Archive for June, 2005

Spam and Junk Mail

I get a LOT of spam when I go to moderate your comments.

The fact is that I almost never moderate YOUR comments. If I find that I have accidentally deleted one of YOUR comments, I always apologize in the blog and ask you to send it again.

But I usually accidentally erase YOUR comment because of the spam. I have to erase each piece of spam because I have to search it carefully to be sure the huge pile of spam does not hide a real comment.

Which is exactly the reason we all hate junk mail so much.

Junk mail is irritating and a lot of bother. You find your mailbox full of junk you have to throw in the garbage. Worse, when you leave home awhile and pick up your mail at the Post Office you have to sort through pounds of junk mail to find any real mail.

But that’s not the worst of it.

The worst of it is that you have to CAREFULLY pick through all that bulk crap because that important little envelope from the Internal Revenue Service or somebody you need to hear from is buried in it.

And no matter how careful you are that junk mail is going to cause you to MISS something important.

I have exactly the same problem with the spam that comes in my e-mail and in moderating your comments.


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Today’s Gnosticism is Wordism

We desperately need to demystify some of these words that sound so abstract and intellectual.

Peter was talking about the Gnostic Heresy.

The Gnostic Heresy is alive and well today and this needs explaining clearly and simply.

The Gnostic Heresy in early Christianity was what I call Wordism today.

The Gnostic Heresy was simply the idea that the only people who got to Heaven were the scholars. You obtained salvation by spending all your time digging through the Old Testament finding the most obscure passages and learning the Hidden Truth, the Key to Salvation, that was hidden in them.

What Gnosticism condemned was the idea that you could attain Heaven by common sense and common decency. What Gnosticism condemned was the concept that one could attain salvation by getting out among the sinners and telling them the simple truth.

Gnosticism said that Heaven was for the Learned, not for the masses.

We call those same Gnostics today “professors.” The common sense and decency of the Founding Fathers is not for them. They do not see the practical cornerstone we call the Constitution. They believe the true statement of what America is all about is in the Declaration of Independence, a propaganda document written right in the middle of a war in a city the enemy was about to occupy.

Today’s professor-priesthood, the clergy of our established religion of Political Correctness, love the thundering words of the Declaration that dedicate America to the French radical idea that all men are created equal. Liberals insist that America’s whole purpose is to found a New World Order for all mankind, and to cram it down their throats.

For today’s Gnostics it is absolutely repellant to even consider that the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution in peacetime and for us, meant what they said. The Constitution states flatly that the only people it was written for was the people of the United States and OUR posterity. The Constitution states flatly that the only AUTHORITY it rests on is we the people of the United States and OUR posterity.

The Constitution says simply that we the people of THIS country are doing what we have a right to do, and no more. It says we are setting up our own government ON OUR OWN, not because of some obscure Gnostic principle of a World Mission.

Abraham Lincoln said, “Our fathers founded upon this continent a great nation, dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

They did no such thing and they said so. The Soviet Union was dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal and it meant to enforce that on every human being on the planet.

No wonder today’s Gnostics of this world despise George Washington and love Karl Marx, just as the Gnostics of the next world despised Jesus Christ and worshipped the Old Testament.

No Gnostic will tell you he despises Jesus Christ or George Washington. But if there were two men in all of history you could not possibly twist into Gnostics, those were the two.

Jesus never told anyone to read the Bible. He spoke in Aramaic and He quoted the scriptures his listeners knew about. He specifically condemned the High Priest to Hell who knew every word of those Scriptures and who PRACTICED them. Jesus said very, very specifically that the sinful tax gatherer in the back of the Temple who admitted he was a sinner and SIMPLY asked for forgiveness was the one who attained salvation.

There is no way that anybody can reject what was later called Gnosticism any more clearly than Jesus did. He repudiated it repeatedly, blatantly, plainly, obviously, openly – you could exhaust any Thesaurus with this.

In my little way, I try to do what Jesus did. I study so I can explain the truths of decency and good sense to the people, and discredit Gnosticism in any form.

I have read those huge tomes for the specific purpose of discrediting the idea that reading and studying Karl Marx or the Old Testament is the key to salvation in this world or the next.

And the more I study the more I realize that Jesus was dead right, and the closeted Old Testament scholars and professors, the High Priests of yesterday and today, were dead wrong and ARE dead wrong.


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My Insistence that We Should Make Life Worth Living is not Entirely New to Christian Thinking

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

— Jesus Christ

The Golden Rule works both ways. A monk who starves and whips himself is doing to himself what he would never do unto others. A man who makes himself a nonviolent human sacrifice would never do that to another human being.

To paraphrase HS, you are not in charge, God is. If you owned yourself, you could do anything to yourself that you wanted to.

But you don’t own yourself. God does. And Christ told us how we must treat ourselves and others.

Purposely causing pain to yourself or others is not an option.

Making yourself and others as happy as possible is your duty.

Another quote:

“The greatest evil is physical pain.”

— Saint Augustine

And a final quote from a somewhat lesser source:

“If suffering is good, you would benefit enormously by going to Hell.”

— Bob Whitaker



Reply to HS and Peter

HS, you talk about my not using citations, but you don’t, either.

There is one citation I badly need. You say,

“As far as members of other races not thinking these things, they did and do.”

Remember I am not talking about some Chinese philosopher mentioning whether life is worth living. Some Chinese philosopher sat and talked about everything while children died and had worms in their guts around him.

I am not talking about theorizing.

If you read the Norsemen’s sayings, you will see that they were discouraging others from actually killing themselves, not because of some evil deed or some tragedy, but because they just didn’t want to live any more.

Suicide was very common in Japan, but it was only committed when one had been disgraced or done something inexcusable and suicide was the ultimate apology for it.

Philosophizing in some obscure text about whether life is worth living or committing suicide at a crisis has nothing to do with the point I made.

I have never heard that suicide was at all common in China as it was in Japan.

But, since I gave up all hope of being elected to the Papacy, my dreams of infallibility have been dashed, so I am open to contradiction on a FACTUAL basis.

I see no evidence that the non-violent human sacrifices made in monasteries and convents came from any non-Aryan tradition. Except for Christians, the Buddhists alone have chaste monks, and Buddhism comes from white India.

Again, I am open to FACTUAL contradiction.

If you will read the Christian stories of the fifth century, you will see that the ultimate heroine is a beautiful, good, intelligent woman who marries an equally fine man and then persuades him to live with her in chastity for the rest of their lives.

Chaste people did not produce many offspring. That stork story is not true.

Paul was one of the most important and forgotten peoples in history, a Hellenic Jew, a Roman citizen. Millions of Hellenic Jews existed at the time of Christ. The historian Josephus was one of them. They disappeared entirely as Christianity advanced, and I do not think it was because the Romans killed six million Jews.

Hellenic Jews wrote their scriptures in Greek. I think if you looked at them, you would be amazed how blond they were. There are depictions of Peter and Paul from the first century, and they are both depicted as very light-skinned and one of them is blond.

A Methodist preacher wrote me that all those Hellenized Jews at the time of Christ were not Jews, they were Gnostics. That is one hell of an anachronism.

He also informed me that Christ and all His disciples were COLORED MEN, without any citation. He told me that the first white Christian was Luke. Again, no evidence.

Apparently that is what they teach at mainline seminaries now and their real religion, Political Correctness, requires them to accept it.

Peter says that Paul never hinted that people should not procreate; he only advocated sex inside marriage.

Paul wrote the Book of Corinthians. Let me quote from it:

1 Cor 7:1,2,4,8,9
Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. I say therefore to the UNMARRIED (My capitalization) and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I. BUT IF THEY CANNOT CONTAIN, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

Paul and the Christian moral stories said that the ideal is that one should NEVER have sex in one’s entire life.

Either the Roman Empire had artificial insemination — and I would LOVE to see a citation on THAT one — or Paul is recommending childlessness as the Christian ideal.



Feminine “Ruthlessness” is no Mystery

Elizabeth replied to my article about how girls and boys are different by agreeing with me, which is always nice. But she added a more important point: that when women get into a fight, there is no quarter, no rules of engagement, no Geneva Convention.

H.S. agreed with her, as Elizabeth ended, “Gentlemen, just stay out of these battles.”

Feminists love to quote things like the old Roman Law. They point out that, according to those laws, women were reduced to cowering, helpless slaves.

But if you read real history, you see the usual proportion of Roman men, those all-powerful paterfamiliae, who were terrified of their wives.

As usual, I look for the simple explanation of this.

Here it is:

Men are physically stronger than women. As a result, women developed a form of defense that men have only gotten a name for in the last century.

It is called psychological warfare.

My brother is the father of three girls. Once when one of them was about three, she came up to him, cuddled up in his lap and said, “Daddy, I love you.”

She then went into the next room.

My brother was charmed.

A minute later he heard her five-year-old sister in the other room whisper to that little girl, “Yes, that’s how you do it.” My brother is a pediatrician, so this did not surprise him in the least.

While men are learning to be men and warriors and writing great sagas about themselves, women are also learning how to be women. I have this paranoid feeling that if anyone wrote a history of THAT, the Sisterhood would kill them.
