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Bob’s Weekly WOL Articles

Posted by Bob on April 23rd, 2005 under WOL Weekly Articles

April 23, 2005

Was Lenin A Communist?
The Truth Is No Excuse
What Political Correctness Outlaws Is Plain English

Fun Quote:

“Everything that can be invented has been invented.”

— Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899.


Was Lenin A Communist?

In Germany or France anyone who says that less than six million Jews were killed by the Nazis is given an automatic sentence of one or two years in prison. Any witness for them receives the same sentence, so they are allowed no defense based on evidence.

I know very little about the subject, but I know the Holocaust deniers are right.


Because I am a freeborn American. I know that anything the government REQUIRES you to believe is not true.

I also know that anyone who cannot face debate and needs the government to outlaw all dispute is, and I use this word rarely and specifically, a liar.

Denying the Holocaust is the duty of every decent person.

One of the invaluable commenters on Bob’s Blog reminded me that anyone who denied that four million Jews were thrown into gas ovens at Auschwitz was automatically sentenced to a year in prison. Then the authorities admitted that the gas ovens there had been built by them after the war.

The camps in Germany, where Andy Rooney announced on national television that he had SEEN the Holocaust, have now been proven and admitted not to have been death camps. Every single “death camp” was safely behind the Iron Curtain, where the truthful Soviet authorities had control of them and all information had to come from them.

But none of this was allowed to be used as a defense by anyone who questioned the NUMBERS, not the existence, that the Holocaust religion requires by law.
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The Truth Is No Excuse

The following is something I wrote in Bob’s Blog:

Denying The Holocaust

In Germany or France anyone who says that less than six million Jews were killed by the Nazis is given an automatic sentence of one or two years in prison. Any witness for them receives the same sentence, so they are allowed no defense based on evidence.

I know very little about the subject, but I know the Holocaust deniers are right.


Because I am a freeborn American. I know that anything the government REQUIRES you to believe is not true.

I also know that anyone who cannot face debate and needs the government to outlaw all dispute is, and I use this word rarely and specifically, a liar.

Denying the Holocaust is the duty of every decent person.

One of the invaluable commenters on Bob’s Blog reminded me that anyone who denied that four million Jews were thrown into gas ovens at Auschwitz was automatically sentenced to a year in prison. Then the authorities admitted that the gas ovens there had been built by them after the war.

The camps in Germany, where Andy Rooney announced on national television that he had SEEN the Holocaust, have now been proven and admitted not to have been death camps. Every single “death camp” was safely behind the Iron Curtain, where the truthful Soviet authorities had control of them and all information had to come from them.

But none of this was allowed to be used as a defense by anyone who questioned the NUMBERS, not the existence, that the Holocaust religion requires by law.
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What Political Correctness Outlaws Is Plain English

Norman Mineta, Bush’s Secretary of Transportation, has officially announced that the fact that a person is an Arab Muslim does not mean that he is more likely to be terrorist than a grandmother from Minneapolis.

The NAACP is in court saying that the fact that a person is a non-English-speaking Mexican crossing the Rio Grande is no more reason to think that he is an illegal immigrant than that same grandmother from Minneapolis.

No one believes any of this. In fact, the NAACP was deeply embarrassed when polls showed that a higher percentage of black people believed an Arab Muslim was more likely to be a terrorist than a grandmother from Minneapolis than white people did.

Whites are more used to telling pollsters what they want to hear. Blacks have not been terrorized into that yet.

If a conservative wants to be respectable he is never allowed to say to a liberal what Ronald Reagan said to Jimmy Carter, “There you go again.” To be respectable a conservative must treat each new repetition of the same old silliness as the result of thought and honesty.

No one is allowed to laugh at a funeral. No one is allowed to laugh at Political Correctness.

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