Archive for April 14th, 2005

Bible Belter

Blog readers have decided to agree that Bob is very, very smart.

If I say I am not very, very smart it is like a man who is seven feet tall saying that he is really short. If a seven foot tall man says that, he is not being modest, he is being absurd.

So when I say something, it usually means a bit more than I say.

When I say I am a Bible Belter, people naturally think I am trying to be just a guy like everybody else. When I tell you that I am from Pontiac, South Carolina, I am happy if it gives you a smile. Ole Bob is just showing he’s a country boy.

That’s nice, but you’re missing the point.

Your smile when I say I am from Pontiac makes me feel a bit lonely, because you don’t understand that there is something profound here that I am trying to say.

A good friend of mine, who through no fault of his own is now a professor, came into the graduate economics program at the University of Virginia a year after I did. He first met me at the cocktail party for new students. The first thing he heard about me was, “Whitaker is cutting everybody down again.”

Whitaker was this unapologetic South Carolina racist who only took two or three sentences to make all the anti-racists look like fools. One after another the people who had qualified to enter one of the best graduate programs in America went up to use their devastating anti-racist arguments against Whitaker.

Whitaker cut every one of them to pieces, quickly, with common-sense arguments. My friend was kind enough to say that that was the first thing he heard about me.

I remember when I was at another party and a liberal Jewish professor decided to take me on. One of my economics professors stopped him by saying,

“He’ll beat you, you know. He’ll make you look like a fool.”

They ARE fools. And I AM a very smart man.

So when I say I am a Bible Belter I am not being modest. When I say I am from Pontiac, South Carolina, I am not trying to be Just Folks.

When I say I am from Pontiac, South Carolina, I am not just saying that I have my feet on the ground. I am saying I have roots a mile deep.

When I say I am a Bible Belter I am not saying that I am a Good Old Boy. What I mean is that I could sit down with any of our forefathers who spoke in terms of the Old Testament or, before them, those who spoke in terms of the Wodenist Faith, and they would understand me perfectly and I would understand them perfectly.

I am from the Bible Belt. I am in sync with thousands of years of my people’s history.

The so-called intellectuals follow “the literature,” the latest articles, in their field of study. To me, they are weeds. My roots are a mile deep.

The friend I mentioned above made a very profound remark to me. I kept telling people I was a Bible Belter and from Pontiac, SC and I made fun of myself.

But one day he said to me, “Bob, you are the most conceited person I have ever met.” I was astonished. How could Good Ole Bob be conceited?

He said, “You REALLY don’t give a damn what people think of you. A lot of people say they don’t but you REALLY don’t. You are dead sure you are right, and I agree with you, you ARE right. But you can’t get more conceited than that.”

That sent my mind reeling. He really understood me.

I am conceited beyond the imagination of most people. I consider all the “intellectuals” to be pretentious morons.

That is an understatement. I consider them less than that.

I stand above them like a tower. I am a genius man with roots a mile deep.

How could anybody get more conceited than that?



If You Can’t Do Arithmetic, You Can’t Understand History

“The sad little lizard said he was a Tyrannosaurus Rex on his mother’s side.”

A lot of people say they are descended from kings and other great notables.

Actually, they’re probably right. It’s a matter of arithmetic. If you say you are descended from King Richard of the Lion Heart, you are going back seven hundred years. That’s over twenty generations.

You had two parents, four great grandparents, eight great-grandparents and sixteen great great grandparents. And that’s only going back four generations. If you go back twenty generations, you have a million direct ancestors. So there are a lot of kings and earls back there, if on the bar sinister if nothing else.

I talk about the Reverend Alexander Whitaker at Jamestown. He had no children, but his brother Jabez was one of my thousand direct ancestors ten generations ago.

But I have the name, so I claim the fame. I talk about the Reverend Alexander because he makes such important points about Southern history. He wrote the first book in English written in America, baptized Pocahontas, and did a lot of other things. My point is that he did all that and he died BEFORE the Mayflower got to America.

So now you can see how important this generational arithmetic is. You are descended from kings.

But population arithmetic is essential to understanding history. If you understand basic arithmetic, you understand how ridiculous this whole business of “a nation of immigrants” is.

Adam Smith wrote his book The Wealth of Nations in 1776. In that book he said that Americans had huge families. He said that the American population doubled by natural increase every twenty to twenty-five years.

Do the math. Jamestown was founded in 1607. If the American population doubled every twenty to twenty-five years, a hundred people in Jamestown would have multiplied to five or ten thousand people by 1776.

Most people seem to think there were a lot of immigrants in America when the Constitution was written. As a matter of fact, when the Constitution was written in 1787, America’s white population had a higher percentage of native-born Americans than it has ever had.

There was wave after wave of immigration to America in the 1600’s. Germans poured into the mountains of North Carolina, including my Snyder ancestors. Thousands of Puritans moved into New England. Thousands of Huguenots and Scots and Germans went to South Carolina.

But the huge waves of immigrants ended about 1710. By the time Constitution was written, even the last wave had multiplied at least eight times. Earlier immigrants had multiplied a hundred times, and all those hundreds of thousands were native-born white Americans. By 1789 almost all Americans came from families who had been born here for over a century.

It is a matter of simple arithmetic. When the Constitution talked about “We the People of the United States and OUR posterity” it did NOT mean a nation of immigrants. A person whose family has been born in America for over a century no more thinks of himself as an immigrant than an American Indian does.

We welcomed immigrants, but we didn’t HAVE to. Back then immigrants had a lot of the talents we needed and we were glad to have them. But that was for the good of ourselves and our posterity, not because we were a bunch of immigrants ourselves.

“We the People of the United States of America and OUR posterity” says nothing about immigrants automatically having rights under the Constitution. Only the immigrants who were good for ourselves and our posterity were welcome.

And “We the people of the United States and OUR posterity” certainly gives no rights whatsoever to ILLEGAL immigrants. In fact, the Founding Fathers attitude to immigrants is best expressed by the MEXICAN Constitution.

This is what the MEXICAN Constitution says about immigrants, both legal and illegal (my translation):

“If Mexican authorities determine that the residence of a non-Mexican is NOT ADVANTAGEOUS to Mexico, that person WILL be compelled to leave Mexico immediately.”

No hearings. No appeals. Mexico is for Mexicans.

Any native-born American who says this is a nation of immigrants is giving away his birthright.

Any Hispanic who votes for illegal immigrants over American citizens is not an American, no matter where he was born.



Good Point, Jay!

Jay said,

“I would agree that most of the people, the Average Joe, I’ve met at bars, work, or in everyday life might meet this profile. However, a huge number of people associated with the pro-white “Movement”, many of them very intelligent, have minds that are cluttered with all kinds of nonsense. From nazism to Christian Identity, they are all Pod People and being such, should be rocketed back into outer space from whence they came. It’s time to return to good ol’ fashioned Grandpa’s “racism”, not this skinhead Hitler worship crapola. ”

YES! If we concentrated on saving our race and the fact that the respectable conservatives are demanding genocide against white people, we could win.

That’s Grandpa’s “racism” and it’s mine.

All the freakish crapola is deadly to our real cause.



Reply to Mike

Mike says,

“It is hard for someone who has spent a lifetime learning erroneous information to give it up, otherwise they would have to admit to wasting all of that time.”

That is profoundly true.

There has always been a weird alliance between preachers and atheist history professors. It happened this way:

All the scholars went to Palestine to find Biblical history. Then as secular history developed, historians and archeologists used the materials the religious students had found. They found that all history did not happen in Palestine, but they found what they were looking for where they were looking, the Middle East.

So historians traced all of history to Egypt and Mesopotamia, which were studied because they were in Bible.

On the old university library at the University of South Carolina, McKissick, there is emblazoned the motto, “Ex Oriente Lux”, “Truth Comes From the East.”

That was the motto of ATHEIST historians! That is what history is built on. Historians try to trace everything as being “invented” in the Middle East.

So do Bible-believers.

As I said, it is a very odd alliance but a very solid one.
