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Real Prophecy Doesn’t PAY

Posted by Bob on April 22nd, 2006 under Coaching Session

I put this in Stormfront:

I remember watching “Crossfire” in its original version back about 1978.

Pat Buchanan and his liberal had a young “racist” on, and Buchanan was trying desperately to prove he was a respectable conservative.

Buchanan said that Americans who died in World War II gave their lives to open Europe to third world immigration. His pet liberal praised him to the skies.

Two decades later, Pat published the best-selling book he ever wrote, “The Death of the West,” which said just the opposite.

In the intervening period I talked to Pat a number of times.

He and Joe Sobran moved steadily — not because of me — into the anti-immigration camp by the early 1980s.

For fifteen years or so after his conversion, Joe and I and others tried to get Pat to write a book about it. He kept saying a book like that would do more harm than good, that it would ruin him.

I repeat, when he finally did write it sold like hotcakes.

So today, when you talk about anti-immigration leaders, the top of the list is Pat Buchanan.

And David Duke, the man Buchanan crowded out of the Republican primaries against Bush, the man who was ALWAYS on the side Buchanan claims for himself?

He is STILL called “Former Klansman David Duke” by the media.

Liberals and respectable conservatives call me some things, too. But what they call me is less public and a hell of a lot less publishable.

David and I were right from the word go. In fact, we right at least twenty years BEFORE the word Go.

In order to destroy Communism, I was advocating, –before 1960! — that Republicans stop their “moderation” and their hopeless pursuit of the “The Negro Vote.” I said Republcains go after the socially conservatives Democrats who were against “civil rights” in the South and the “ethnic” areas up North.

By 1963 I had won elections with that strategy.

It took us twenty years to get that idea into practice.

In 1968 those “Wallace Democrats” for ten million votes in the general election. But respectable cosnervatives wouldn’t touch them because they were called “Wallace Democrats” and would stain conservative respectability.

So Republicans continued keeping their respectability and being moderates. They kept going after what was now called “the black vote.”

And they kept losing.

Finally, in 1980, Reagan went after “the Wallace vote” and smashed the Democrats.

Overnight nobody ever heard about “Wallace Democrats” again.

They are now called “Reagan Democrats.” You have not heard “Wallace Democrats” since election night, 1980.

Since election night in 1980 every single Republican says he was ALWAYS for appealing to the “Reagan Democrats.”

So who got credit for going after the “Reagan Democrats?”

Credit went to every Republican and respectable conservative who fought me every inch of the way for two decades, that’s who.

And who gets credit for trumpeting the danger to the white race posed by open borders?

Former Klansman David Duke?

Of course not.

Pat Buchanan, the one who said Americans died in World War II to make Europe brown, gets the credit.

This surprises neither David nor me in the least.

In fact, this is what David and I both signed on for. We knew this would happen from the get-go.

David and I have been in this battle since we were very, very young.

To say that we ever expected credit would be an insult to our intelligence.

One of the first things a political revolutionary learns is that there are those who fight the fight and those who take the credit. The minute our vital job is really done someone who is a professional credit-taker will cash in on what we have been pushing for decades.

This is routine.

We are willing to settle for this because we know we are the ones who make real history.

There are planty of people available to take credit when the time comes. They are not really important.

But there are NOT plenty of people who are willing to keep plugging away trying to light the match the way David and, to a lesser extent, I do.

We are VITAL. We know we are IMPORTANT.

We know that if we keep trying to light the match, no matter what it costs us, the match will eventually be lit.

There are plenty of credit-takers. We who light the match are critical and indispensable.

Pat did us a favor when he finally, at long last, cashed in what we had been trying to get SOMEONE to cash in on for so many years.

Reagan was useful, too. He did destroy the USSR.


I was glad to see it when big-time, big-pay political consultants FINALLY cashed in on what I had been pushing since before 1960.

What do David and I get for it?

We get the knowledge that we exercise POWER.

None of the credit-takers have any real power. If one credit-taker was never born, history would not be changed in the slightest.

But if there were no Bob Whitaker, no David Duke, no James Kelso, no Don Black, history might be entirely different.

The Pat Buchanans can make money hand over fist.

The Ronald Reagans can go down in history as Mister President.

We are willing to let them have the titles.

We are willing to let them have the money.

We are willing to let them have the fame.

All we ask is something the average person would consider to be a minor matter:

We just want to change the course of world history.

This may seem silly and irrelevant to those who are proud of calling themselves Practical People.

But we will settle for nothing less.

  1. #1 by kane on 04/22/2006 - 5:29 pm

    Let’s be honest, the idea of Duke suceeding outside of Louisiana, even without Buchanan, is proabably a long shot. Buchanan, who has nation-wide apeal, acted in his self-interest, I don’t blame him.

  2. #2 by kane on 04/22/2006 - 6:22 pm

    Expanding on my old comments, I guess I have trouble seeing Duke win a New Hamshire primary. He can maybe win your state or his state. Most people in Pa (where I am now) I talk to sort of give me a look when I mention David Duke, but they sort of say “oh he has some good things to say” when I mention Buchanan. Buchanan is a Catholic, but not a pope-loyalist so he’s okay with me. I would bet Buchanan could probably win North Carolina or Virginia, as you get south of that he may run into some trouble against Duke. But on a 50 state level I don’t think I could see Duke having more voter power than Buchanan. I think Buchanan is also popular in the mid-west.

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