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The Judgement is not Just Theology

Posted by Bob on April 22nd, 2006 under Bob, How Things Work

A German once said to other Aryans, “If you said the things to other people that you say to yourself, you would be a sadist.”

Those of us who have a conscience are very cruel to ourselves.

One commenter says he feels guilty about nothing in his life and he is not a sociopath. He is an enormous exception.

I do not need the Bible to stand before Judgement all the time. To me, this is Aryan morality. It is a cruel master.

I have never considered heaven-and-hell Christianity to be Christian “morality.” What Christianity says is that if you are good you will be rewarded forever. If you do evil you will be tortured eternally.

This is religion, but it is certainly not morality.

I wonder if a person who is not bound to morality regardless of reward or punishment can be saved when the real Judgement Day comes?

Action based entirely on punishment and reward is not yet morality, but many a person has been frrightened into acting morally by a fear of Hell. But as he thinks in terms of morality year after year, his conscience will develop.

CS Lewis says, “If you are not yet sure the Faith is true, pretend as if it WERE true”

A dog who obeys because he will be whipped if he doesn’t is obedient, but he is NOT moral.

In the movie “A Man for All Seasons,” a Duke who was a friend of Thomas More urged him to say he was for Henry VIII’s divorce even if he didn’t believe it was right.

He said, “Say it, Thomas,and I will stand beside you.”

Moore answered, “And when we both face the Judgement, and God says you will go to heaven because you endorsed the divorce because you believed it was right, and God says says I am damned because I endorsed it though I believed it was wrong, will you THEN stand beside me and walk into the Pit of Hell with me?”

I think this is profoundly true.

The only difference is that I don’t need the Pit of Hell to make me do what is right.

My own conscience, my Aryan conscience, is all the punishment I need to make immorality painful.

  1. #1 by kane on 04/22/2006 - 5:25 pm

    Aryan is a vague term…Hitler used it to mean people decended from Germanic tribes, and nothing more. Which means eastern and southern europeans didn’t count. Scientists use it to describe people decended from Indo-Aryans, which amazingly, includes a certain amount of “Jews.” Just shows you the level of intelligence the guy had, LOL!

  2. #2 by Shari on 04/22/2006 - 7:37 pm

    I just read a piece on imigration by Sobran. He took a very resigned attitude. He said things like there is no question of deporting 10 or 20 million people. It’s simply irreversable and how can any Christian get indignant about poor men leaving home to take tough low paying jobs to feed their families etc.etc. To my mind, I think that they have to go back and so do the millions of muslims in Europe and those pouring into Australia, and South Africans and Rodesians cannot be ruled over by blacks. Neither can Americans. I don’t know what will happen but I think that a match will be lit. That notion might even be scriptural. Luke 12:49 Right now, to my mind Sir Thomas More, Bob Whitaker and David Duke are the more admirable ones. Well Sir Thomas More, definately, as he paid with his life. No insult intended, but I don’t actually know the other two and they are still living.

  3. #3 by Peter on 04/23/2006 - 6:37 pm

    Hitler used “Aryan” as a synonym for “Nordic” and applied it to anyone who was at least half Nordic. This was legislated and is described in many German publications such as the easy to read Primer of the NSDAP that was required for the Hitler Youth. Thus the many people of eastern and southern Europe were considered special friends and eastern Europeans were encouraged to volunteer for the elite SS and many did. Needless to say many eastern Europeans are descendants from the Goths whose homeland was once there, of the Viking Rus, and the original Slavs, all of whom were Aryan.

    Scientists in the past used Aryan as a synonym for Aryan but today scientists do not use the term at all. Linguists use the term “Indo-Aryan” for the group of languages that includes Hindu, Iranian, etc but few of the people who speak these languages show any Aryan traits at all. If we do not get our act together in the US, the future population of the US will speak a corrupted English, but look Mestizo, with maybe the occasional green eye or brownish tint in course dark hair.

    Alfred Rosenberg of the NSDAP believed that high-caste Hindus were Aryan with a dark mutation and those who could get to Europe volunteered for the elite SS. Technically speaking, “Aryan” was a larger group than “Nordic,” since pure descendants of the Indo-Europeans showed strong Nordic characteristics, but could not strictly be equated with the Nordics of northern Europe. The anthropological research was still in its early stages, so Nordic and Aryan were used synonymously until the proper research could be completed.

  4. #4 by Derek on 04/24/2006 - 1:37 pm

    I think that it is plain to see that being moral is not being dogmatic. If anything being moral is anything against dogmatic….like the ten commandments.

    Of course if that were the case Jesus was moral and not dogmatic, which means he wasn’t religious..and certainly not Catholic (in my opinion). Wouldn’t that mean Jesus would be denied entrance to Heaven?

    Heaven is a funny concept. People use it all the time to get what they want in life, but then they say that it is the only thing worth living for. Sounds like subterfuge to me which is immoral.

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