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The Right to Miscegenate Means the Right to Abort

Posted by Bob on February 21st, 2006 under Comment Responses

Shari says:

Two things about abortion: 1. Roe was an egregious lawless thing. 2. Millions of live and kicking, way past the fertilized egg, have been slaughtered for the most insane of reasons, not rape or crisis. I’m sorry that our so called “lawmakers” are not interested.


Shari, PLEASE don’t take this personally, buit I am SO tired of repeating this:

It refers to your point 1:
” Roe was an egregious lawless thing.”

Shari, the world did not begin in 1973.

In 1967 the Supreme Court invented the right to miscegenate out of whole cloth. The Catholic Church heirarchy almost had a simultaneous hernia celebrating this decision.

Every state that ratified the Constitution had an anti-miscegenation law. Almost every state that ratified the fourteenth amendment had an anti-miscegenation. Massachusetts only repealed its law against blacks and whites marrying in 1863, at the height of the Civil War, when it wiped all racial laws off its books.

I am talking about states that had and enforced laws against miscegeneation.

In alll my readings, I have never come across a single authority in ANY state before 1940 who said that a state did not have the RIGHT to pass antimiscegenation laws.

God, I’m tired of repeating this!

By the time of Roe versus Wade, no one was allowed to criticize the Supreme Court’s invention ofhte right to miscegenate.

But for most people, the world suddenly began in January, 1973, when the Supreme Court invented the right to abortion.

For those who were silent about the 1967 right to miscegenation, their case is a LOT weaker. No states had abortion laws when the Constitution was ratified.

Everybody who marched for life had already agreed that the Supreme Court had a perfect right to invent a right to miscegenation.

When the same institution invented the right to abortion they went ape.

“Where did the Supreme get this power?

They got it from the Catholic Church and others who wanted the right to miscegenate to be enforced all over America, and who didn’t give a damn about constitutionality.

There was absolutely nothing “lawless” about Roe vs. Wade if you accept the 1967 antimiscegenation decision.

And I have yet to meet one single pro-lifer who EVER criticized it.

Their world BEGAN in 1973.

If you give the Court the power to do it to us evil Southern bigots, you give them the right to do it to YOU.

God, I’m tired of repeating this!

  1. #1 by Shari on 02/21/2006 - 1:37 pm

    Well, that’s another piece of ignorance in Montana. In 1967 we didn’t have anybody around to miscengenate with, so nobody knew. Well, there were Indians, but there wasn’t much mixing. It wasn’t a thing! Still isn’t, with Indians.

  2. #2 by Derek on 02/21/2006 - 2:28 pm

    You know it took me a while to get this (a little hungover and studying econ right now).

    I think that is what makes American politics, and the subsequent arguments from us little proletariat trolls, so interesting.

    Everyone wants to blame the puppets, not the puppeteer. You are right…the concept of abortion didn’t begin in ’73 and wasn’t invented by Roe.

    I am the father of an aborted child. I didn’t want the child to be aborted but his mother did. What could I do? But if you ask me about abortion I don’t have a solid answer. I can’t make up everyone else’s mind.

    If it comes down to aborting unwanted children or being forced to watch my race be bred out of extinction…I think I will chose the former.

  3. #3 by Mark on 02/21/2006 - 9:03 pm

    Shari says, “Well, there were Indians, but there wasn’t much mixing. It wasn’t a thing! Still isn’t, with Indians.”

    I find that interesting. It seems Hollywood and the media love pushing black men onto our white women, but not American Indians paired with whites. If you think about it, our forefathers did more damage to the Indians than they ever did to blacks, but it’s the blacks we are indoctrinated on. I have a client who is a pure blood Cherokee who told me once that in her opinion it was terrible the way the white race tried to exterminate the Indian (who taught the white man how to live on the frontier) while we cow-tow to that “savage negro race” (her exact words)>

  4. #4 by Shari on 02/21/2006 - 10:10 pm

    I just read the following on American Renaissance, by Jared Taylor. ” Massachusetts lifted its ban in 1843 only for libertarian reasons.” This was about anti- miscegenation laws. He goes on to say that South Carolina and Alabama expunged their bans in 1998 and 2000 respectively. You can see why it’s hard to say exactly what is the lie. But I think that there is one. I also don’t understand why Derek seems to be saying that aborting his own “unwanted child” is preferable. He has a problem to think about. I still think that Bob’s blog is saying something important and true. So I am still paying attention.

  5. #5 by Derek on 02/22/2006 - 3:38 am

    The comment that I made in my 4th paragraph is unrelated to the one I made in my 5th. I should clarify: I didn’t want to abort the child. As a man I have no choice in the matter. I was opposed to the abortion of my child. I am not opposed to aborting mullatos.

    What I am trying to state is that if my child was a casualty then so be it. I would rather have unwanted, mixed-race children aborted then have them breed me out of existance. If this means that abortion stands, and my child died, then that is the way that it is.

    Trust me on this one…I didn’t want my own flesh and blood to die.

  6. #6 by Peter Gene Budarick on 02/22/2006 - 10:21 am

    I have tried to contact you Bob.

    Sorry for this one being off topic [but on topic i am against abortion of MY Godlet or Godling [i don’t think more needs be said! ]]

    This is a repeat of my email sent to the address you gave on this forum.

    >>I have changed to plain text.

    I will add this to your latest BLOG as well because i can’t be sure i can even communicate with you Bob!

    Perhaps that was the problem because you Murlutok are not image orientated but rather word orientated.

    I am image orientated and i use words with a strong mind, like you have suffer respectable conservatives.

    My Nick at SF used to be “Sibelius”.

    I deliberately deleted all my personal details and my avatar at SF before i fell on my sword.

    The monitors obviously saw that.

    Why i hate white racists is something you need to understand because it is part of the battle for MY people! After you defeat the Jews you will have to pass by me! And Don Black with all his experience would have to be brain dead not to know what i am on about.

    But i understand the problems with the forum.

    It has to do with scale and politics and how to handle loose cannons like me.

    They don’t know me, nor trust me.

    Well the action they took was good!

    That is how i may defend my Keep and MY PEOPLE!

    After all, it is THEIR [SF] forum and a piece of shit like me should be put down when he appears as a naughty lil boy.

    It ain’t fair! LOL.

    But i understand it perfectly.

    But they don’t understand!

    I am prolly the most transparent member they EVER got. I got absolutely no secet you or them can’t research with GOOGLE about me on all forums i have been to. And i have have been to some pretty sordid forums and got banned there just as i have been on SF.

    They are ALL sooooo serious about their fantasies!


    Because i would do the same?

    My only sadness is, i can’t communicate with anyone.

    It is the price we pay for integrity in the environment we must now negotiate.

    Yes bigger [in regard to SF numbers] is better for the Jews but as you and i know it is also LESS for us Aryans who need intimate communities were we can relate to each other!

    Don’t worry Bob about me, i am nobody and i do not wish to be anything other than i am worthy, I KNOW YOU WILL understand the problems with SF perfectly…

    You will be great helping this forum! And please keep me banned until my time is up.

    I trust you, based ENTIRELY, on all you have said, on the last 30 or so of your talks.

    I have actually listened to them!!!!!

    That is ALL i got to go by!

    Respectfuully yours


    PS. I am sad you have not been able to read any of my emails and not see any of the images.
    I don’t know why this is so, but perhaps this one will get through.

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