Kanefronsf, you missed one of the best Scifi books of all time, the Pournelle-Niven “Inferno.”
The Vestibule of Hell is for those who made no decisions IN LIFE, not for those who saw a moral crisis and decided to remain neutral.
I read all three of dante’s book. I believe those who preserve neutrality are stuck at the gates of hell but not inside hell. They are in limbo.
Satan is at the bottom and it’s freezing cold.
Comment by kane
#1 by Dennis on 05/05/2006 - 9:39 pm
It depends on the situation. Remain neutral during an election, favouring neither the Democrats or Republicans, I think that could be forgiven.
Remain neutral and claim that the issue concerning your race is “not your concern”, then you are a traitor.
#2 by Peter Gene Budarick on 05/06/2006 - 1:42 am
The point is that there are always more then 2 positions to any conflict and more then 2 solutions to any problem.
Let us get out of this silly Jewish binary mentallity.
The Jews always force you to take one of two positions THEY have set up.
IF you refuse either and suggest a completely different one, THEN the Jewish tactic is always to say you are “sitting on the fence”.
I know because they have tried that on on me since i was a teenager.
You are supposed to have a role in life!
Well i don’t have a role!
I a have an ethical position!
Your role is to be either a anti-Semite [naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews] or to be a slave to the Jews – a good goyim or judeaphile.
Either serves the purposes of the Master.
I don’t see a race problem Bob!
I see a Jew problem.
I think discussing the race problem is a waste of time.
If we did not have a Jew problem we would not have a race problem because human nature would take care of that. Having grown up in the South i feel i can say that to you Bob without offending you. You know the blacks are NOT a problem! And you know i am NOT advocating genocide.
Jews don’t advocate genocide either, they commit it and get away with it.
We are being forced into this by the Jews because they know they can screw us up with this.
But i defy them by saying there is no race problem.
I defy them by saying there IS a Jew problem!
And i don’t care if the moderators on Stormfront ban me forever for saying it, because i know i am right!
Do you get my point?
#3 by Peter Gene Budarick on 05/06/2006 - 1:43 am
The point is that there are always more then 2 positions to any conflict and more then 2 solutions to any problem.
Let us get out of this silly Jewish binary mentallity.
The Jews always force you to take one of two positions THEY have set up.
IF you refuse either and suggest a completely different one, THEN the Jewish tactic is always to say you are “sitting on the fence”.
I know because they have tried that on on me since i was a teenager.
You are supposed to have a role in life!
Well i don’t have a role!
I a have an ethical position!
Your role is to be either a anti-Semite [naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews] or to be a slave to the Jews – a good goyim or judeaphile.
Either serves the purposes of the Master.
I don’t see a race problem Bob!
I see a Jew problem.
I think discussing the race problem is a waste of time.
If we did not have a Jew problem we would not have a race problem because human nature would take care of that. Having grown up in the South i feel i can say that to you Bob without offending you. You know the blacks are NOT a problem! And you know i am NOT advocating genocide.
Jews don’t advocate genocide either, they commit it and get away with it.
We are being forced into this by the Jews because they know they can screw us up with this.
But i defy them by saying there is no race problem.
I defy them by saying there IS a Jew problem!
And i don’t care if the moderators on Stormfront ban me forever for saying it, because i know i am right!
Do you get my point?
#4 by PeterGene Budarick on 05/06/2006 - 3:28 am
Hi Bob
This is a test message.
I a have posted several responses before to several of your Blogs and none got through based on what i can determine on my end.
So i am testing to find out why this is so.
Best wishes,
#5 by PeterGene Budarick on 05/06/2006 - 3:41 am
Now it looks i can get through to you if i use Mozilla Firefox.
There seem to be issues with using mainstream MS apps.
And there i thought you were blocking me. LOL!
Do you see the negative thinking in my mind?
Always thinking i am in the wrong.
I think that thinking we are wrong is a BIG problem for OUR people.
#6 by PeterGene Budarick on 05/06/2006 - 4:46 am
We are NOT wrong!
We are RIGHT.
I know exactly what you are concerned with Bob!
I am going to hit things a little harder in this one.
What i tried to say before and did not get to you because of technical issues on my end [software – computer] – well the messages are stale now, so i won’t repeat.
New start.
There is not a race problem!
There is a Jew problem!
I got banned from SF for saying that when drunk.
Now i will say it to Bob Whitaker when relatively sober!
Bob understands all this perfectly. He has been there – done that!
The Jews want a race problem. They want mayhem like they have achieved in Iraq.
There is no race problem in America if Americans are not slaves to Jews. It can be sorted out very easily and no niggers need suffer unfairly by the “sorting out”.
The problem is that the Jews who rule you won’t let you do THAT!
So i figure we need to address the Jewish problem as THE fundamental problem.
For some 40 years Jews have accused me of sitting on the fence.
They don’t like me because i will not accepst either of the two diametrically opposed solutions they have invented [on any issue you care to mention] and forced me/us to choose from their menue.
Ever been to a restaurant with only two choices?
Therefore the Jews accuse me of “sitting on the fence”!
I wish Bob you don’t do that! [no, not sit on the fence yourself, but i mean not accuse me of it]
I am a creative being and i will not submit to the Jews!
By which i mean i will not tick the “YES” and “NO” boxes that the Jews provide on their forms which certify us as “human beings” [well actually their slaves].
They can’t have me quantized as either licking their anus or a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
I don’t give you nor these low lifeform that choice of definition of me!
And i KNOW the Jews have exterminated my people for this very same resistance!
We will not submit to these Abominations Of The Known Universe.
I suffer for it in various ways which i will not say here as it serves no useful purpose for our cause.
But we have a cause nontheless!
You will note that i don’t say: “well all Jews are not bad and i am not really an anti-Semite”
If i told you that dribble Bob, it would be like saying: “Bob i am sorry if i have offended you by saying some things you did not expect and you did not feel comfortable with”.
I expect you to know bloody well what what i mean!
I respect you Bob and i have faith that you are a real man and WILL get the drift my lingo!
And i am bloody well not going to capitalize my i’s!
It is called resistance and persistance!
#7 by Shari on 05/06/2006 - 5:17 pm
I think I understand what PeterGene is saying, at least a bit. That we are being lied to and manipulated by a jewish point of view rather than a black etc. point of view?? Also what does lol mean?