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The American Renaissance Convention

Posted by Bob on March 5th, 2006 under Coaching Session

In February 2004 and 2005 David Duke’s Euro Conference met in New Orleans. I spoke at both meetings.

Then the entire city of New Orleans fell into the sea.

This struck me as an overly extreme reaction.

I have had people criticize my speeches and articles. I have had protestors at my talks. Many rejection slips have come my way.

But this was ridiculous.

I haven’t seen anything like it since that talk I gave some years back in Atlantis.

But then something wonderful happened.

Every two years Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance (AR) has a convention. It came this year in the DC area.

So Stormfront and Euro simply switched to promoting the AR convention in the DC area the way they would have promoted their Euro convention.

You have to have been in this movement as long as I have to be as flabbergasted as I was at this.

All through the years every promising pro-white movement has been torn apart by factional fights INSIDE the group. Things were even worse BETWEEN groups. There are huge differences between AR and Euro and SF.

In the bad old days, a pro-white group would rather promote an NAACP meeting than that of another pro-white group.

So I sat there and waited for somebody to scream about the heresy of SF and Euro simply deciding to push AR as this year’s substitute for their own convention.

Not a word of objection appeared in SF.

Euro chief David Duke dutifully attended the AR convention, as did Ole Bob.

In fact, David was very upset that he made a little ruckus at the AR convention which I will talk about later. He was worried he had upset the alliance.

I had to reassure him. What David said needed to be said. We are all together, but that does not mean that, after all the effort David put into proting AR, he was supposed to sit there silent through the whole thing.

The alliance isn’t worth much if it can’t survive some disagreement or some needed comments.

We are not good little liberals or respectable conservatives. We march together, but we don’t march in lockstep.

As I told David, “What’s the point of having a David Duke is he keeps his mouth shut?”

He just proved we can disagree without being at each other’s throats.

What an incredible change!!!!!

As I say, I waited for somebody on SF to raise hell about the heresy of SF and Euro just turning on a dime and substituting Jared’s AR convention for their own.

Not a word.

In fact, one person on Stormfront asked if there would be a Euro conference this year and someone else said they understood that the AR was this year’s substitute.

Without objection, the motion was carried.

Let me repeat, you cannot imagine what a sea change this represents.

Let me give all due credit for this to David and Kelso and Don Black, but they could not have done this without an underlying sea change in our movement.

In the bad old days all the groups and factions were fighting over a small number of committed members of our movement. Their competition was with each other.

But that is changed. Everybody smells victory, everybody knows there is a sea change under way.

There is a momentum we can all feel, whites are coming over to our side in a geometric progression. Above all, we do not want anything, even the sinking of New Orleans, to interrupt that sea change we have all devoted out lives to.

If David’s group is facing a period of adjustment, we throw Jared in to keep things going.

Nothing is a greater proof that a new age is dawning than the fact that everybody’s sole concern was to avoid a factional fight at this critical time.

We’re marching.

Way to go, gang!

Sic the bastards!

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