the Left are government, the media, “skewls” (education), and the “Charitable” Foundations. They are as deadly as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!

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