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Selling Out is an Art Form

Posted by Bob on March 13th, 2006 under General

One of the most most virulently anti-Semitic — in the ADL senase of the word, statements ever delivered in the Unitedf States Senate was the lasst speech given by outgoing Senator Ernest Hollings.

He flatly stated what everybody on Capitol Hill knows about the total control the Israeli lobby has over American foreign policy.

The reason Hollings did this was bewcause he was an UNSUCCESSFUL Southern sellout.

For three and a half decades Hollings had been the JUNIOR Senator from South Carolina. He only got two years to be SENIOR Senator after Strom went home at age 100.

Hollings would have given anything to have one more full six-year term as SENIOR Senator. But he didn’t run because he couldn’t have been reelected.

For decades “Fritz” Hollings had tried to get the vice presidential nomination on the Democratic ticket. He became more and more fanatically liberal to do it. He led the demand that Bob Jones University lose its eelemosinary status because it banned interracial dating, and he bragged about it.

Even against the amateur Republicans Party of South Carolina he barely kept his Senate seat in the previous election. The votrers were just waiting to kick him out, so he decided not even to seek the nomination. He lost those glorious six years as SENIOR Senator, and maybe twelve.

As to that precious vice presidential nod he had sold out for, the Democrats never even gave him a nibble.

The exact same thing happened to David Beasley on the Republican side. He heard from his advisors that he could get the vice presidential nod in 2000, but he first had to get reelected governor in 1998. He HAD to have the Confederate flag supporters to win the narrow victory he won in 1998, and until Novbembet of 1998 he declared there would be no compromise on that issue during a Beasley Administration.

But his advisors told him he had to get rid of that Confederate flag thing right after the 1998 election and as long as possible BEFORE the 2000 national convention if he wanted that precious vice presidential nomination.

So in November of 1998 Beasley won reelection as governor with the Confederate flag vote.

Then in December of 1998, just before the Baptist Convention Beasley announced that he had spent the entire night on his knees and the Lord Jehovah had told him to do exactly what he needed to do politically — though he failed to mention that aspect of it. God Personally told him to oppose the Confederate flag.

One month after the election.

Beasley discovered that not only could he not get a nibble at the vice presidency, his political career in South Carolina is totally gone. He might have succeeded Strom in 2002. But he is dead, dead, dead.

As dead as Fritz.

  1. #1 by Elizabeth on 03/15/2006 - 11:54 am

    The very idea that God would talk to David Beasley
    had at least some of us South Carolinians rolling
    on the floor laughing our…ah…heads off.

    I’ve talked with David Beasley a couple of times but
    have had no desire to know him better.

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