Archive for May 5th, 2006


Dennis is exactly right:

Letting the comment slide off you, like water off a ducks back is the best response.

When I get that label, all I do is simply restate my intention to just look after my own race. Get called it again? Just restate your reason.

You don’t have to accept or deny it, just learn to ignore it. They call you racist to shut you up. By calling you racist they intend to disrupt your train of thought and make you abandon your ideas.

Just keep on going. You are right, and that is all you need to know. If they call you a racist a third time, then just ask why they are against you looking after your own race?
They accuse you a fourth, then ask what they have against white people.

When you are taken aback by the comment, when you modify your thoughts or speech, they win. When you try to avoid the label, they win.
When you react in any way. They win. The term “Racist” isn’t a point, or a fact, its a psychological weapon.

Comment by Dennis


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