Archive for November 10th, 2005

Race and Religion

I hope that all the pieces I was inspired to write below do not make me a preacher.

The point is to separate Christianity from Wordism. Every professional theologian wants to make Christianity into Wordism. He wants to tell that he should have money and power because all that matters is his words.

Jesus was deadly serious about his words. But his words offered us nothing but the fact that he offered us salvation.

But everybody who makes a living off religion wants us to PAY for that salvation.

And whom, pray tell, are we going to pay?

You don’t castrate yourself or destroy your race to follow Jesus.

To follow Christ, you do what is good. The white race is good, to say the least.

But the theologians want their words to be everything. They offer universal brotherhood if you follow their words and sacrifice your race and every kind of identity.

That is what every Wordist offers.

Wordists offer us Jesus versus the survival of our race.

Christ offer us salvation for doing what is good.

It so happens that the greatest theologian under heaven is Satan.

For me, what is good is important. Theology is not.



My Answeer to Jesus

Christ forgave his enemies even on the cross.

He never asked people to Praise the Lord, the way pagan gods like Jehovah did. He told them to love God.

Jesus never asked for anything.

Except once.

Once he wondered aloud, “Why don’t people love me?”

Well, Lord, since you asked, I’ll tell you.

People don’t love you because of the theologians.

People don’t love yu because they have been taught to take very word you said as a threat.

When you said people should be better, the theologians told us that you meant that if we weren’t perfect, you would throw us into the Pit of Hell.

I heard a priest say that the Rich Young Man was damned, because he didn’t give all he had to the poor and follow you.

What you said was, “If you would be perfect, sell all you have and give it to the poor and follow me.”

He gave up the chance to be an Apostle. But theologians tell us that anybody who is not perfect is damned.

You told us you hand out salvation. All the churches tell us you hand out damnation.

Who could love a Calvinist Christ?

Who could love a God who allows the pope to damn people because they do not pay him the money he wants for armed forces to protect the papal states?

Fear is easy. Any pope or any Puritan can inspire terror.

But love is an entirely different matter.

The Christ who can be loved is the one who can forgive even those who put him on the cross.

But if someone preaches a salvation that is “free and without price,” how can he make a living being a theologian?


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The Bible Belt Attitude

I put this in Stormfront:

— The Bible Belt Attitude

In the Bible Belt where I was raised, even the atheists were strong in their faith.

In Europe, practically nobody attends church at all. In the suburbs, the church one attends is usually the one he inherited or the one that makes the most business contacts.

You almost never hear Europeans arguing about religion. In China, the whole concept of religion is utterly irrelevant to young people, Communist or not.

But we always had our village atheists, and they took it dead seriously.

One incident I remember at the University of South Carolina would never happen in Europe. A foreigner made a disparaging remark about Jesus Christ. Guess who we had to keep from fist fighting him?

Our militant atheist.

If you weren’t raised in the deep Bible Belt, away from the suburbs, this will seem odd. But if you were, you will not be the least surprised.


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Reply to Lemon

lemon, I would like to take you people who say you shouldn’t comment on something and tear your ears off and stuff them down your throat.

Who do think these godlike people are who SHOULD comment on things?

Now to your point:

I believe that Jesus was wholly a man.

I even hope he was not perfect man, because a perfect man couldn’t understand me any better than Jehovah could.

Jesus hungered, he thirsted, and, though I might be burned at the stake for saying it, he lusted, too.

Because he hungered and thirsted and he lusted, he knew how to tell us what to do about it, as you say.

The Old Testament begins by saying that God made us in his image.

The New Testament begins by telling us that God’s son was begotten and that he was a man.

Jesus understood us far too well for someone who was not one of us.



More Historical Context

What if you were talking to a Learned Theologian and you mentioned Islam, and his reaction was to give you a dead-fish expression and say, “What is Islam?”

I don’t know about you, but I would be deeply suspicious of what that Learned Theologian actually knew.

It won’t happen, because everybody who has the intelligence to button his shirt, and many who don’t, know what Islam is.

Half of the civilized world in the period when Christianity developed consisted of the Persian Empire. The official religion of Persia was, and had been for over a thousand years, Zoroastrianism.

Let me tell how this gets practical.

Christians always talk about Manichaeism. Manichaeism was developed by Mani, a resident of today’s Iraq. He sought to harmonize the teachings of the two great religions of his time.

The two great religions of Mani’s time were, let me repeat, Christianity and Zoroastrianism.

Saint Peter was a Manichaean in his early life. It is from that background that he derived his fanatically hatred of sex.

How can a person be an expert on religion, someone who knows all about the influence of Manichaeism, but be completely ignorant of half of the basis of Manichaeism, which is Zoroastrianism?

Easily. He just has to be a historical and theological moron.

The great religious teacher Origen actually castrated himself for Christ.

Now let me ask you something. How can you possibly get the idea that castrating yourself is a good deed by reading the Old Testament?

Where does all this monasticism and genetic suicide come from? Did Saint Paul just invent it out of his own head?

Saint Peter was a married man. Jesus said a lot about adultery, but, and this is not exactly a technical point, he never said anything against sex or procreation. Jesus had a brother. His mother had actually had sex and procreated with Joseph.

Neither Jesus nor James the Just, his brother, ever seemed to be horrified by the fact that their mother had had normal sex with a man and produced children.

But Paul tells us that it is better for a woman not to have sex at all, but “It is better to marry than to burn.”

Will anybody ever notice the fact that this makes Mary, Christ’s mother, a second-class citizen?

Of course not.

Where in heaven’s name did this Manichaeism come from?

If you get paid to talk about nothing but the Old Testament, you just avoid the question entirely. You sure can’t find the answer there.
