Archive for January 10th, 2006


When Strom went to any function he had a staff member with him who had a set of cards with
relevant information on them about each person there whom he should know. Before Strom went
in the staffer would look at the crowd and hand him the relevant cards.

A lot of people use this fact to show that Strom was senile.

Strom did that for over half a century.

If you think it’s a sign of senility, I suggest you try looking over a hundred or so cards before you enter a room and getting the names right.

Once Strom got on a plane to Washington. He sent his wife and children up to first class, which he was paying for, then came back to his seat in the peasant class which he charged to his constituents. He sat down by me.

We had a grand old time. He gave me peanuts to eat and we talked the whole way.

The seating was three across, and Strom was in the aisle seat.

To my left was some bureaucrat who refused to even talk to Strom.

But Strom did not have his cards. And he has dealt with hundreds of thousands of people.

As soon as I told him I was a House staffer, he didn’t have to pretend any more, so he said,

“I KNOW you, don’t I?”

Not “We’ve met” but “I KNOW you.”

I gave him the answer that means, as the article below is entitled, “Get OFF It!” I did not want the clown on my left to get any information on some of the places Strom had talked with me. Strom knew that signal very well.

All this is relevant to a critism I have often gotten, and which CL repeats here:

“If you cut out your ‘but I guess I’m just a stupid hick from the South’ crap, we’ll cut out ours.”

Comment by CL — 1/8/2006

Watch me on that. Sometimes I do overdo the stupid hick bit, and it is not charming. It is TIRESOME.

The real meaning I want to convey is illustrated by the incident cited above with Strom. There are a LOT of points there.

First of all, we were both from South Carolina and were in Washington playing the game up there. The moment he found out that I was a real South Carolinian and a staff member for John Ashbrook, he relaxed completely. We had been in VERY heavy duty stuff together and we both knew the language.

This was not minor-league stuff.

We are talking about the president pro tem of the Senate. The liberals who say Ronald Reagan was dumb would interpret this as a conversation between two hicks.

Thank God for that!

Hicks like me and Strom and Dumb Ron brought down the Soviet Union, among other little things.

The Soviets got all their information about us hicks from people they could turn. These were liberals of the Ivy League type and their followers. They thought we were hicks, too.

Thank God for that!

So if I overdo the hick bit, call me on it. Any job I had to do in that guise is over, but the habits remain.

So please call me on it.

But when you are irritated, you might find it a relief to remember that this habit was fatal to many of your enemies.

It is a pretense that irritates you, but it is a pretense that DESTROYED them.



The United States Senate

From my replies to comments today, one theme keeps being repeated:

Whether it is the word lie or admitting you are wrong on a point or a gentleman’s apology, it is critical that when you speak, you take what you say seriously and reserves the big ones for a single sentence.

If you are like National Review ( see “Peter Has One of Two Rules Right” below) and you don’t take your own pronouncements seriosuly, why should anybody else take you seriously?

This reminds me of the United States Senate as it USED to be.

The first time I saw the United States Senate in session was in the 1950s. My brother and I were up in the Senate Gallery.

What we first noticed about the Senate was how QUIET it was.

We both were impressed and we both knew why it was so quiet:

When one of those men spoke every word carried weight. They didn’t have to shout.

Now the Senate is just one set of politicians. They are always talking about Senate traditions and respect, but the meaning of these things has completely disappeared.

In The Partisan Dictionary I gave a definition that is relevant here:

“Manners, n, A formalized substitute for courtesy.”

“Manners” is a lot like the Cargo Cult (See “Mondo Cane” below. The idea is htat if you follow all the rules you see gentlement and ladies follow, you will be a lady or a gentlemen. If you follow the rules, you will be a gentleman or a lady.

So today’s senators tell us about Senate Traditions. They give examples of how they act formally the way earlier, real senators acted. They follow the rules, and they can give you examplesof how real senators used to act that way.

But manners cannot substitute for courtesy. And following the rules cannot substitute for the real traditions which today’s senator is incapable of understanding.

When the senators went up to vote, Strom Thurmond, who was a genuine segregationist, passed by Hubert Humphrey, the fanatical integrationists from Minnesota. Thurmond was our hero, Humphrey out ultimate villain.

As they went up to vote, Thurmond passed Humphrey. Thurmond patted Humphrey on the arm and Humphrey sort of tapped him back.

This was NOT hyprocrisy. As I said, I found out later that Thurmond genuinely despised everything Humphrey stood for and I am sure Humphrey believed in every word he was saying.

What they did wasnot for galleries. I was watching Strom very closely and that pat would have gotten him no votes in South Carolina.

Strom never showed the slightest friendliness to senators like Jacob Javits of New York.

He thought Humphrey was a damned fool but Humpphrey was an enemy he respected.

And vice-versa.

Nowadays a senator who heard about his might pat ALL his enemies on the arm to show he was like the old senators.

That little bit of mutural respect was rare and genuine.

Strom and Humphrey thought of each other as genuine senators. Strom thought of Javits as a hunk of trash from New York City.

Today’s senator would never understand this distinction. He thinks that if one gets the title “Senator” he is a senator. He thinks in terms of arm-patting rather than the attitude behind it.

Am I making myself sufficiently obscure?



Joe’s “Concession”

In response to my “Joe Admits Defeat” Joe writes,

Absolutely, Bob! I admit defeat. The reason for this is because you are a winner. A man among men as the lion is among beasts. Everybody knows you’re a winner. Nobody denies that. Notice how I’ve even learned to use the words “everybody” and “nobody” just like you do. What is it they say? There’s no compliment like imitation. Something like that, I think. I like that headline “Joe Admits Defeat!” Ha! Ha! I thought that was very funny. Hell, I didn’t even know I was in a contest. But I’ll admit defeat anyway.

Oh, yes. Now I remember. You were pleading for someone to comment on what it was you were saying and I caved in and commented. I was defeated by your outstanding ability to persuade. Yes, Bob, I stand utterly defeated in your awesome presence. They just don’t make ‘em like you anymore.

Comment by joe rorke


A little while back someone (I’ll look it up) corrected me factually and in detail about my contention that Hitler destroyed himself by declaing war on the United States. Reading what he wrote I concluded he was probably right.

So what did I do about this catastrophe of getting caught with my pants down? How did I reply?

I didn’t.

My piece consisted entirely of repeating his comment, complete and in the body of Bob’s Blog. I do not wake up at night crying, “Oh, God, he was right and I was WRONG!”

For a lot of people, ideas seem to come in two flavors, 1) Those that make me look good and 2) Those that make me look bad.

While I do not always practice what I preach, I LIKE to think that, for me, ideas come in two flavors: 1) right and 2) wrong.

Another thing I just preached below was that a person who does not either 1) limit his use of the words lie or liar to real cases or 2) does not follow it up when he does is a person whose word is no good.

Neither Joe nor I admit defeat to be diplomatic. Like lie and liar, we both know that admitting you are wrong is a big deal.

So when one of us admits he is wrong, just as when one of us used the word lie, it carries a lot of punch.

But if what you say carries a lot of punch because you do it seldom and only when you mean it, you just have to say it. That is all the punch you need.

Exactly the same thing is true of apologies. There is an old saying people have forgotten, “A gentleman’s apology is ALWAYS accepted.

Joe did not apologize. He had nothing to apologize FOR. But again, “A gentleman’s apology is ALWAYS acccepted” falls into the same category as saying the other guy’s argument is stronger than yours.

When a gentleman offers an apology, it is the grossest, trashiest kind of insult if the response is, “Well, that’s not enough. I’m not sure you really MEAN it.”

When Joe or I say we are wrong, one sentence will do it. If someone says they are wrong and you expect them to say more, you are refusing to accept them at their word.

So Joe said he has decided, for the time being, that I was right and he was wrong on a point of argument.

In one sentence.

That was trhe end of that discussion.

The rest of what Joe said was about as apologetic as a gamecock in a bad mood. The sentence was said, the old discussion was over. Joe then went on to what he had to say.

That is EXACTLY the way it should be between gentlemen. So I was proud of it.



Richard and “Africa Adego”

Richard says:

“I really enjoyed your ‘Mondon Cane’ broadcast. Have you seen their documentary on African decolonisation, Africa Addio? It will move you to tears.”

“Your bit on the cargo cults reminded me of what a South African ex-girlfriend told me. Her father ran a business in Cape town. His employees were so excited when apartheid fell, because now they would get the white man’s things like TV and telephones and VCRs. When they found out they had to pay for these things, and even pay an electricity bill every 3 months, they got very angry. They had thought that the white man got them for free!”

“By the way, it was nice to hear your voice for the first time. No offence, but you sound like LBJ!”

Comment by richard

I am not looking for sympathy here, but merely stating a fact of life. There are certain things I do not watch because they remind me of things I do not want to think about. “Africa Adego” is one of these. I understand that it documents the blood-filled waters as the Africans hack the Arabs of Zanzibar to death as they run to the coast.

If you have been in Africa and seen what is left of somebody you knew whom the guerrillas captured and see how they slowly skinned him alive you do not want to watch anything like it in a documentary.

Some experiences have helped make me thick-skinned. But they did not give me a thick enough skin to want to think of them again.


1 Comment

Derek: the Church Door and Gate of Hell

Derek, you said,

“feeling guilt is not the same as being moral.”

That reminds me of a piece of advice the Senior Tempter of Hell, Screwtape, gave to his novice nephew on getting someone into Hell.

Screwtape advised Wormwood that if a person does “fall victim” to good beliefs, they can still be rendered harmless if the person can be satisfied with FEELING good feelings.

No harm done, said Screwtape, if hte person DOES nothing about knowing what is right.

If I were in Satan’s camp, and I was in politics so I was close enough to know, I would encourage people to limit the Golden Rule to THIS generation. They would not want to LOOK like the children Tiger Wood and his blond Swedish wife will produce, so they concentrate entirely on the joy that Woods and his wife have by “being in love.”

The children simply do not matter.

So they have goody feelings and they violate the Golden Rule.

Nobody would want to be born in a brown-skinned country today. But everybody says that’s OK for future generations.

Once again, that’s as good a violation of the Golden Rule as any cruelty you can imagine, and it lasts MUCH longer.

What I have just said is the subtance of the teaching of every church on earth except Identity Christians. No one knows this better than Screwtape or a political pro:

You can walk straight into Hell through the church door.
