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Humongous Ants

Posted by Bob on April 4th, 2006 under Bob, Coaching Session

In the last generation, conservatives worshipped Japan.

The Japanese were verything that conservativve Wordism said would make a people great.

Best of all, the Japanese weren’t WHITE, so the conservatives could worship them and do what makes conservatifes deleriously happy:

They could outliberal the liberals.

Conservatives even began to admit that blacks had a lower average IQ than whites, something they had denied wildly in trying to prove they were more anti-racist than liberals were. Now they could point out that Jaspanese average IQ was higher than white, and they could insist that Orientals were The Master Race.

How anti-racist can you GET?

Japanese technology surged ahead, its per capita income approached the ultimate, the US per capita income.

Then Japan did what all Oriental countries do. It used up all the advances whites had introduced, used them better than whites did, and then stopped.

So you may ask why, since I have described China as following hte path I want whites to follow, I would not settle for a world where all the white countries were brown, but China, with its higher average IQ, was left alone.

First, of course, is loyalty. To be a respectable conservative you must deny any feeling whatsoever for your own race.

But there is another reason.

Let us be clear, first, that loyalty is enough.

But I do not regard a world of coloreds and Orientals as a world of human beings. To a historian, the Pharoahs and Mesopotamia and the Aztecs were Great Civilizations.

To me, all the Great Civilizations were giant insect colonies.

Ants have very sophisticated societies. They have very full lives. They are born, they live furiously, and they die.

A human society which lives furiously and then simply dies, unchangingly, is a giant set of ants.

If Spengler was right, then men are very large ants. They are born, they grow up, and they die.

So what?

Only whites have the capacity to go to the stars. Only white society will constantly change and reach new heights and newer heights from there.

To me, that is what HUMAN life is all about.

Ants, no matter how much they suffer, no matter how tall the pyramids they build, are not HUMAN.

In a world with whites, Orientals can be HUMAN.

In a world without whites, no one is human.

  1. #1 by Peter on 04/04/2006 - 6:00 pm

    It’s funny how “IQ tests” suddenly contradict all the old one just when they want them to.

  2. #2 by Peter on 04/04/2006 - 6:36 pm

    “To me, all the Great Civilizations were giant insect colonies.

    Ants have very sophisticated societies. They have very full lives. They are born, they live furiously, and they die.”

    You really must read Oswald Spengler. He’s not depressing if that’s what you fear. Civilizations die, but the men don’t have to. Western civilization arose with all the best from Classical civilization and much from Persian civilization (which Spengler calls the Magian).

    Western civilization is already gone. The stage was set when the tall ugly man ended the American republic for his bloody Rothschild masters, after which the enemy moved en masse to North America to set up their world headquarters in NYC far from the less-naive eyes of that European generation. The death stroke came in 1945. The enemy’s safe house was established in 1948.

    The new world order which began then is based on race. But the rulers know nothing about building. It’s easy to tear down a civilization that had already passed its summit, but there is no plan to build a new one. Instead, they are trying to maintain the comatose body of the West while gradually withdrawing its feeding tube. It’s paying them good money. When it’s gone, their job is done. And since the foundations for a new world have already been laid on race, it will be that much easier for us to build the new Culture based on the organic. We shall either become extinct as any good many fears, or we shall build a yet greater race high among the stars.

    But it’s easier to whine about the past than to think to the future.

    Read Spengler.

  3. #3 by kanefromsf on 04/04/2006 - 8:11 pm

    Yes, I’ve noticed Asians sort of snipe the ideas of whites and then perfect them. Maybe they see whites as the guinea pigs.

    Now, this is starting to change with modern Japan, but historical up to this point its been the case.

  4. #4 by Dave on 04/04/2006 - 11:08 pm

    What you say may be true and these facts are so well known that loud broadcasts are not required. It’s those weapons the Russians are working on that worry me – those blond blue-eyed Russians. But when I think about Chinese arms, it’s hard for me to get worried. The Chinese use air rifles to train their infantry. Now that’s ORIENTAL.

    I know from my own experience that the typical worldly, traveled, and educated oriental is under no illusion about the inability of his people to effectuate change or any kind of innovation whatsoever. That is the real reason the most talented of them escape to America.

    But black and Mexican people don’t give a damn about the issue. They can’t even contemplate that it is important.

    The cell phone, it just dropped from heaven. Toilet paper, it just appears. Frito-Lay potato chips, now what the hell is that? Just something to make me fat! That I live and breathe, am sheltered, am fed – why it all just is what is! 800,000 black people living in public housing in the City of Chicago alone. Living a life in the deal the white man has cut for them. And nothing but nothing ever changes. You got that right Mr. Whitaker.

  5. #5 by Elizabeth on 04/05/2006 - 2:12 pm

    Japan isn’t one of the ancient Oriental civilizations.

    It only dates from about 400 A.D., when a horse-riding
    tribe off the steppes moved south down the Korean
    penninsula and crossed to the islands of Japan.

    Beginning around 1000 A.D., the Japanese started
    copying Chinese culture. The Japanese noblewomen
    weren’t allowed to learn Chinese — so they started
    writing novels in Japanese.

    There are some really interesting wooden buildings
    and wooden sculptures from pre-Chinese-copying
    Japan. At least one of these sculptures — VERY
    lifelike — at least WAS in one of the Smithsonian
    museums twenty years ago. Look for pictures of
    the temples in Nara. These are copies, but they
    are detailed, conscientious copies.

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