Archive for April, 2005
It’s Time to Discuss Theology
Posted by Bob in How Things Work on 04/28/2005
No, I do not mean talking about Christianity or Buddhism or Islam or Judaism. They have nothing to do with religion today.
From today’s point of view, what we normally call “religion” is actually mythology. After the Christians took over in the fourth century, people still studied Zeus and Athena and all the other old gods, but they studied them as the outdated beliefs of their ancestors.
Today, schools still teach about what the churches or mosques or temples or synagogues believe, but from the outside, the way you study a species of bug that you are not part of. That’s mythology or maybe entomology, but it’s not theology.
Real theology today is an examination of words like “education” or “diversity,” the things we pay for, the things we are required to believe in, but for which there is no evidence in this world. Religion is a faith in things that are unseen and unseeable.
An established religion is a faith in things which are unseeable but which you not only have to believe in, you have to pay for it. The established religion makes you use its words and obey and observe its rites, like our society’s rigid requirement that there is something about four years spent in an institution with no known output and the supposed value of a college degree.
Notice I said “***a*** college degree.” It is required for many things. To advance above a certain rank in the military, you have to have two years of college.
What college? It doesn’t matter? Do you have to learn anything? Of course not. No priest is required to take a test to decide whether the can perform transubstantiation at the altar. No professor is asked to prove he did anything but sign a paper saying you took a course.
Like any priest, all a professor needs is the proper ordination. He has to be in “an accredited institution,” which means a school other professors, the priests of our established religion, have to determine are sound in all matters of faith and Politically Correct morality.
I am choosing my words carefully here. Can you see any way on earth this process of “education” cannot be called a religion?”
The Last WASP Joke
For a while back there, when the term WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant came out in the 1970s, liberals tried to make WASP jokes as ethnic slurs, the way blonds have replaced blacks in jokes today.
The problem was, of course, that liberals have no sense of humor. The best they can do is New York comedians who are either filthy or insulting or both. Their attempts at humor were just insults and were not funny.
The last one of them was actually funny. It was funny because it made a real point, and that was the exact point liberals did NOT want to make.
Here it is:
A black man, a Jew, and WASP were on an elevator. Suddenly the elevator stopped and a man in a robe appeared to them. The man said, “I have come to earth to grant each of you your fondest wish.”
The black man said, “I am sick of the oppression of my people and I’m sick of white prejudice. I want my people to be back in Africa where our people are free.”
“Your wish is granted,” he was told, and the black man disappeared on his way to Africa.
The Jew said, “My people have suffered for ten thousand years. We have loved everybody and been hated by them. I want all my people to be in Israel where Jews are free.”
“Your wish is granted.” And the Jew disappeared on his way to Israel with all his people.
The robed man then turned to the WASP. “What is your dearest wish?”
The WASP looked thoughtful. He said, “The blacks are all back in Africa and the Jews are all in Israel, what do I wish for now?”
“I think I’ll take a Diet Coke.”
Keeping America in the Dark
The History Channel has a special on President Roosevelt called, “He Brought Light to America by Keeping It in the Dark.” They are referring to how Roosevelt ran on a platform of keeping America out of World War II while working with Churchill to get us into World War II.
The “light” Roosevelt brought to America was defeating Nazi Germany. When he and Churchill started Germany and Russia had totalitarian regimes which were violently hostile to each other. When they finished, a third of the population of the world was under a united Communist set of dictatorships.
It’s a funny thing. When post-War Administrations took secretive actions like those exposed in the Pentagon Papers the media howled Treason. But they are delighted that Roosevelt lied to them. It was his crowning virtue.
Another thing I always hear is that “Roosevelt got us out of the Depression.”
Well, the Depression had to end some time, but if Roosevelt was getting us out of it it’s hard to tell from the numbers. In 1933 when he took office unemployment was at 25%. In 1938 it was at 18%. What got us out of the Depression, which Germany had been out of for some time, was the beginning of World War II in late 1939.
If the war hadn’t started, unemployment which had dropped from 25% in 1933 to 18% in 1938 would have been 11% in 1943, still at Depression level.
FDR kept America unemployed and he turned a billion people over to the Communists.
If that’s light, I wonder what darkness looks like?
Is God’s Only Concern a Beating Heart?
Posted by Bob in Musings about Life on 04/26/2005
Ok, this is where I have been heading tonight.
One thing all civilized people agree on today is that the only thing that matters is staying alive.
The police say, “Never never, never resist a robber. Give him your money. Your life is everything. Money is nothing.”
Liberals say, “Only the police should have guns.”
Conservatives agree. They worship the police.
Right-to-lifers say that all that matters is Life. God is worried to death about any beating heart.
As usual, I am the only one who considers all of this not only as wrong, not only as silly, but as utterly alien.
In the United Kingdom, the place that was once known as Great Britain, there is an unwritten Welcome Mat at every door. It says, “Burglars are welcome.”
The British police have two categories in their statistics that we don’t have. There are “hot” burglaries and there are “cold” burglaries.
In Britain, 43% of break-ins in private homes are “hot.” That means the thugs walk right into the house while the family is there.
Prolifers will be charmed by this because nobody gets killed. The children see their father helplessly giving the invaders anything they want. The British father in a “hot” robbery does everything our police officially recommend. He gives the home invaders anything they want, inviting them to rape his ten-year-old daughter if they feel like it.
They often do.
It works. The murder rate of British burglaries is almost nil.
But I have faced death many times. I know that I would far rather be killed than to live as one of those British fathers do after they gave their daughters to the home invaders.
I don’t have any ancestors who didn’t think that way. I guess none of them were real pro-lifers.
Life is not as precious as honor.
It is hard to believe today, but there was a time when hippies were brand new.
I remember the first time I ran into the hippie mentality. I was talking to a guy at the University of Virginia, and he said, “I could never kill anybody.”
I was taken aback. Men brag a lot, and a lot of men brag about all the people they would kill if they could. That was macho crap and we all knew it. But it was the kind of male bragging I could understand.
This was the first man I had ever met who BRAGGED that he could never hurt anybody. I was astonished.
But I am quick. I finally said to him, “You know, you’d make a great slave.”
The more I think about it, the more I think that that was a profound remark.
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