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A Force in Being

Posted by Bob on April 5th, 2006 under Coaching Session

On the SF Supporting Member’s Thread, someone asked whether SF was growing or not.

I have explained the A-C Rule. It is time I explained the Force in Being Rule.

Practical Men (PM) talk endlessly, but they never listen to themselves.

They keep saying that in the Real World, public enthusiasm waxes and wanes. They keep telling us that what is popular today will be nothing tomorrow.

When someone says, “We are growing,” the Practical Men say, “You are not REALLY growing.”

Right now.

The prupose of the Practical Man is to prove he is a Practical Man, the very embodiment of Wisdom and Realism.

So when Stormfront says, “We are growing,” the PM wants to prove that he represents Realism. He tries to prove that, while the Pollyannas want to say they are growing, he, the Master of Reality, knows the facts.

No one remembers that his Practical Fact Number One was that none of that matters.

Pulic enthusiasm waxes and wanes.

In 1927 the National Socialist Party of Germany was at the bottom of the barrel. They hit a peak at the 1923 Pusch and went down from there. In 1927 not matter what argument they made for themselves the Practical Man would have said their cause was hopeless.

By 1933 they were in power. Which confirmed the basic wisdom of the Practical Man’s statement that political enthusiasm waxes and wanes.

But the Practical Man always wants to appear macho and wise RIGHT NOW.

Godfather II has it exactly right.

On December 31, 1958 Fulgencio Batista was he Strong Man in absolute control of Cuba.

Fidel Castro was a Force in Being. You could go and meet him in the hills. He was a minor celebrity.

Only a true nutcase would have met with him. No Practical Man would.

Sometime in the afternoon of December 31, 1958 Batista’s forces began to desert to Castro.

Batista, an expert on power, immediately recognized that his position was, to use the word we inherited from the Norman Conquest and which is good Spanish, untenable.

That was one hell of shock to all the Practical Men of the Mafia, of AT&T, of all of them.

But for Batista it was not a matter of theory. It was life and death.

Once the power of Castro’s Force in Being waxed, Batista had to get out to stay alive.

On December 31, 1958 the Practical Men would have laughed at the idea that the Batista Regime that had had an iron grip on Cuba would be gone overnight.

In 1981 not a single professional Sovietologist could have imagine that the Soviet Union would be gone in ten years.

And these are the same people who always tell us that popular opinion waxes and wanes.

So the same Practical Man who wonder whether SF is waxing or waning at this moment pays no attention to the fact that SF is a Force in Being.

A Force is Being is ready to take power.

  1. #1 by Antonio Fini on 04/06/2006 - 1:55 pm

    I try to impress this point on my friends at work who assume that the future will resemble the past, only with better gadgets and cheaper airfare.

    Many of them had front row seats when the World Trade Center went boom, just a couple of blocks from our building.

    Imagine, I tell them, if you could go back in time a mere five years and warn some of those arrogant bond traders on 102nd floor that they were wasting their time ogling Porsches and speedboats on the internet. Those traders and brokers would smile and knod at you- then try to change the subject to football and hookers.

    But their fate was already decided for them by some guy living in cave, 6000 miles away, amid piles of books and crates of small arms ammo.

    Change is never ending, even if no one notices. Revolution takes but an instant of fire and blood.

    I think historical forces are like a capacitor, quietly building up a charge to be released in a flash once a certain voltage potential is achieved.

    From the outside it looks harmless and inert. Inside there’s enough wallop to unravel your best laid plans.

  2. #2 by Shari on 04/06/2006 - 4:56 pm

    Boy, I guess! And I don’t think it was ever planned to capture that sob in the cave. Would open a BIG can of worms. But that can has been opened anyway, looks like.

  3. #3 by Derek on 04/06/2006 - 9:03 pm

    I have an unrelated thought. I didn’t even really read this article but something has been burning in my mind all day.

    If it is natural for white countries to invade and kill other whites, isn’t white nationalism (white unity) an ideology? And ideologies are not free are they? They are dictatorships if I am not mistaken.

    So what is it going to take to save the white race? Ideology or the concept of freedom?

  4. #4 by kanefromsf on 04/07/2006 - 7:35 pm

    I hear at the time of all of this, Castro was in fact not yet communist, and he became communist to avoid elections so he could keep his power for the rest of his life.

  5. #5 by deutsch14 on 04/08/2006 - 12:51 pm

    I really wish you were teaching History at my University Bob.

    From personal experience I know that momentum takes awhile to build, and it sways, and hanging in there and being loyal when one is down or in stagnation pays off down the line.

    I only hope I can follow my own advice and own personal experience in the future.

  6. #6 by WhiteShark on 04/08/2006 - 9:56 pm

    “So what is it going to take to save the white race? Ideology or the concept of freedom?”
    Posted by Derek.

    You’re right. That’s what’s troubling my mind all the time.
    But look at it this way – it’s exactly the “concept of freedom” that led us to the point of the extinction of our race. We now have liberalism as the leading ideology in the West, but there is no a leader, that’s why it doesn’t seem like ideology in a classical political sense.
    It’s more like a Trust, Concern or a Corporation. There is no head that you can aim the weapon towards.
    I would say that we need ideology to turn the wheel, concept of freedom comes afterwards.

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