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The POLITICAL Lesson in the Death of Mainline Protestantism

Posted by Bob on April 22nd, 2006 under Comment Responses

Shari says,

“Are you saying that the Catholic church will not defend and even promote the notion that whites ought to mate only with whites? If so, I can say that I have noticed this and been puzzeling about it. I don’t know where it came from other than confusing nice and good. Our bishop said,in relation to illegals, a while back,”be kind, be kind,be kind.” Which I translated in my head to be nice, be nice, be nice. But, I have to admit that I don’t know how to be good rather than nice either. Other than that my husband and children are white, but my children are adults and struggling.”

Comment by Shari


Like every other large church, the Catholic Church has done all it can in recent years to destroy the white race. All the churches today are simply one more branch of respectable conservatism and liberalism.

The most horrible example of this in recent times has been the Reformed Church of the Afrikaaners in South Africa. The Methodist Church did this to me when I was a child.

But as usual I am going to veer off into what your comment made me think of.

Thinking about what you said, I realized that I see three major branches of today’s Western Christianity:

1) The Catholic Church,

2) The mainline Protestant Churches,which includes the Methodists, Episcopalians, Presbyterian, Lutherans and so forth

3) The evangelicals, a category that exists in my own mind. They are what the media refer to as “Bible-thumpers.”

I say this because some Baptists are just more mainline churches, while the Bob Joes types are in the category of evangelical.

You can tell which is which not just by their theology, but by a more obvious measure.

ALL of the mainline churches are dropping steadilyi n membership.

The harcore evangelical Baptists are all taking large numbers of converts, and have been doing so since the 1960s. The respectable Baptists, those who do not call themselves Southern Baptists, are stagnating along with every one of the mainline Protestant denomincations.

There is a giant growth of evangelical churches in South America. It is one of the least reported historical turnovers in history.

Please, please, PLEASE understand I am not talking theology here. When it comes to the numbers and major conversion, this ia matter that is vitally important to a political pro.

Politics, real politics, is about what people WANT.

If the militant vegetariansim had had a steadily increasing membership for two generations, I would discuss it and look at it very carefully.

This would NOT mean that Bob takes vegetarianism seriously or that I am sympathetic to it.

I am trying to sell some ideas, so I want to know why ideas, any ideas, sell.

I haven’t gone into this because I was afraid everybody would get all tied up in theology.

But the simple statistical fact is that category 1), the Catholic Church, is still a net gainer in the matter of CONVERTS, not juts in its birth rate.

Every single church in category 2), the mainline Protestant, is going steadily down.

Every single church in category 3) is heading upwards in CONVERTS, and has been doing so for most of my lifetime.

I am NOT interested in this as a matter of theology. This is a critical POLITICAL phenomenon.

There were practically NO evangelists in South America when I was born. Now there are tens of millions of them. They are heavily into the politics of Central America.

The media almost totally ignore this.

They are NOT our friends. But they are important, because they are doing something RIGHT in a matter of practical politics.

Here is a major lesson I get out of this:

Conventional wisdom is dead wrong.

Conventional wisdom tells us that the way to succeed in any kind of politics is to go along and get along.

Meanwhile, back on planet earth, the mainline Protestant denominations are the ones who do absolutely nothing BUT go along and get along. Every political fad becomes part of the official doctrine of every church from Methodist to Lutheran to the more respectable branches of the Baptists adopts Politically Correct dogma as the Voice of God the minute some sociologist comes up with it.

The Catholic bureaucracy in Rome tries hard to do the same thing, but the Catholic Church can thank its lucky stars that it so rooted in old, “outdated” theology.

While evangelicals sell US out, they do run the “Christian” right.

In fact, the only reason the Catholic Church gets as much grief from Political Correctness freaks as evangelicals do is because the Catholic Church is so much BIGGER than they are.

So if you look over what I just said, you will notice that on critical rule over thepast two generations has been that churches are growing in direct proportion to the amount of grief they are getting from the PC freaks.

Or, to put it in even more basic English, churches are growing or dying in direct proportion to how much grief they are getting from mainline liberals and respectable conservatives. The more they “with the times” the more they are DYING.

To the extent that churches “go along and get along” they are DYING.

We do not approve of the politics of any of them on race. That is not the point.

What IS the point is that, in the long run, the way to die is to go along.

Think about the conclusion the media would be trumpeting if the opposite were the case. What if churches that go along with fashionable oopinion were growing and those the media disapprove of were dying.

Do you think THAT trend would be ignored inthe media the way the real trend has been?

If the opposite were the case, every magazine would have an article in every issue about how traditional Catholicism is dying out. Every issue would have pictures of the empty churches “out of date” preachers were talking to.

There is NEVER a media picture of the ever-emptier churches where mainline, government-supported preachers in Europe are talking to churches.

In a really respectable Anglican Church in England the congregation each Sunday is smaller than the choir used to be.

When was the last time you saw a picture of THAT in the media?

  1. #1 by Burke on 04/22/2006 - 5:02 pm

    Is the solution to our “Christian problem” just a healthy tweaking of a couple of theological details?

    Hmmm… I think that the whole Christian God-Image has to go.

    I’ve always liked the idea of God as an irrational and unconscious being (C.G. Jung’s Answer to Job) who needs us more than we need him. If we had a religion with a God like that, we’d be hating Him right now, and not ourselves.

  2. #2 by Elizabeth on 04/23/2006 - 4:47 pm

    The un-P.C. orthodox (little “o”) Catholicism is growing and growing and scaring
    the …uh… stuffing out of the P.C. types who remember the ’60s as a golden

    Most of the centers are in the South — 2 in Alabama, 2 in California, and the
    Washington, DC, area.

    The two centers in Alabama are in Birmingham and in a small town named Hanceville,
    which is just outside Cullman.

  3. #3 by Peter on 04/23/2006 - 8:06 pm

    The evangelical collection of congregations is successful for some of the same reasons that they were unsuccessful fifty years ago. The tendency is toward fractions and contentiousness. If someone differed on doctrinal or personal matters, they split off and formed their own church. This has made them wont to stand for something. With the lack of central denominational control, corruption seems to take to take place but one church at a time. Thus they remained conservative for a time.

    They are now rapidly converting from conservatism to Neoconservativism. Thus, the degree of corruption in evangelical churches is often greater than many liberal and moderate Protestant congregations. But Neoconservatives have been able to package Gramsciist-Frankfurter Communism as conservatism and the public has not heard any descent enlightening them as to whose views they have adopted. Thus any success they still have means that the public finds standing for conservative values attractive.

    The mainline churches were corrupted by seducing the denominational leadership. When a few people at the top are bought, the whole organization follows (although there are of course hold-outs with less corruption). The evangelical nut was cracked by buying up erstwhile Christian book and music publishers. Jews already controlled the secular media industry, but evangelicals before the war were aware of the Jewish hatred of Christians and Jewish control of Hollywood and on the secular media. After the war, Jews were able to blame its horrors on the German victims and they successfully marketed the brand new “Judeo-Christianity” to evangelicals. One notable example is the ruthless promotion of Hal Lindsey’s books on Revelation, which are junk, but they pushed the supremacy of Judaism and Israel.

    To an evangelical before the war, the worst case scenario would have been Jewish ownership of evangelical media. This has now happened. Current evangelicals are often much more secularized than mainline Protestants and their church services often seem more like rave parties for mom and pop or like pop-psychology seminars. Evangelical culture is now more worldly than the world. This was unthinkable fifty years ago.

    But they continue to give lip service, as Neoconservatives will, to “conservative values.” Except that issues that once were on the sidelines are now the only game, such as abortion and homosexuality. Evangelicals have given up fighting the Marxist-inspired masculinization of women, since both spouses must now work almost everywhere. Other moral issues helpful to the preservation of white America are forgotten.

    Thus growth in evangelical churches has notably tapered off dramatically recently, causing Jews to gloat in Time Magazine around 2001. But evangelicals still speak out against homosexuality, abortion, and men are still in leadership, facts that make evangelicalism still somewhat more attractive to the public than mainline denominations.

    Ironically, if a person wants to avoid the Judeophilia and massive commercialism and secularization of modern evangelical churches, he can still find traditionalism in some mainline congregations here and there, especially in the South. I think the Episcopal diocese of South Carolina (in the Low Country) is an example. Since the Methodist Church rotates its ministers from church to church, there is more complete central control, so I predict that that denomination will go extinct in twenty years. The others, like conservative Presbyterian off-shoots, can last longer. Mainline congregations that are still conservative are packed. The media does not report this.

    From reputation, there are also holdouts among the RCC which remain less affected by corruption than say New England. There may be many, but I believe that Whites in the Southwest are fleeing the RCC as the Mexicans invade; so I predict that the same will happen in the South and Northeast as Mexicans overwhelm them there.

    There is also another phenomenon not reported in the Jewish media, and that is the splintering of mainline and Catholics, which I think is what Elizabeth is talking about. Splintering used to be an evangelical phenomenon. These are still small in numbers since they don’t yet have the money to get publicity themselves but this lack of exposure protects them from corruption. There are so many groups and their numbers are so small, the Jews would be wasting their money if they tried bribing them like they did all the others.

    If Whites get control of the White world again, I predict that the religion in this country will be more united than ever in its history. The denominations will have been decimated and there will be a massive groundswell toward white history, traditions, and cultural unity. This will allow something new to arise from the ashes and we will be conscious of avoiding the problems we are facing right now.

  4. #4 by Antonio Fini on 04/23/2006 - 11:54 pm

    I’m researching an article for SF about the early career of a certain deceased German Chancellor.

    I learned that after serving as a lance corporal in WWI he was put to work as a “verbindungsman” or go between man. Fancy name for a spy and anticommunist propagandist.

    The army sent him to the University of Munich to take a spy classess. He learned how to write and spread propaganda. The proffessors told him the whole trick to good propaganda was merely to bring into conscious awareness what was already present in people’s minds.

    The German people after all had responded to the Commie take overs of Berlin and Bavaria by bayoneting and beating the ringleaders to death in the streets. So the Germans already had this powerful impulse to hate and defy the Left. They only needed direction and encouragement.

    You can scare people into silence or confuse them, but you really can’t put something into their souls that wasn’t there to begin with.

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