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Posted by Bob on April 29th, 2006 under Comment Responses

I’m just going to steal what Tim said and ask for comments on it.

I will have a couple on it myself.

“UNA. “Born again?”

MONOS. Yes, fairest and best beloved Una, “born again.” These were the words upon whose mystical meaning I had so long pondered, rejecting the explanations of the priesthood, until Death itself resolved for me the secret.”

I rarely venture into religion on this blog. Once I realized our race is our religion it became pointless for me to post on what I viewed as redundant topics. I realize that these religious topics are nevertheless important to hammer through BW points to newcomers here. As well as to pound Christians who cannot get it through their thick heads that they do not have to love brown people to achieve salvation. But today I am going to take a stab at this and post about Christianity.

The quote above is something most readers will have read in their childhood. It is from Edgar Allen Poe’s The Colloquy of Monos and Una. I read it the other day by accident. I got to thinking about the concept ‘Born Again’. This concept has perplexed many people and has been argued time and time again. Baptist have one view. Catholics and Lutherans have other views on this–and so on, so forth etc. But what if “born again” is not a religious concept at all?

We know that the New Testament is a radical departure from the Old Testament. We know the New Testament is NOT Jewish. BW has enlightened us time and time again with the obvious Zoroastrian themes presented in the New Testament. We know that Zoroastrianism was an Aryan racial religion. We know the Aryan religion was the dominate religion of Persia. We also know that “Semites don’t invent”. So where did Christ grab the concept of ‘born again’. Simply put —to be ‘born again’ is not a religious concept but a racial concept rapped in a religious package.

The concept of ‘born again’ is another Aryan concept. We all know you can be be an Asian with just an Asian momma or even just an Asian father. The whole planet knows if one of your parents is African —–you are BLACK. However, whites are the exception to this rule. You cannot be white with just a white mother. You cannot be white with just a white father. To be Aryan, your mother and father must both be White. Of course, you are saying that is silly Tim—everyone on earth KNOWS THAT. Yes and so did Christ. The Hindus referred to this as born twice. Your first birth was to the mother. The second birth was to the father.

One birth to an Aryan mother did not make you an Aryan. You had to be born the second time unto the father. You had to be born twice. Or as Christ said:”Ye must be born again”. Every other sentence out of Christs mouth was “I think thee father” “I think thee father”. This of course is Christ showing a constant state of gratitude to his father. But gratitude for what?? This is also a constant Aryan theme. Only through the father can you be born again or born the second time to make you an Aryan. Whether in Persia or India. They had two different takes on the same theme –”keep us white”! Just like our theme right this minute in America! “keep us white”.

Christ went on and on with these themes of ‘born again’. He said it was only through the father. “Not by works or deeds lest any man should boast”. Go back in time and ask Buddha if you could be a Brahmin by works or deeds! The Hindus may make light of it now. The Zoroastrians may say they are just a ‘tribal’ religion now. But any white man that reads there actual texts knows better. Jews did not come from JU-piter. They have been on earth for quite a while. There education establishments in Rome were teaching a lot more than just Judaism. This is well known. They were learning everything about everybody. Christ did not grab these concepts from thin air. He grabbed them from Aryan religions and his non Jewish Zoroastrianism buddies. There is nothing new in the New Testament.

I have heard many smart racialist say that we need a Racial religion. We already have a Racial Religion. In fact, we have so many of them that we do NOT need another one. What we need to do is recognize it. Am I saying we should all make the New Testament into a Racial Religion. No. I am saying it is already a racial religion and like all Aryan Religions it has gone astray. Like I posted before –now that Jesus does not have blond hair and blue eyes White folks have no interest in him. Christianity is resigned to the third world like all other Aryan religions before it. The key idea is that Aryans are already born again. You can Universalize Christianity. But you cannot Universalize being White. The Davinci Code is doing a good job of getting people to questioning Christianity. I used to say we should leave Christianity alone. I know have changed my mind. We should keep taking it apart so Aryans can understand it before it completely kills us.

Comment by Tim — 4/27/2006 @ 11:07 pm | Edit This

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  1. #1 by Peter on 04/29/2006 - 2:55 pm

    Brilliant, Tim!

    I had never thought that about the Father before.

  2. #2 by LibAnon on 04/29/2006 - 4:01 pm

    “I am saying it is already a racial religion and like all Aryan Religions it has gone astray.”
    If I’ve learned anything from Bob, it’s that Aryan religion is about what IS rather than what OUGHT to be. Knowledge, not wisdom.
    That’s why I’m not satisfied with any theory that says Christianity is a degenerate form of Aryan religion. In my opinion, it’s just another way of saying that Christianity OUGHT to be something other than what it obviously IS.
    So I prefer to look at what’s OBVIOUSLY true about Christianity rather than theorize about what words like “born again” might mean. And what’s OBVIOUS about Christianity is that an Aryan-only religion is precisely what Christianity is NOT. It has been a missionary religion from the very beginning and since then it has zealously tried to “save souls” on all continents without the slightest degree of discrimination.
    It’s equally obvious to me that Christianity is the “white man’s religion”, because it was the primary means by which the non-white world was brought under our control. This observation doesn’t contradict what I just said, but rather restates it. The problem here is not an historical one, but the problem of thinking clearly in the way that Bob is trying to teach us. In my opinion, the clarity of thought we need here is the understanding that Christianity is a vehicle of civilization, not race, and that we shouldn’t confuse the two. The Aryan race cannot reach its potential without civilization, but neither can civilization reach its potential without the Aryan race. In other words, we should be wary of ALL forms of determinism, racial or otherwise.

  3. #3 by Tim on 04/30/2006 - 11:24 am


    In the past, we have used Christianity to conquer and civilize folks. Now the powers that be and the preachers/clergy etc are using Christianity to make us adopt the little baby from burandi. Look at South Africa. Christianity was used to civilize the country. Now they have used “the mercy of Christ” and Mandela to uncivilizes the place! Everything done in the name of Christianity is being undone under the same name.

    “In my opinion, the clarity of thought we need here is the understanding that Christianity is a vehicle of civilization, not race, and that we shouldn’t confuse the two.”

    What I am saying LibAnon is that this nonsense is being used in vain by the clergy/politicos. England colonized the world and now must be colonized. Ireland migrated all over the world and MUST allow non-white migration into Ireland. America is nation of immigrants etc..etc.. These fools are using our good nature against us. So I am going to take apart the WORDS that supposedly give them the authority to do these things. No one is going to church and the Davinci Code is selling like hotcakes. There are doubts in the folks heads.
    Furthermore, you CANNOT in my opinion separate the ARYAN RACE from the Civilizations they build. Just look around. Christianity has Aryan themes—You cannot have Aryan themes without having Racial themes. They are one and the same. I think maybe we are talking tomatoes vs tamatoes. How can an Aryan have a religion that is not a ‘vehicle’ of race? I am not understanding this? Explicate. If Christianity is a vehicle of Civilization— it is a vehicle of RACE on some level. Now, I will be first to admit that this is the problem –that Aryans do not recognize the Aryan themes. I am looking to change that. We must get whites thinking in racial terms again. They are starting to already. We need to push from every angle. I am attacking the heart of the problem. Christianity. I will not fight fair.

    I am not trying to argue semantics or to develop some deep theoretical concept to debate Jerry Falwell at Liberty University. The Davinci Code has caused an uproar at the Vatican and Liberty University has put out a tape series to deal with it! I find this amusing. White folks instinctively do not like what the Bible is being used for and Jesus no longer has blond hair and blue eyes. I am trying to develop points to hammer home were these concepts in the NE come from. In short, I am trying to save my race. Your points are hairsplitting. Which is good in a way. But explaining those details to someone is trying to adopt a non-white baby because because Jesus says “you got to love everybody” is useless (at least in the first few conversations). I am developing talking points to hammer folks with the fact that they do not have to commit suicide because Jesus says so. I am doing it by taking them back to the words Jesus said and by telling them who said these things before Jesus.

    Read Bob is a great book. Because it says things in a way to make White folks think. It teases the reader into looking things up for themselves and when you do it is all right there. In a way, I am trying to do the same thing.

  4. #4 by LibAnon on 04/30/2006 - 3:59 pm

    “I am trying to save my race. Your points are hairsplitting.”
    To my ears that sounds a little harsh, Tim, but you may well be right. I’m here to learn, not to quarrel, and I very much appreciate your eloquent response. I’ll continue to think about what you wrote.
    In the meantime, two thoughts. First of all, I fully support what you’re trying to do. I’m not trying to undermine it. Rather, consider my presence here as a reminder that there’s a lot more to our race than Bible-believing Southerners, and that what you’re trying to do simply won’t WORK with the “other” part of white America to which I belong. To have been divided into two distinct white cultures has been America’s misfortune from the very beginning, and we can afford it now less than ever. So in my own way, that’s what I’m trying to do to save our race: to learn how you guys think, and to do whatever I can to familiarize you with how MY people think, and otherwise to help get all of this Federalist/Jeffersonian, red state/blue state, Yankee/Confederate, liberal/conservative stuff out of the way. Not to ELIMINATE it, but to find a common language. If we can unite the white race in the USA in this way, perhaps we’ve learned a lesson that can help us unite the white race throughout the world.
    My second point is to explicate what I meant in my original post, as you asked me to do. What I was trying to say is that Christianity is essentially the white man’s solution to living in a world full of non-whites. As the only CREATIVE (or as Bob would say, “human”) race on the planet, the white race has a problem: how do we live with the non-creative races? Therefore, we can’t think of Christianity as an “Aryan-only” religion. It is indeed the “white man’s religion”, but its entire reason for being is what to do with the non-Aryans. Did the fallible human beings who make up Christianity always get the solution to this problem right? Almost never — colonialism, led by Christian missionaries, has turned out to be a disaster for the white race, just like adopting babies from Burundi has been. But there has been no “degeneration” in Christianity between then and now; adopting non-white babies is simply colonialism on a smaller, domestic scale. Christianity is unavoidably concerned with how the productive are to survive among the unproductive, and any reform of Christianity, such as the one you are attempting, will have to deal with that problem.

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