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British National Party Breakthrough

Posted by Bob on May 6th, 2006 under History

I thought Blog readers would like htis update on the British local elections and my poking fun at the whiners:

From the BNP website cited below:

“A total of 233,437 votes (excluding the two disputed wards) was cast in favour of BNP candidates which across the 352 wards gives us an England national average of 18.1%, this is based on the individual candidate’ votes. Please note that in some wards on our list of results up to three councillors were up for election which alters the party’s percentage in those wards.”

The very idea of hte BNP getting 18.1% of the vote may cause some of our “All IS Lost!” members to cut their wrists, so let me say what they would have said.

The BNP contested in promising area, so their receiving 18.1% of the national vote right now is overstated.

The “All is Lost!” crowd can take comfort in believing that every single vote the BNP could possibly receive was in the contested areas.

This will help you ignore the fact that the immovable dominance of the major parties in Britain, even stronger than in the US, has been shaken to its foundations.

And that 18.1% means that 81.9% of Britons are still satisfied with the collapse they see around them.

So don’t commit Supuku yet, whiners. There is still plenty to whine about.

Originally Posted by YearningForFreedom
The BNP site is back up and stocked with fresh information.

  1. #1 by PeterGene Budarick on 05/06/2006 - 8:33 pm

    I noticed it on the JewTube.

    I have lived and worked in England and i like the English people and the Irish and Scots too.

    It was a very encouraging outcome.

    I was even thinking of celebrating but then i sobered up and realized the power that the NOW Jews have.

    Now my point is that we should not cave in to their power and be feeling pessimistic, alarmistic and defeatistic. That is NOT why i said it!

    We should understand our enemy clearly.

    There is not a race problem!

    There is a Jew problem!

    If i am bloody wrong than by God i wish some one would point that out to me.

  2. #2 by kane on 05/06/2006 - 9:18 pm

    Good effort. And for America, I do believe that a well-organized third party effort, while it may not put many people in office, would at least cause the democrats and republicans to rethink their positions and alter the strategy of the game of ping-pong that they play.

  3. #3 by kane on 05/09/2006 - 10:02 pm

    Though, of course I support the right of every nation to have pride and border integrity and am glad when another nation does this such as Britian here, John Bradshaw Layfield, a professional wrestler gave me a new word to describe europeans, they are our stepsons. Forebearers my *ss.

    Of course if some european responds, I can take whatever I can dish.

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