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Up a Tree

Posted by Bob on April 9th, 2006 under Coaching Session

All these years, I have tried to convince people that there WILL be a tomorrow.

Tomorrow there will be people up in a tree babbling to themselves, “It’s too LATE! Or, “If we don’t stop immigration/integration or whatever in the next decade, all is lost!”

That is how they lost.

That is how they lost in each decade of my long life.

And here I am, in tomorrow, while they did nothing to help.

“Too late” for WHAT!?

When the British took Philadelphia, the city where the Declaration of Independence had been produced and the national capitol, it was too late. When they burned Washington, DC decades later it was too late.

Let’s all take our marbles and go home.

Or cling to the branches of a tree and wail.

Then every week somebody else thinks he thought of it for the first time:

“But, Bob, if there’s nothing to worry about, why are you worrying?”

I am trying to fight a WAR.

Everybody doesn’t go home after Philadelphia is taken and everybody doesn’t smile and say, “What, me worry?”

Let Napolean BURN Moscow.

So what happens NEXT?

I am SICK of talking people down from trees.

The Port of Ostia and the Island of Hippo are down to STAY.

For God’s sake let’s talk about REALITY!

  1. #1 by Shari on 04/10/2006 - 9:10 am

    This reminds me of some lines in The Lord of the Rings. King Theoden says that he will not risk open war and Aragorn replies that open war is upon you whether you would risk it or not. I have to be careful in thinking of these things, as it really makes my heart start pounding, and I just have to calm down.

  2. #2 by Peter on 04/10/2006 - 9:22 pm

    Tomorrow is not fearful.

    We are already living in tomorrow. Western civilization ended in 1945. We are living in its ruins: hideous strip mall after strip mall. The Gramsciist Frankfurter school (derived from the Institute for Social Research) is dismantling the ruins of Western civilization, stone by stone. They do not offer an alternative civilization: their goal is only to destroy, “deconstruct.”

    We are the alternative. They fear us. The Frankfurter Jews modified Marxism only slightly to render it exclusively racial (anti-white). In America, they retained their Communist ideology while taking over the Republican party (the Democrats were overcome earlier). This is why the “Republican states” are truly Red.

    The Frankfurter school of cultural Marxism is just Communism distilled to its eternal essence: blood-hate. That is Medieval Talmudism.

    But God always turns evil into good. The world that the decontructionists leave us is one based solely on race. Thus, the new civilization that we shall build starts from race. This is advantageous.

    The Logos is also Will.

  3. #3 by Derek on 04/11/2006 - 12:53 am

    It took me a while to ingest the first response to my initial comment. The second and third articles helped.

    When I read the first one I thought “man…why worry?”. Now I know why I should.

    I see your point about the tides. But you have to realize that while the anticipation for a wave is great, the wave is better. I guess I just feel left out.

  4. #4 by Bob on 04/12/2006 - 4:05 pm


    Also from Thomas Paine:

    “Gentlemen cry, ‘Peace, peace!'”

    “but there is no peace.”

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