Archive for April 6th, 2005
They Finally Got DeLay!
Republican House Leader Tom DeLay’s family has been receiving government money. He has been a media ogre for years, and literally millions of hours of media time has been freely spent trying to get something on him, all free and gratis.
One percent of the time spent on DeLay could have gotten hundreds of juicy stories on liberal congressmen on the Hill. In fact, they could release the ones they already have and never report on liberals and John McCain and get a lot more public attention than anything DeLay ever did, murder included.
But this is not a matter of business. DeLay is actually in the way of the liberal agenda and he says things respectable conservatives don’t say. So the media want to replace him as House Republican Leader with a nice, safe, cooperative respectable conservative like House Speaker Hastert. They got Hastert by doing the same thing to Newt Gingrich.
Back in 1973 the Impeach Nixon campaign was in full swing. The people who were enemies of the Nixon White House, the ones named in the infamous Enemies List, were driving Nixon out of office. For the first time in history a sitting president was about to be driven from office.
But the media had another problem. Vice President Agnew had attacked the media publicly. Replacing Nixon with Agnew would not do.
When he was a good liberal Republican Agnew had been part of some of the dirtiest politics in the nation, Maryland state politics. Not only did Marylanders know it, they bragged about it. But Agnew was a liberal Republican. He got rid of Maryland’s anti-miscegenation law, almost the only state anti-miscegenation law ever repealed rather than banned by the courts.
The media loved Agnew through all those decades he spent in pretty open corruption.
But in 1973 the media went after Agnew’s past and got him on the old stuff that had been gathering cobwebs in their files. Before Nixon became the first president ever to be ousted from office, Agnew, by the wildest coincidence, was the first VICE president ever to be ousted from office.
The only other vice president who ever resigned was John C. Calhoun, and he wanted to go back to the Senate. No president ever resigned before Nixon.
Nixon AND AGNEW, president AND vice president.
For the first time in American history.
What a coinkidink!
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